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  1. Question for spinning instructors..
  2. October 8 and 9 rides
  3. Sitbones - ouch!
  4. Bad fall
  5. TE meet up in the UK?
  6. Full Finger Gloves & Numbness
  7. 5 Tarantulas
  8. Trek 720
  9. How to open a Masterlock U-Lock!!!
  10. Encounter with military impostor on yesterday's ride, plus ride videos
  11. New Bike Porn - Finally got a picture
  12. Very interesting. . . .
  13. Antelopes on the course
  14. Proviz Launches it's New Website
  15. Calf muscle cramping up
  16. How proud am I...
  17. Cracked frame(?)
  18. Decisions, Decisions...
  19. Cadence Question
  20. Guessing car-free & cycling- he was right
  21. Sizing for Garneau T-Flex 300 shoes?
  22. Get off the road!
  23. Still in shock
  24. october 15/16,2011 rides!
  25. october 15/16,2011 rides!
  26. Great Ride Today!
  27. My chain BROKE!
  28. Anyone do the Seagull?
  29. "With My Own Two Wheels"
  30. BikeBrightZ - Anyone use these?
  31. Harlequin Style Bar Taping
  32. October 22/23,2011 rides!
  33. Tall riders and WSD fit?
  34. Talk rolling distance to me
  35. If I Ride...beautiful poem, video
  36. Fitting it in
  37. Interesting Blog: The Economics of Bike Lanes – How can John Cassidy get it so wrong
  38. Phase I of new path in Northfield Township opens
  39. Recognition.....
  40. Ride at work!
  41. Does anyone own a Scott Contessa??
  42. This biking shopping is driving me mad :)
  43. Okay, now THIS is funny...Sperm Bike???
  44. Difference between Crossroad and Crosstrail
  45. Hit 25 miles today!
  46. 16 Girls, 1 Bike
  47. Cyclists are stupid, dangerous, irresponsible, and rude.
  48. Who says road bikes can't do that??
  49. Cinders is finally done (well almost!)
  50. Trek Recall
  51. I did it! I ordered my first bike!!
  52. Jelly Core
  53. Rides weekend Oct 29/30
  54. Thanks, Susan and Jeff
  55. Anyone here ride a Seven titanium bike?
  56. Halloween Rides, Anyone?
  57. Bike update: reflectors and an expensive bell
  58. Devil Mountain Dummy: Redux
  59. For Sale: 2010 Santa Cruz Juliana
  60. Squeaky seat post
  61. good Christmas presents?
  62. Hey Florida Folks
  63. Fixie, fixie, fixie...
  64. Bike computer setting
  65. November 4 rides
  66. I have survived the Iceman!
  67. Advice?
  68. Uh oh, an expensive problem
  69. Need some cool bike rack ideas!
  70. Love this Blog Post at Nerd Fitness
  71. Added Color to my New Bike....
  72. Advocating cycling (another blog post)
  73. Woman tracks down stolen bike, steals if back
  74. Aluminum Bolt-on or Quick release wheels?
  75. Surprised on my birthday!!
  76. Proposed law to force cyclists off roads on federal land
  77. More pleasant?:Seeing your city/area by bike.
  78. New clipless shoes and pedals...but....
  79. Road Bike Find
  80. November 12/13 rides
  81. Possibly Stupid Questions re Rock'n'Roll Marathon Bike Tour
  82. New bike....FINALLY!
  83. Snow bikes
  84. grippiness of tire/(tyre)?
  85. Scary and Bizarre ride home this evening
  86. Trike riders?
  87. Ski/Snowboard Goggles for Cycling?
  88. Orbea Dama/Diva Sizing Help
  89. My New Salsa Fargo
  90. dogs on bike trail
  91. Global response: cycling conference
  92. Trainer purchase - Travel Trac?
  93. Sidi Genius 4 soles and SPD mtb cleats
  94. Community Blogger
  95. Shoe recommendations
  96. CycleOps Customer Service?
  97. Do most LBS's have big sales on Black Friday?
  98. A bit of snow- getting a tad more whimpy
  99. A New Face or a New Bike?
  100. November 19/20 rides
  101. Dude, that's so not your bike
  102. Putting my new Bike Friday Pocket Companion to the test on steep hills (pics & video)
  103. Giant Dash - anyone ride or anyone tried this bike?
  104. Solid color bike lanes in LA
  105. Night Lights for Bicycling
  106. Thanksgiving Plans
  107. Spinervals Challenge
  108. Recycling a Bike Frame
  109. Thanksgiving Rides Planned?
  110. From paralympian to Rabobank women's team
  111. Climbing the steepest streets in San Francisco on a folding bike
  112. DVDs
  113. Help me choose
  114. Sucked in...
  115. Trainers?
  116. Operation Bicycle
  117. Decision made - new bike on way!
  118. Trolls!
  119. Options to get daughter (in England) set up for touring?
  120. 2nd scariest bike ride
  121. Carbon Fiber Frames
  122. How do you carry the basics? Lock, purse etc
  123. Found a free bike...need input.
  124. TE December Indoor Cycling Challenge
  125. Shoe Covers
  126. I have a saddle sore :(
  127. Scratch-n-Dent sale at TE warehouse!
  128. Rats!
  129. ActionWipes are on Sale
  130. Night Riding
  131. Another reason I'm so passionate about cycling
  132. Need Ideas For Cold Feet
  133. Join Madei's Adventure
  134. Surly Pacer question
  135. My first-ever broken spoke
  136. Blue Ridge Parkway management plan
  137. She's here! My new Vita
  138. Asking for a sponsorship for racing
  139. Rides Dec. 10th
  140. How cold is too cold?
  141. chemical warmers
  142. Looking for feedback on HED wheelsets
  143. Santa Came Early This Year!
  144. DC's cycling gender gap
  145. Cycling and education
  146. Help with stem angle/length
  147. gear related victory...kinda girly.....
  148. Women Cyclists - why we matter!
  149. Need help from any Campy riders...
  150. Rides Sunday, December 18?
  151. Getting a bike stand -- who has one?
  152. I think I found the perfect bike for my daughter!
  153. Bike abandonment
  154. Greenway rides
  155. Training for hills when you don't have them.
  156. Cycling Explained
  157. Uninspired on goals
  158. Christmas Vacation week rides
  159. Saddle for outside bike
  160. Santa Came Just a Little Early
  161. Ohio Gran Fondo
  162. Interest in continuing the indoor challenge?
  163. Organized/supported bike tour suggestions?
  164. Pics Of New (Last Spring) Bike ... Finally!
  165. I set up my new trainer by myself!
  166. Is it true nobody makes triple cranksets anymore?
  167. 2012 Goals - Cycling and Fitness
  168. Anyone else a size 12 shoe?
  169. Portland, Oregon Memorial Weekend Race
  170. first ride of the year!!
  171. Broken spoke
  172. January Indoor Challenge
  173. Fat Cyclist: Comedian Mastermind
  174. Fitness-Friendly Cell Phone Cases
  175. Barbie gets knees! And real feet! So she can RIDE.
  176. Coldest Ride of the Year!
  177. Anyone willing to look over my training plan?
  178. Vacation shows the NEED for a bike
  179. Seatpost height--whoa!
  180. Zen proverb on bicycling
  181. Georgena Terry
  182. Frog cleats
  183. It's 44 and sunny...
  184. Cycling on tv in the US: ch ch ch changes
  185. New Bike - It's here!
  186. anyone ride fixed gear?
  187. power meter making me feel so stupid!!!
  188. It's my birthday, I'll bike if I want to
  189. It's the playoffs, the streets are ours. Is anyone taking advantage?
  190. I raced in my first Crit!!
  191. Completed first 200 k brevet- with extended "travelogue"
  192. Scared To Ride
  193. Bike navigation with an Android phone
  194. Info cards!
  195. New (experimental) bike lights!
  196. Di2 & Madone review
  197. Jens Voight is Just So Darned Cool
  198. What hubset to use with SRAM Red?
  199. Motivation...
  200. Clipless - I survived!
  201. Lightly Packed Snow -- Techniques?
  202. When Trek did move manufacturing to China?
  203. Racks and Luggage for Folders?
  204. Another scenic ride in the Sierra foothills/mountains (pics & video)
  205. Saddle nose comparison help
  206. Overtraining and recovery
  207. A Cold Ride
  208. Indoor Spin/Exercise Bike?
  209. New Bike - But Need Opinions
  210. Amazing event
  211. Happening right now!
  212. Speedplay sprinting?
  213. Fit issue
  214. Two question: Look pedal float and pedaling out of the saddle
  215. Manage Your Depression Through Exercise
  216. Sometimes less is more...
  217. Saddle Fit
  218. S*** cyclists say
  219. Road vibration
  220. Rode my new Synapse today -- ahhhh!
  221. More deficient?: cycling lifestyle
  222. universal truths of cyling
  223. Saudi women don't cycle
  224. weather and beat up dogs
  225. exploding tire
  226. New Bike!
  227. Cool online live interview happening tonight
  228. bike recall
  229. Call to action
  230. Drop Bars On A Mountain Bike?
  231. Alternate to Straight Handlebars?
  232. Seems less choice: narrow mountain bike shoes
  233. Need Advice: Sidi Doms or Genisis 5???
  234. Where do you find your bike accessories?
  235. Need advice: custom build or not
  236. Janaury 28-29 rides
  237. Closest to cycling chic & why I can't get into cycling chic
  238. re vamp of a credit card add
  239. Trainer question
  240. Ultra Gatorskins
  241. Commenters on news stories
  242. February Fitness Challenge
  243. Messy Ride
  244. Public work stand
  245. Broken Bike Shop Model?
  246. Was anyone else at La Vuelta?
  247. go red 2/3/12
  248. So p@&&ed at LBS
  249. Feb 3rd rides
  250. How to find balance