- Lack of interest: cycling races
- Cycling shorts that don't feel like Depends?
- Bike share: a day in the life of one Citibike
- Cycling Shorts
- Robin Williams, we lost one of ours
- Why would they do this? The Dolce geometry has changed.
- which helmet color makes you "feel" the fastest/greatest/happiest?
- A Disabled Rider Whose Legs are Paralyzed on the Trail Today WOW!!!
- Ugh, My Chain Came Off During My Ride Today!
- Advocacy Advice Needed - Bad Road Design Coming
- Conspicuous spending on bikes
- pithy typically Texas sentiment/sign from the road ride
- Older women riders?
- How many of these rules have you broken?
- 2015 Specialized Amira Expert and Amira Comp
- What a great idea!
- Vuelta a España 2014
- Overnight bike touring
- Bike Fit and Bike Handling
- Where Else Can I put my Garmin and my HRM where they will work but I can't see them.
- Do female-specific bikes really make the difference?
- Interbike! already...
- Indelicate questions about chammy cream (total TMI here, be warned)
- Cyclist made my day
- Say do you remember...cycling in September
- Such inspiring women
- Recommendations for rear (not hitch) mounted bike carrier for hatchback?
- October Bicycling Magazine
- School Project
- Internal hub or derailleur for beach bike?
- E-Bikes thoughts, comments?
- Is this feasible, or maybe just a dumb idea?
- Help! Nipple show-through
- Any opinions on Trek Crossrip vs Surley Cross Check?
- "You're REALLY good at that"
- Speaking of E-Bikes
- What to price my road bike for
- University Survey - Please help.
- Bicycling in questionable neighborhood
- Back on the bike
- disc brakes
- Passing articulated buses
- New Kickstarter Project
- Women's Cycling apparel - Survey, please help!
- Amazing Danny Macaskill video mountain biking on the Isle of Skye
- Mountain bike/commuter cycling shoes harder to find
- Roctober Rides
- Why fewer women than men cycle in the US
- spinning
- Rude?
- Competitive Cyclist -- do I have reason to be concerned?
- What bike for the Hiawatha trail (dirt/gravel)
- My partner in cycling, also when partner goes on long solo cycling trips
- Riding w/o a helmet
- Just Irate!!
- My doofus move this weekend...
- Is cycling in the rain wrecking my ride?
- Keep an eye out for "art" in the parks
- What precautions do you take to keep your bike from being stolen?
- Where to buy stickers for road bike
- November Rides
- Protect pedestrians and bikes from cars -- an op-ed from the NY Daily News
- How would you like to go THAT fast!
- Buy or ship my own bike?
- Don't drink and bike
- Has anyone tried Cycling Escapes (or other supported bike trip companies)?
- Anger of clean athletes
- I need lower gears 4 hills on my road bike
- Velodrome cycling-who has done it?
- Cellphone ban for cyclists
- Who will win the race? Pro cyclist woman or ex-hockey player?
- Addiction: Cycling as a highly sensory, visually ever-changing experience
- Have you seen my mojo?
- El Tour de Tucson 2014 much better than 2013
- VeloPro
- December rides
- Forum Maintenance
- Has anyone used the new speed/cadence sensors for Garmin...?
- Ballet-BMX cycling duet: Sugar plum fairy
- Gift idea for the fat-biker in your life...
- Been away from TE for awhile!
- Calculating wheel circumference for Trainer Road
- Heart Rate Monitors - How To Choose
- Risky, Riskier and Riskiest...riding when it's frosty?
- 5-10 shoes for flat pedals
- Please Help Me Choose My New Multi-Purpose Bike
- Yet another article about cycling and aging
- I got a trainer!
- January rides? Anyone?
- Jones H-Bars
- ride?
- Mavic wheels, weird skewer and an indoor trainer
- 128 miles yesterday- finished my third 200k brevet
- California PSA on Giving Cyclists "Three Feet"
- february rides
- I think I'm back on track
- Brake levers on bar tops?
- New website about women's racing
- Sella Saddles - Still feelin the love?
- Feb 13-winter cycling day internationally
- twisted Brooks nose...need help
- Bike Build - Triple or Compact?
- Adaptive Bicycle for Brother with Cerebral Palsy
- Cycling With Thyroid Issues?
- Adventure Cycling free membership offer
- March cycling: In like the Lion of Flanders, out like...?
- Now it's easier to air up those tires!
- Women's heavy cruiser bikes: ever recommended them?
- Just signed up for D2R2 this summer!
- Am I overreacting?
- Women racers of Afghanistan
- Book: The Dutch & Their Bikes
- Cycling on edge of rock cliff face
- I thought I would give up cycling . . so I haven't been around
- Fastest woman around the globe
- 3/19/15--high quality stolen bikes found in Seattle.
- "nekkid" ride first day of spring
- Lane Control Survey
- Strava routes that are artistic
- personal safety & signed bike routes in residential neighbourhoods
- best saddle for flat-bar hybrid?
- April Rides
- A quick shout out to Surly
- Ruby Ezpert 2010
- hubless bike
- ISM Adamo saddle ?
- Earn Credit $ for Riding
- The door zone, and riding too far to the right
- I'm back!
- paerfect
- Trek Bicycles is recalling nearly 1 million bikes for a safety issue
- Triple A offers Roadside Assistance to Cyclists?!?!?!?!?!
- What heart rate monitor do you use?
- I'm going to pick up my new bike today. So what's with the white stuff?
- Cargo bikes
- Organizing a women's bike ride -- help me decide between two options!
- Specialized Ruby - converted from original
- Rivet vs. Selle An-Atomica--how much difference?
- May Rides
- Boston: Looking for medium-paced riding friends
- Please help me buy the right bicycle for my daughter.
- Wheel recommendations
- Amanda Batty Leaving Pinkbike
- Endur-it Chamois Cream
- there is time and a place for a Huffy
- This is somewhat normal behavior, right?
- Anxiously awaiting my new 2015 specialized Ruby Expert. Where to find one??
- 1st aid kits on bikes are so useful!
- For anyone who thinks their bike collection is complete...
- I need this bike
- Camelbak care question
- Well, My Summer's Over
- Raam 2015
- june adventures on a bike....
- How much of a difference does a bike upgrade actually make?
- Ladies, any opinions on this?
- Cyclists inspiring /motivating others
- Cycling adventures in and around Cambridge UK
- Looking for a new mountain bike
- Noise Issue - Cyclops Fluid 2 in my apartment
- Liv Flourish 1 or 2 - Available in USA?
- 650C vs 700c gearing
- Road Cyclist - Camelbak?
- 3 feet or else: Chattanooga police use ultrasound technology to enforce law
- First trailer for the new Lance Armstrong biopic called 'The Program'
- Road Bike Survey - Win a GoPro Hero 4 Black
- Helmet shopping!
- Carmen Small will race men's North Star Grand Prix with Team Elbowz
- You never know your own ripples
- summer has officially started
- Study: Helmets do not degrade with age and use
- Ina Teutenberg's road to recovery
- Martyn Ashton rides again
- July riding
- 11 speed question
- Fighting the Citi Bike gender gap
- Online bike shopping is so much fun
- Bike improvement weekend!
- Riding in differnt countries
- Cycling inspires my 5 senses-last quarter century
- Article - Sabotage and hatred: what have people got against cyclists?
- Exercises
- Any other TE people doing D2R2 this year?
- Where do your bikes live, and how do you store them?
- Lots of cycling firsts for me this week!
- riding through the days of August
- Better to be innocent instead of freaked out?
- Hail, thunder/lightning & windstorm- glad to avoid
- Lycra Hybrid Faux Pas!?
- 2016 Liv Flourish 2 Available In US This Fall
- Fat Shaming
- USA Pro Challenge
- Emmeline Dugot retires.... beautiful photo
- Brought our Bike Fridays to Mexico -- Success!
- Bike insurance?
- Bike fitting questions
- Bike gymnastics
- Best recovery tips?
- Hello and is yahyago.com too good to be true?
- Different bike fit for total knee replacement?
- September Rides
- More Adult Cyclists = More Injury/Death
- SAG driver
- Oops I did it again! (new bike)
- Good to be back!
- My grown son is discovering the joy of cycling :)
- What do you want at the rest stop?
- World Championships Richmond
- Sockgate, anyone?
- Nature Lover with Diabetes?
- hostile attitude toward cyclist in rural Oregon
- The pact - from Pearl Izumi
- My road trip - Memphis, Tupelo and Nasvhille
- Aluminum vs Carbon Vs Composite
- Advice on well-padded gloves?
- Rider to Rider Communication via Bluetooth
- Sore down below
- Dolomites 2015 photos
- Headlight suggestions
- October Rides
- on my way to Moab, Utah
- Who has the right of way where trails meet roads? It depends
- Wierd fitness
- Bad cue sheets
- Really, Colnago?
- Winter indoor training has started
- november rides....outside and inside
- Cultivating a new riding partner...
- Cycling paths and bike rentals Tucson Az
- Anyone been on Zwift yet? (The virtual reality multiplayer platform for the trainer)
- Afghan women striving to compete.
- Go See Phoebes Father; New Indie film set in the Seattle Cycling Scene.
- Opinions…reasonable commute distance?
- Hubby looking for advice on buying the most amazing women in the world a TT tri bike.
- Hey Everyone!
- misc
- Welp, looks like I'm buying ANOTHER bike
- Happy 100th birthday, Billie Fleming
- Winter Riding Thread (December-February) Outside and Inside
- Still Commuting at 70!
- Ring Those Rusty Bells
- Dogs on Bicycles
- Local winter bike ride-- on road, etc.
- Chemical toe warmers, anyone?
- To keep volunteering or to quit?
- Concussion denial: in mixed marital art (or UFC) fighting like bike helmet debate?
- Website for tracking bike rides?
- Show us your gifts!
- disc vs v-brakes
- Cycling the Dolomites--and feedback on my FAQ?