View Full Version : New Riders

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  1. What is the best way to try out mountain biking?
  2. Best way to upgrade ride?
  3. glove question
  4. Hello from Milwaukee!
  5. Can't decide on a bike
  6. I'm baaaack!
  7. Newbie here
  8. Tire Inflation & Rider Weight
  9. Anti-Friction Creams
  10. Newbie... Riding Anxiety?
  11. new to clipless - what not to do! (long)
  12. New to cycling... can I run too? my 1st post!
  13. Ok, you guys.
  14. Newbie
  15. Adjustments on a new bike...
  16. Time For A Real Road Bike......
  17. down hill scardy pants
  18. I need help deciding between three bicycles.
  19. Hot crotch in saddle
  20. Lesson learned, make sure I eat before I ride!
  21. Hi!!
  22. Not quite newbie, not quite club
  23. Just got my road bike....last week...chain issues...
  24. Newbie Here...
  25. decision...to get a triple or compact double
  26. Explain Cassette Gearing
  27. Newbie from AZ
  28. newbiie here xD
  29. BF is new to cycling
  30. Newbie: from cocky to petrified..
  31. Kind of strange question, lol
  32. Need road bike fit help - I'm getting desperate!
  33. Help me come up with a ballpark idea of roadbike frame size for me
  34. Seat bag rubbing thighs
  35. 'Brake cable lug on forks removed' on new BMX - a problem?...
  36. Dirt jumping vs BMX vs MTB
  37. Help me decide whether to take this used roadbike?
  38. Help! Which bike should I buy?
  39. I Rode In Freezing Rain!!!
  40. I finally got a road bike!!!
  41. helping adult to re-learn
  42. Tarnish on Brooks Copper Rivets :(
  43. I am new to all sport/cycling life!
  44. Intro and question about Turns/Cornering
  45. Making the best of it.
  46. is my seat too high?
  47. Brakes, or Why can't I use them?
  48. century ride
  49. I've had my hybrid just over a month.. already want a road bike!
  50. Saddle - how do know if it fits?
  51. Noob intro :)
  52. cold/rain gear?
  53. Sit Bone Pain, how long does it last? -- New to Cycling
  54. Finally I'm cycling!!!!
  55. How much tire pressure?
  56. New Rear Cassette (Larger)
  57. New to Road Cycling need advice
  58. New to Mt Biking Brisbane
  59. Help me figure out how NOT to do the following...
  60. been away for a while
  61. Yet another "what bike should I get" post
  62. have never pumped a tire properly. HELP
  63. Can I ride 20 miles when I've been only riding 10?
  64. New rider here...Hello!
  65. First 50 in a very long time... and some petty questions
  66. Bad habit of not finishing what I start
  67. Cycling shoes
  68. In regards to the tire pumping thread
  69. Reviews help for Felt/Cervelo
  70. How do you get your DH/SO interested in riding with you?
  71. Shopping for a decent hybrid - Giant, Kona?
  72. Username change
  73. My first....
  74. MTB shoe for narrow feet - shop in Denver?
  75. new rider and kinda scared
  76. First ride
  77. cheap cycle storage
  78. help with going clipless
  79. Bike sizing...long arms?
  80. Toe Clips or Power Grips
  81. Trek hybrid bike size
  82. New to road bikes!
  83. clueless
  84. What type of bicycle should I get?
  85. What to wear??
  86. Newbie wannabe
  87. First Crash .... ouchie
  88. Conquered the Hill
  89. Another New Girl!
  90. Arm signals while braking
  91. ...and another one!
  92. Newbie who is Very Sore
  93. From Mountain Biking to Road Biking
  94. Clipping in/out
  95. Endorphine High!!
  96. Slow......
  97. Going bike shopping
  98. Feminine discomforts
  99. Bad Back and New Rider! Help!
  100. shorts or saddle or both
  101. Another newb!
  102. Why should my feet be attached to the pedals?
  103. how do you know if you have long arms?
  104. Well, I did it! (long)
  105. Another NewB
  106. Failing miserably at pumping tires
  107. New But Loving It...how many miles do you average each ride?
  108. New to Cycling!
  109. Average miles?
  110. Day 2
  111. Shoulder/neck pain
  112. Day 3&4 with observations (long)
  113. another new rider
  114. Pedal types
  115. Lights
  116. Choosing an bike shop
  117. Riding with toddler on your bike
  118. Should I really avoid entry level road bikes?
  119. Another "What Shoes/What Pedals" Question
  120. Just wanted to say HI!
  121. Invited to a really long ride!! Advice needed!
  122. Building up my miles
  123. building up *my* miles too!
  124. Last Night's Triumph -- a tad long.
  125. Giant Boulder?
  126. Larger rider looking for new bike
  127. Notes to myself
  128. Indoor trainer advice?
  129. What is a "long torso," exactly?
  130. So I might as well be a new rider...
  131. To be a flat tire or not to be a flat tire....
  132. I can't believe I did this...
  133. yet another ridiculous pump issue.
  134. newbie from des moines.
  135. First 10 mile ride
  136. trying to start all over again
  137. Different Training Rides?
  138. Training and listening to the body
  139. picking out a bike . . .
  140. Bicycle Gizmos
  141. Mental hurdles after a bike/car wreck
  142. What exactly ARE aerobars?
  143. Potential new rider?
  144. Talk me through....
  145. Obsessed...
  146. Thank you!
  147. Really proud of myself! (Add yours!)
  148. Another beginner with a bunch of questions
  149. Compact Gear, Big ring vs Little ring
  150. Sore from workout ~ should I ride?
  151. Ms. Coordinated Here. Falling with Clipless Pedals
  152. I'm so happy!
  153. First trip to the LBS - and a question!
  154. Rode my first road bike today
  155. Hello!
  156. desperately seeking riding buddies in PDX!
  157. Weird pains not sure what happened
  158. first road bike - shopping question (try before buy)
  159. need opinions about "stand over height"
  160. when is electorlyte replacement needed
  161. Oh happy day! Progress!
  162. Does Road Riding Ever Get Less Stressful?
  163. Nashbar Al-1 Road Bike?
  164. embarassingly stupid question
  165. I'm such a dork....
  166. Got a bike, now what?
  167. what to wear, oh what to wear
  168. Help with indoor trainer
  169. Today I used my GLUTES instead of my granny gear!
  170. oh baby, I got me a new shiny bike!
  171. Average Gal's First Time At Bat
  172. how long to "wear in" a new bike? (aka Help the saddle is hurting my girly bits!)
  173. Clothing question....road bike, cold weather
  174. Someone stole my Walmart bike - time for an upgrade!
  175. Hmmm, not as easy as I thought
  176. Confused About Cycling Shorts-Tights-Knickers.
  177. Avg cycling speed I should be shooting for
  178. From 3-speed beach cruiser to road bike!
  179. 500 miles (since July)
  180. Toe Clips & Exploding Tire
  181. Awesome local bike shop
  182. uh... inflating tires and pressure gauge...
  183. Just got a bike computer for my birthday...
  184. another stupid question from a newbie....
  185. Motivation to Ride
  186. "Half" shifting -- what and why?
  187. First group ride this morning--awesome!
  188. Seat height vs bar height?
  189. You know you're addicted to this cycling thing when...
  190. Steel road bikes, who has one?
  191. Trouble sleeping after ride
  192. Opinions/Suggestions on my First Road Bike
  193. should I take both pairs of glasses?
  194. Tomorrow's my first organized ride!!
  195. Do clipless pedals make that much of a difference?
  196. its a Monday
  197. Clipless pedals and knee issues
  198. Bike fitting
  199. New and Full of Questions
  200. New to clipless and question about type...
  201. Well no wonder I couldn't make it up that hill...
  202. Freezing out my throat and nose, HELP!
  203. Winter Fitness Plan?
  204. Hello Ladies
  205. Building Cadence.....
  206. My first Race!!( sort of)
  207. Kid's bike
  208. My First Group Ride Experience
  209. Serious toe pain!!
  210. New Here
  211. Couch (well, gym) to 20-Miler in 4 Weeks: Realistic?
  212. Any thoughts on trek wsd fx 7.5?
  213. New to the forum-intro
  214. First ride on my new bike!
  215. Runner- New to Biking
  216. Got my first road bike!!
  217. greetings
  218. New on board
  219. How many miles do you ride?
  220. Help!! need advice on buying a bike
  221. Upgrade
  222. Just got my bike 2 days ago! Help with clothing!?
  223. Falling Down
  224. My revelation.."Do I fit in here?"
  225. "Thank you, thank you, thank you.Giant hugs for all!"
  226. Complete Road Bike Newbie...
  227. New Bike for Tall Plus-Size Woman?
  228. New to the board--just wanted to say hi
  229. Hi! New to the board!
  230. Kickstand or no?
  231. Feeling like a clipless idiot!
  232. Photos of Caprice and Granddaughter!
  233. I'm new...please be gentle
  234. Winter Storage for my bike....
  235. How many days a week do you ride?
  236. Differences betweek Trek FX Bikes
  237. Total Cycling Newbie
  238. How, exactly, do we develop bike butt?
  239. Lost my cycling mojo
  240. Hybrid vs Flatbar Road Bike
  241. You guys are so great for my self-esteem!
  242. Just got my first road bike!!
  243. Training question
  244. shoes and racks
  245. Just ordered my very first bike!
  246. my first bike.... EVER
  247. Shoes....
  248. Broken runner turned cyclist?
  249. Hand position question
  250. Bike Rack question