View Full Version : New Riders
Pages :
- What is the best way to try out mountain biking?
- Best way to upgrade ride?
- glove question
- Hello from Milwaukee!
- Can't decide on a bike
- I'm baaaack!
- Newbie here
- Tire Inflation & Rider Weight
- Anti-Friction Creams
- Newbie... Riding Anxiety?
- new to clipless - what not to do! (long)
- New to cycling... can I run too? my 1st post!
- Ok, you guys.
- Newbie
- Adjustments on a new bike...
- Time For A Real Road Bike......
- down hill scardy pants
- I need help deciding between three bicycles.
- Hot crotch in saddle
- Lesson learned, make sure I eat before I ride!
- Hi!!
- Not quite newbie, not quite club
- Just got my road bike....last week...chain issues...
- Newbie Here...
- get a triple or compact double
- Explain Cassette Gearing
- Newbie from AZ
- newbiie here xD
- BF is new to cycling
- Newbie: from cocky to petrified..
- Kind of strange question, lol
- Need road bike fit help - I'm getting desperate!
- Help me come up with a ballpark idea of roadbike frame size for me
- Seat bag rubbing thighs
- 'Brake cable lug on forks removed' on new BMX - a problem?...
- Dirt jumping vs BMX vs MTB
- Help me decide whether to take this used roadbike?
- Help! Which bike should I buy?
- I Rode In Freezing Rain!!!
- I finally got a road bike!!!
- helping adult to re-learn
- Tarnish on Brooks Copper Rivets :(
- I am new to all sport/cycling life!
- Intro and question about Turns/Cornering
- Making the best of it.
- is my seat too high?
- Brakes, or Why can't I use them?
- century ride
- I've had my hybrid just over a month.. already want a road bike!
- Saddle - how do know if it fits?
- Noob intro :)
- cold/rain gear?
- Sit Bone Pain, how long does it last? -- New to Cycling
- Finally I'm cycling!!!!
- How much tire pressure?
- New Rear Cassette (Larger)
- New to Road Cycling need advice
- New to Mt Biking Brisbane
- Help me figure out how NOT to do the following...
- been away for a while
- Yet another "what bike should I get" post
- have never pumped a tire properly. HELP
- Can I ride 20 miles when I've been only riding 10?
- New rider here...Hello!
- First 50 in a very long time... and some petty questions
- Bad habit of not finishing what I start
- Cycling shoes
- In regards to the tire pumping thread
- Reviews help for Felt/Cervelo
- How do you get your DH/SO interested in riding with you?
- Shopping for a decent hybrid - Giant, Kona?
- Username change
- My first....
- MTB shoe for narrow feet - shop in Denver?
- new rider and kinda scared
- First ride
- cheap cycle storage
- help with going clipless
- Bike sizing...long arms?
- Toe Clips or Power Grips
- Trek hybrid bike size
- New to road bikes!
- clueless
- What type of bicycle should I get?
- What to wear??
- Newbie wannabe
- First Crash .... ouchie
- Conquered the Hill
- Another New Girl!
- Arm signals while braking
- ...and another one!
- Newbie who is Very Sore
- From Mountain Biking to Road Biking
- Clipping in/out
- Endorphine High!!
- Slow......
- Going bike shopping
- Feminine discomforts
- Bad Back and New Rider! Help!
- shorts or saddle or both
- Another newb!
- Why should my feet be attached to the pedals?
- how do you know if you have long arms?
- Well, I did it! (long)
- Another NewB
- Failing miserably at pumping tires
- New But Loving many miles do you average each ride?
- New to Cycling!
- Average miles?
- Day 2
- Shoulder/neck pain
- Day 3&4 with observations (long)
- another new rider
- Pedal types
- Lights
- Choosing an bike shop
- Riding with toddler on your bike
- Should I really avoid entry level road bikes?
- Another "What Shoes/What Pedals" Question
- Just wanted to say HI!
- Invited to a really long ride!! Advice needed!
- Building up my miles
- building up *my* miles too!
- Last Night's Triumph -- a tad long.
- Giant Boulder?
- Larger rider looking for new bike
- Notes to myself
- Indoor trainer advice?
- What is a "long torso," exactly?
- So I might as well be a new rider...
- To be a flat tire or not to be a flat tire....
- I can't believe I did this...
- yet another ridiculous pump issue.
- newbie from des moines.
- First 10 mile ride
- trying to start all over again
- Different Training Rides?
- Training and listening to the body
- picking out a bike . . .
- Bicycle Gizmos
- Mental hurdles after a bike/car wreck
- What exactly ARE aerobars?
- Potential new rider?
- Talk me through....
- Obsessed...
- Thank you!
- Really proud of myself! (Add yours!)
- Another beginner with a bunch of questions
- Compact Gear, Big ring vs Little ring
- Sore from workout ~ should I ride?
- Ms. Coordinated Here. Falling with Clipless Pedals
- I'm so happy!
- First trip to the LBS - and a question!
- Rode my first road bike today
- Hello!
- desperately seeking riding buddies in PDX!
- Weird pains not sure what happened
- first road bike - shopping question (try before buy)
- need opinions about "stand over height"
- when is electorlyte replacement needed
- Oh happy day! Progress!
- Does Road Riding Ever Get Less Stressful?
- Nashbar Al-1 Road Bike?
- embarassingly stupid question
- I'm such a dork....
- Got a bike, now what?
- what to wear, oh what to wear
- Help with indoor trainer
- Today I used my GLUTES instead of my granny gear!
- oh baby, I got me a new shiny bike!
- Average Gal's First Time At Bat
- how long to "wear in" a new bike? (aka Help the saddle is hurting my girly bits!)
- Clothing question....road bike, cold weather
- Someone stole my Walmart bike - time for an upgrade!
- Hmmm, not as easy as I thought
- Confused About Cycling Shorts-Tights-Knickers.
- Avg cycling speed I should be shooting for
- From 3-speed beach cruiser to road bike!
- 500 miles (since July)
- Toe Clips & Exploding Tire
- Awesome local bike shop
- uh... inflating tires and pressure gauge...
- Just got a bike computer for my birthday...
- another stupid question from a newbie....
- Motivation to Ride
- "Half" shifting -- what and why?
- First group ride this morning--awesome!
- Seat height vs bar height?
- You know you're addicted to this cycling thing when...
- Steel road bikes, who has one?
- Trouble sleeping after ride
- Opinions/Suggestions on my First Road Bike
- should I take both pairs of glasses?
- Tomorrow's my first organized ride!!
- Do clipless pedals make that much of a difference?
- its a Monday
- Clipless pedals and knee issues
- Bike fitting
- New and Full of Questions
- New to clipless and question about type...
- Well no wonder I couldn't make it up that hill...
- Freezing out my throat and nose, HELP!
- Winter Fitness Plan?
- Hello Ladies
- Building Cadence.....
- My first Race!!( sort of)
- Kid's bike
- My First Group Ride Experience
- Serious toe pain!!
- New Here
- Couch (well, gym) to 20-Miler in 4 Weeks: Realistic?
- Any thoughts on trek wsd fx 7.5?
- New to the forum-intro
- First ride on my new bike!
- Runner- New to Biking
- Got my first road bike!!
- greetings
- New on board
- How many miles do you ride?
- Help!! need advice on buying a bike
- Upgrade
- Just got my bike 2 days ago! Help with clothing!?
- Falling Down
- My revelation.."Do I fit in here?"
- "Thank you, thank you, thank you.Giant hugs for all!"
- Complete Road Bike Newbie...
- New Bike for Tall Plus-Size Woman?
- New to the board--just wanted to say hi
- Hi! New to the board!
- Kickstand or no?
- Feeling like a clipless idiot!
- Photos of Caprice and Granddaughter!
- I'm new...please be gentle
- Winter Storage for my bike....
- How many days a week do you ride?
- Differences betweek Trek FX Bikes
- Total Cycling Newbie
- How, exactly, do we develop bike butt?
- Lost my cycling mojo
- Hybrid vs Flatbar Road Bike
- You guys are so great for my self-esteem!
- Just got my first road bike!!
- Training question
- shoes and racks
- Just ordered my very first bike!
- my first bike.... EVER
- Shoes....
- Broken runner turned cyclist?
- Hand position question
- Bike Rack question
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