View Full Version : Health Issues
Pages :
- Great results with creams for hot flashes
- Released from Restrictions!
- Doubling up on iron supplements- anyone?
- tired legs
- Recovering from Hysterectomy
- IT Band ideas
- Thoracic Spine inflexibility
- Racing while pregnant?
- Eye's Cont'd:
- need leg stretching help
- Knees/ IT band again!
- Timing of taking thyroid medications
- Overuse Issue, Periformis Syndrome
- Back Issues Are Dumb
- waxing/shaving down there
- Gum graft procedure and healing process
- Clenching teeth?
- Oh good grief! OUCH!!
- Didn't know Celiac was a possibility
- Broken Right Wrist -- BTDT advice?
- Surviving menopause
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Hypermobility?
- 2 completely separate issues...but seeking advice
- How long to get your Mojo back after Hysterectomy?
- Dysthmia - moderate depression
- Grains and Nightshades
- Spending New Years in the hospital
- January...must be time for Physical Therapy again! (long)
- Stretching yes that's right stre--t--c---hhh
- To Scan or Not to Scan, that is the question :)
- Hip pain/stretching suggestions?
- The Biomat
- Torn hamstring
- Smashed finger...
- So tired of injuries!
- Being overweighed is expensive
- Had my carpal tunnel release yesterday....
- Cat allergy question
- Pain in muscle back of knee, in calf, when walking and riding
- Hip, hip...
- PT discovery -This makes no sense...
- bumps in my muscles
- lose weight fast on bike?
- Foot issue- do i need new shoes?
- Interesting article about fat, muscle and losing weight
- Really great article about injury
- Movie Fat, Sick and nearly Dead
- Hot flashes, etc. -post menopausal
- Painful Chafing in my Crotch
- Physical Therapy and shoulder...
- Perimenopause - Warning TMI!
- Women, fat distribution and menopause
- Right Shoulder Pain - Not sure what to do.
- Incontinence & running
- Getting hearing aids... peripherally related to cycling
- Shoes/feet/knees...bwuh?
- Injuries update (good news!)
- Thyroid problems in families
- Previously Perimenopause TMI - Now, The Results and options
- Diet Soda - I kicked the habit and am feeling like a new / younger woman <G>
- Heart Issues and Hyperthyroidism
- Low Blood Pressure Wierdness
- itchy down there
- Becoming a Supple Leopard review (long): Mobility/Stretching resource
- Sit bone pain
- More itchy down there and doctors results, have any of you used hormone creams?
- When I thought was in next phase of life
- Arm pain after riding
- Multi-day tour and pregnant?
- Ancestry and health DNA testing
- Saddle sore advice
- Doctor Frustration Rant
- My rosacea is "weird"
- Nerve impingement on the bike
- A not-so-simple bee sting...
- Menstrual-like cramps while riding
- Deltoid injury?
- LMT Certification
- Shin splints from cycling?????
- Tendonitis
- hypothyroid folks: timing of taking thyroid medication & late-night effort
- DeQuervain's tendonitis and thumb arthritis
- Headaches not related to helmet
- Fitness with thyroid malfunction
- Some answers...I hope!
- intersting article on saddle sores-
- Barnes myofascial release
- Seatpost that could help low back pain
- vertigo is taking me out big time
- Shoulder progress :)
- Blood Pressure...
- Has anyone had this type of hip flexor pain before?
- Experience with Tummy-Tuck anyone?
- Bleeaahhhh
- Cycling related overuse injuries
- Recovery from hysterectomy (likely uterine-only)?
- Ovarian cysts...experience?
- More hot flashes--is this nearly forever?
- Polymenorrhea aka too frequent menstruation
- Prometrium/oral-Progesterone Chat.
- slow speed crash 2 mo ago - side knee impact bump still
- Interesting visit to the PT
- Who knew?
- Great tips for mobilizing the hips!
- Oy! Post Op Muscle Pain
- Anyone tried Remifemin (black cohosh)?
- trokendi xr for migraine prevention
- Study on exercise and breast cancer
- synovisc?
- feeling defeated ughh...
- Cluster Headaches
- Neck problems and heat
- recent synovisc injection
- Shingles? what's that
- Cystitis from cycling??
- Neck....again. Sigh
- Encounter with a saddle sore, new saddle & suggestions from a female pro cyclist
- Hamstring/Calf love?
- Good news
- +1 on neck issues
- Mammogram call-back
- Pinched Nerve
- Advise Please - Coccyx
- hip pain
- Numb/ Tingly Toes!!
- routine colonoscopy prep.
- Uterine ablation anyone?
- Chemo Round Two
- Rethinking R.I.C.E.
- shift lever crippling hand!
- Done with chemo
- Wine as an antibacterial or how clutzy I am :)
- Dry Hand advice
- Cholesterol, what the?
- PSA - Ovarian Cancer
- Cancer rant
- Overian Pain or Intestinal Pain?
- Zinc oxide (diaper cream) for saddle sores --why?
- stupid injury, grrrr
- Donating Blood
- Dense breasts?
- BP after exercise?
- Health improvment by cycling.
- Going up a Hill and Getting Almost Debilitating Brain Pain!
- Please talk to be about Birth Control
- mental challenges/obstacle
- The Bike Hermit has Posion Ivy
- Is this just DOMS and should I be doing anything about it?
- Mammogram; Would you like fries with that, ma'am?
- Hip pain?
- Pain in my low back, wait no... pain in my butt
- Stunning difference in power R vs L
- Vulvar Varicosities & Bike Saddles - EEK!
- MCL tear and PT
- Neuroma's ugh
- Yet another thyroid thread
- Riding - and decreased sensation during sex (?)
- My body is falling apart! argh!
- One week down....
- Sometimes you can't win for...
- Great article on lumbo-pelvic stability
- Breast Cancer.
- most of us think of our own health but what about the kids (autism)
- Basal cell carcinoma
- Cleared
- Suddenly tailbone pain?
- Another thread on hot flashes: triggers
- My head injury
- Earplug sampler pack
- Vision Issues
- Knee Replacement
- Thumb arthritis
- autoimmune (thyroid) disorders and emotional stress?
- Cyst and freckles on the labia
- Physiotherapists are awesome
- Breast cyst
- SynviscOne
- Lipoma removal from breast
- Happy Monday: Broken nose and knee injury
- help - painful bump/cyst in groin from saddle :(
- Dermatologist or hand surgeon?
- E-cigarettes still dangerous
- Knee Brace marketing fail
- Sexual health: concerned about nerve damage
- First Saddle Sore of the 2015 Riding Season
- "Menopausal" symptoms causing issues with exercising
- Going to need gall bladder surgery
- Laryngitis - treatment?
- Really stupid injury
- Sleep & almost there
- Knee surgery
- More Menopause...
- Evening Primrose Oil
- Cycling and warfarin?
- Headache & Neck Pain
- hornet stings.
- Any TE riders with a fractured radius?
- anke pain
- Hip Flexor stretch that doesn't impact the knee?
- Foam roll or not to roll?
- Hysterectomy! OMG!!!
- Sore throat after surgery
- Allergic reaction? Cold sore? other?
- One more thing I don't need: is this sciataca?
- Return to normal walking?
- Danger of e-cigarettes
- Adjusting to Custom Orthotics-HELP!
- It's frustrating...
- Derotational osteotomy tomorrow morning
- Neck MRI results
- Vestibular migraine
- Cholesterol (again)
- Fracture of tibial plateau
- Mood swings
- Asthma *sigh*
- Trying to be patient...
- Why you shouldn't exercise to lose weight
- Ankle pain
- SI Joint/sleeping
- Hormone questions?
- What are the other options to replace a tooth?
- 3 things in 9 days...
- Becoming/being, disabled?
- Shoulder....Venting
- Panty Line Chafing
- The things you didn't want to know...
- Light box therapy
- For those with neck problems...(furniture)
- Pain in right side before and after running
- Which doctor?
- Knee Injury
- Shin Splints
- Scary...
- Ankle/foot area slightly swollen and tender. Wondering if it could be tendinitis...
- WOW!! my health insurance premium.
- Very Personal but how can one ride on a spin cycle or bicycle when . . .
- Knee replacement at two years...
- Ankle pain (OMG not again)
- My sensitive stomach
- optimism
- Allergy shots?
- AWOL energy: How to boost at 59?
- feeling just warmer in body
- Almost speechless...
- Saddle Soreness Issues
- Minimialist Style Cycling Shoe Insoles
- Quad/hip pain -- any ideas on the cause?
- arthroscopic hip bursectomy
- Hello
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