View Full Version : Almost speechless...

05-02-2017, 01:39 PM
I really shouldn't be shocked at what I learned today, but I am. Visited a second shoulder specialist on the torn shoulder and learned lots of things. I knew about all of the things torn in that shoulder, but this one showed me in the MRI. That wasn't the shocking bit.

I went to see him because my pain has been increasing and my function decreasing a bit. I assumed we would be scheduling my shoulder repair for the end of summer and so forth. What I learned is that most of my pain is NOT from my shoulder, but from my jacked cervical spine and is mainly neurological and radicular in nature . The new X-ray of my neck is much worse than even the one from a year ago - and he said that the neck has to be fixed before the shoulder. Apparently because of nerve root and other issues, if he attempts to fix the shoulder first it won't heal properly....

So a new MRI later this week, and I see the new spine specialist to whom he referred me on Monday. This isn't an emergency, and I hope to schedule this for the first of August. My body just needs to get over itself, wasn't multiple significant rotator cuff and biceps tendon tears enough? No...my neck became jealous and decided it was time for attention as well.

So, we will see how this all works out. On possible good news, I get some "gentle" neck traction Friday from a specialist PT that is supposed to give me some relief. Let's hope so....

Where do I sign up for a body transplant?

05-02-2017, 02:57 PM
Good lord! So sorry to hear about the newest un-fun things happening in your body.

I'm starting to think those people in my grandparents generation had it right, work when you need to, rest when you don't, no "exercise" beyond normal daily life, drop dead early of a heart attack... but all their parts were working. ;)

05-02-2017, 04:28 PM
I am so sorry Catrin. But I totally understand how you feel. I haven't called to get the results of my MRI, because I am pretending there is nothing really wrong.
Pax, I still don't want to drop dead of an early heart attack, though.

05-02-2017, 05:20 PM
Well, I can't blame the NECK problem on my former activities - that's pure arthritis and degenerative disk disease. There was that "little" mountain bike crash related whiplash in 2011 that woke it all up though... I can't say the same thing about the torn shoulder with 3 different tears (or is that 4...I lose count) If I wasn't just so stubborn when it comes to things like this, as Knotted would likely remind me from 2010...

Crankin - I hear you, and you will get the results when you are ready or when your doctor calls you. Pax, yes - I wouldn't want to due of an early heart attack - but there is something wonderful about the sound of no broken parts :cool:

05-02-2017, 06:44 PM
Let us know Catrin, what is recommended to fix your neck..

05-03-2017, 02:30 AM
On a positive note, it sounds like you have found doctors who really know what they are doing.

05-03-2017, 03:17 AM
On a positive note, it sounds like you have found doctors who really know what they are doing.

Excellent point, and worth it's weight in gold.

05-03-2017, 05:34 AM
Amen, and it would have been a disaster, I think, if I had allowed the first Ortho last year to have fixed my shoulder. He wasn't interested in my neck at all, not even to see the report. I didn't think about that at the time...

I know there are orthos these days who have sub-specialities and are fully qualified for spine surgeries. I've checked out the qualifications of the one I've been referred to and he does seem to be one of those. He has specialised in cancer of the spine, spine injuries, member of the neurosurgeon association, etc. Have been warned that his bedside manner is non-existent and I may even be shocked by his manner but that his skill off sets his personality and the 2nd appt will be better than the first. Well, I can live with that.

Still hoping he will say the surgery wouldn't be worth the risks.like the last one 15 months ago, but somehow I think things have changed...

05-03-2017, 05:56 AM
So sorry, Catrin. That does not sound fun. However, getting to the root of the problems is a good thing. Glad you've found a good physician. I will be pulling for you! And I do empathize, having more than my usual share of broken bits lately. Sigh... :(

05-03-2017, 06:12 AM
I hear you Emily. Part of me wishes they could fix both neck and shoulder at the same time...but I really don't know what I'm asking for there.

I hope YOUR broken parts heal quickly!

05-03-2017, 07:27 AM
Back issues are often misdiagnosed. I'm glad you finally found the right doctor.

To be fair, I knew just how bad my neck is. What I didn't know was that the neck HAS to be fixed before the shoulder...

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ny biker
05-04-2017, 12:58 PM
On a positive note, it sounds like you have found doctors who really know what they are doing.

+1 on this -- I think the fact that the shoulder guys says to address the neck problems first, even though a different doctor handles the neck, is a good indicator.

I hope thinks go well with the PT and the spine surgeon.

05-04-2017, 02:54 PM
That's it, which is a good sign but it has the c*ap scared out of me as I wait to hear what they recommend. You see, I KNOW how bad my neck was a mere 14 months ago (and all of the details about what was wrong with it then) after the LAST MRI and the new x-ray of my lower cervical spine that the shoulder Ortho showed me now looks like something from the movie Alien - it looks very bad.

Of course, just because it LOOKS so horrible doesn't mean it's any worse than it was - which is little comfort as it was pretty bad then. The MRI was this morning...I'm crossing my fingers that the fact my bones looked so bad in the x-ray meant that it's my body protecting my spine and things are actually better underneath all of that terrible looking stuff. Yeah, that's it, protection while my body heals itself :cool: Appointment is 8:45 Monday morning and thankfully I don't know enough, yet, about what they have in mind to consult Dr Google...

Neck traction sounds both scary and a bit interesting at the same time. Hopefully it will relieve some pressure on those nerves and grant a modicum of relief. Wayyy past the possibility of injections for neck or shoulder - and as I've learned more of the effects of steroid injections on rotator cuff tears I am glad they won't allow any more.

05-04-2017, 03:22 PM
I am not starting a separate thread for the results of my MRI, since I didn't really talk about it here, too much. So, it was kind of what I expected.It shows some age related degenerative disc issues, which are worse than 10 years ago. There is some disc bulging, but no nerve involvement. The message from my doctor, via the nurse was continue with PT, I will authorizemore sessions. If that doesn't make a difference, here is the name of a spine doc... DR. Spinelli (which I thought was hysterical), who is qute well known around here.
Riding has been fine. My tabata class today exacerbated the symptoms a bit, but I am learning what exactly sets it off. I brought my travel foam roller to work and used it 3X today! Icing and stretching now.

05-04-2017, 03:42 PM
So glad you can ride! I hear you about it being too much. It is interesting that he passed along the reference to a spine doc via a third party - well -not in person. May you never need that reference! I've been putting this off myself since the mtb crash in 2011. So glad your figuring out what works, and doesn't for you.

05-04-2017, 04:31 PM
That's the way my practice works. It's a very large group, they do almost everything in house (lab, x ray). In the past, I think there was somewhat of a negative reputation, but there are a lot of new, younger doctors there and I have not had anything but professional interaction. You do need to advocate for yourself and know how it all works. I really like my PCP; she is conservative in her approach to everything. It was not necessary for me to go back and see her for the referral. I have a PT appt. for Tuesday morning, before work, and before I go to CA Thursday, for my son's graduation.
Today I also went to see my endocrinologist, since somehow, I didn't go back to her after my last Prolia treatment for ossteoporosis, in 2014. It worked well, but latest scan shows bad regression. I will be restarting the Prolia and now the protocol has changed... it had just been approved when I took it before and they didn't really know what happened when you stayed on it indefinitely. Apparently it's OK. My doc has 300 people on it and only 5 have had to stop.
Too much medical stuff today. And one of my friends, who is really well meaning was trying to talk to me like i have some terrible thing wrong with me, concerning my back. She is appalled with the stuff I do at the gym, although she does ride. I love her, but all she talks about is who has what disease!She wanted me to call her tonight, but I did not, and opted to enjoy my quinoa bowl and glass of white wine.

05-08-2017, 08:50 AM
So I've a better idea now regarding the extent of the neck surgery. I need an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion - but only 1 disc is involved. There ARE others that could be included but he thought there was a lot of tread left on those discs and they may never present a problem. Only a week or so off work...which means the shoulder will be fixed in mid-fall. I really liked the spine surgeon, his manner may not be the most polished but he was very kind and careful that I understood everything - down to what was in those expensive pictures they took last week! Apparently I won't notice the fusion since he said my cervical spine is effectively fused already from all of the large osteophytes, etc.

Both scary and a relief at the same time. I guess that last part means it's time to get it fixed!

05-08-2017, 09:40 AM
That is wonderful news, Catrin! So glad he explained things and it's not as awful as it might have been.

I was thinking of you this morning when I had my mammogram, she asked me if I had shoulder issues and said how difficult it can be for women who do (3D mammogram).

05-08-2017, 12:00 PM
Good news, Catrin. Glad the timetable is faster than you thought it would be.

05-08-2017, 01:18 PM
Good news, Catrin. Glad the timetable is faster than you thought it would be.

Yes, and I'm glad he is being conservative and he isn't trying to remove all of those others that are also heading south - but they aren't there yet. Who knows if they will be? I'm more concerned over the shoulder surgery recovery at this point but we will see. I suspect that will be a more "normal" surgery recovery time-line. I refuse to worry about more than one surgery at a time!

05-10-2017, 10:23 AM
July 27th - Surgery #1 date.

Anyone else have a cervical spine disectomy + fusion who might like to send me comments for recovery period tips?

ny biker
05-10-2017, 10:59 AM
I know someone who had that surgery in early March. She was back on her feet pretty quickly, but felt tired for about 4-6 weeks afterward the procedure. Not able to drive for about a month and then only short trips for a while. She lives near a shopping mall and was going there every day to walk around and build her strength back up since the weather was not great for being outdoors at the time. I saw her a month after the procedure, when she traveled to DC for a weekend visit; she wore a cervical brace for part of the day but not all of it. She said most people are out of work for 3 months during recovery, though she's out 4 months due to the physical requirements of her job. The very good news is that she did not have pain after the surgery and the pain she had before is gone.

05-10-2017, 11:05 AM
Very interesting indeed! I will be back in the office after 2 weeks, but my job requires no lifting/etc. I'm a data wrangler. Good to know she had no pain!

He told me the time away from work varies greatly related to the number of discs being replaced, the nature of the employment, other issues, etc.

Again, very good to hear she had no pain!

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05-20-2017, 12:15 PM
They've convinced me that I really should be in rehab for the first 5 days after surgery #1 (neck) since I live alone. My first reaction was to point at all of the surgeries I've already had where I was home alone afterwards - but - of course - anything can happen. My insurance will fully cover it so I would be just stubborn not to do so. Gulp. I think it just got real, if that makes sense. It isn't like it wasn't already real, but I was spending so much time focusing on the shoulder surgery (surgery #2) as it will have a much longer recovery period that I didn't consider the reality of any spine surgery.

05-20-2017, 04:15 PM
I know someone who had this, lived alone, and did go to rehab for a couple of weeks. You should definitely do it.

05-20-2017, 04:36 PM
I know someone who had this, lived alone, and did go to rehab for a couple of weeks. You should definitely do it.

They only want me there until I come off the narcotics - and it makes sense. It's interesting that they want me there for 7 days, yet I will be back to work & driving in 2 weeks if all goes well. It makes sense that first week would be the most "dangerous" if I should happen to fall or something strange happen due to the drugs. I'm touring the facility on Monday - it's my choice where I go. There are many places closer, but this is a dedicated facility for post-surgery/injury rehab rather than a nursing home that happens to take on a few people with short-term rehab needs. I think it will also make it less likely that I will do something stupid because I've no one around to help me.

05-20-2017, 06:33 PM
Sounds much more peaceful and relaxing to recover that way, than to try and go home and do everything yourself... even the things you probably shouldn't be doing.

05-21-2017, 03:03 AM
Good choice.

05-21-2017, 01:06 PM
Everyone seems to think so, I've been a bit surprised how relieved everyone is who I've mentioned this!

ny biker
05-24-2017, 09:49 AM
They only want me there until I come off the narcotics - and it makes sense. It's interesting that they want me there for 7 days, yet I will be back to work & driving in 2 weeks if all goes well. It makes sense that first week would be the most "dangerous" if I should happen to fall or something strange happen due to the drugs. I'm touring the facility on Monday - it's my choice where I go. There are many places closer, but this is a dedicated facility for post-surgery/injury rehab rather than a nursing home that happens to take on a few people with short-term rehab needs. I think it will also make it less likely that I will do something stupid because I've no one around to help me.

They should also be able to help you work around any limitations in mobility so that you can function better when you do get home. I know that there are many reasons to prefer to be at home, but sometimes it really is best to be someplace where you're not alone in case you need help.

05-24-2017, 09:51 AM
Yes, the more I think about it the more wise it seems to be. Everyone I know appears to be breathing a sigh of relief 🙄

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