View Full Version : Knee Brace marketing fail

04-16-2015, 04:18 PM
So they gave me a new DonJoy Tru-Pull Lite knee brace to keep my knee obedient so I can maintain my current sport and activity levels. It feels great. Then I looked up the recommended sports for this brace. While I didn't expect to see "Kettlebell Sport" listed I didn't expect to see what I DID see:

Tennis: Yes
Cycling: Yes
Contact sport: No
Extreme sport: No
Top Level sport: No
Female sport: Yes

What is this "Female Sport"? So I guess that means that I can do anything I want with the brace since, as a woman, it MUST qualify as a "Female Sport" :cool:

BTW, this expensive brace is great! I've more ROM, and pain free at that, than I've had in a long time. Doesn't mean I am going to bust out 300 deep squats to celebrate, but it is pretty cool that I can actually get into the position. Pretty much feeling like workman's comp peeps rock! Hiking is on the agenda this weekend if it doesn't rain!

04-16-2015, 04:24 PM

It's because women typically have a greater Q angle, shorter limbs, and a larger thigh-to-calf circumference ratio. Not the best description though!

My ACL brace that I got years ago never really fit all that well, for all the above reasons, and of course a couple of months after I got it, CTI released their women's model.

Anyway, glad it's helping you!

04-16-2015, 04:27 PM
Maybe it's a sport performed by using your uterus or maybe your boobs?

04-16-2015, 04:49 PM
Lol Pax !

Good point Oakleaf. This brace has new technology designed specifically for my main problem, and it does mention in the literature that this is basically a smaller version of the much larger original. Never thought a hinged brace would be helpful, but it is a light hinge. It isn't an ACL brace, it is a new technology that basically mimics taping the patella to keep it in place.

Pax, you brought some very odd images to my mind :-) my training partners also enjoyed the whole "female sport" wording.

04-17-2015, 04:03 AM
That wording sounds like it was translated from another language.... my son, who is a manager at a language translation company, says this is common when companies cheap out on their translation services. We once had to come over and read us and translate the instructions for our coffee machine in the original Italian, as the English made no sense at all.
But, the Q angle thing is real and I am always surprised more people, including doctors, don't tell us about it.

04-17-2015, 04:05 AM
Catrin, I was having images of kettle bells hanging from boobs! :p

04-17-2015, 10:16 AM
That is scary Pax cause I thought of the same thing :) Also thought about boob dancing, like belly dancing.

Very interesting about the Q angle and other measurements. Guess I knew from my old fitter but hadn't thought about brace implications. Now I need to figure out how often I should actually wear the thing outside of activities. I don't want to weaken the knee, but I don't know how much that applies in my situation. Well, that is a question for my PT.

04-20-2015, 04:18 PM
Maybe it's a sport performed by using your uterus or maybe your boobs?

Ha, I did that over 14 years ago...now that "sport" is a mouthy PITA, most days. :p

04-20-2015, 04:25 PM
You are making me laugh :-) I've been a bit depressed over all of this so thanks for that! Not about to let it keep me down though!