View Full Version : Neuroma's ugh
Sky King
11-05-2014, 05:50 AM
Finally broke down and went to the Orthopedic Nurse Practitioner about my foot. The good news, bones and joints look good. The bad news, big neuroma, as I suspected. She
said "I know you don't want to hear this, but you aren't going to win this one without surgery" Dang. Anybody had surgery for this? My Sister has had 3 foot surgeries so am depressed.
However, the NP did say the current surgery is to cut the neuroma out and then move the nerve to the side of the foot to take the pressure off.
I opted for a steroid shot to buy some time so I can do more research. So any Web MD's please chime in.
Also have to invest in new cycling shoes, I am going to try on a friends Pearl Izumi's as my "running" shoes are PI and the toe box is wide (Plus we have an account with PI so can get at cost) if they are wide enough and stiff enough.
On a more positive note, the Owyhee Wilderness Ranger came in the shop yesterday and invited us on his "leave no trace" certification bike trip in two weeks!!!
11-05-2014, 09:21 AM
My DH had the surgery, in 2002. I don't remember a particularly long recovery. About a week on crutches. He had it in January and was riding in March. He does have to be careful about his shoes, though, but no more pain.
11-06-2014, 04:37 AM
Hey Sky, sorry to here about this! What are your symptoms? Obviously foot pain, but wondering about the details. My right foot has not had its best year either.
Sky King
11-07-2014, 04:37 AM
I am pretty mad at myself for this flare up, my own fault. We did a really challenging ride in September where I ended up having to hike and push my loaded ECR up a mountain for about 3 miles I pack my Merrill barefoot run style shoes - great for wearing around camp but not for hiking on rocky terrain. So that got the nerve worked up - felt like a bruise on the bottom of my foot. Two weeks later we rode almost 90 miles in two days on extremely rough dirt/gravel roads. Day one at about mile 25 my foot had intense pain and numbness to the point I had to scrunch up my toes in my shoe to relieve. My 3 & 4th toe are numb most of the time, my foot has the burning sensation and the zinger on the bottom if I step wrong. If I squeeze the sides of my foot in the ball of my foot area it is pretty painful as the toes squish together. The NP said she feels a click when she does that. Do get yours checked out if you can. I bought 4 metatarsal pads yesterday and am installing them in my shoes. So far the steroid shot hasn't really kicked in but she did say it could take up to a week to start helping.
Hey Sky, sorry to here about this! What are your symptoms? Obviously foot pain, but wondering about the details. My right foot has not had its best year either.
11-07-2014, 06:40 PM
Oh man! Sounds really painful! Girls just trying to have fun and look what happens? I suppose you've iced it already?
Sky King
11-11-2014, 06:08 AM
I probably don't ice as much as I should. Pain is better after the steroid shot but not gone. I haven't been on any long rides this week, hopefully will get out this weekend for a real test. I do have metatarsal pads in all my shoes now.
Sky King
12-05-2014, 05:12 AM
Admit I am nervous about our bike trip in Texas - we leave tomorrow. Hoping the new shoes help with the foot pain. Meanwhile my surgery is scheduled for late January. Should work out well as it will give me all of February to heal - not a big riding month for me. Wish me luck!
ny biker
12-05-2014, 06:27 AM
Admit I am nervous about our bike trip in Texas - we leave tomorrow. Hoping the new shoes help with the foot pain. Meanwhile my surgery is scheduled for late January. Should work out well as it will give me all of February to heal - not a big riding month for me. Wish me luck!
Good luck!!! Have fun!!!
Sky King
01-01-2015, 06:07 AM
I had been thinking the steroid shot I had in November didn't work, that is until this week when the benefits exhausted themselves. Ouch!
Happy to say the foot did pretty well on the bike trip.
I focused on riding in an easier gear than I normally would, I got off and walked if the terrain changed to the point that I was stomping on the pedals to move forward.
I fear January is going to be a long month, roads are covered in ice and walking is bothering the foot.
Digging the trainer out today.
Sky King
01-29-2015, 07:10 AM
On the road to recovery. Surgery went fine, I got to stay awake! Whew. Block is just now starting to wear off so will see how the pain is. Hopefully can just take tylenol and tramadol and no need for heavier narcotics. They showed me the neuroma, was the size of a small pebble, no wonder my foot was bugging me. Bed rest for 48 hours and then I can start putting a little weight on my heel as I use the crutches.
01-29-2015, 11:34 AM
Glad it went well! Hopefully you'll have a very quick recovery.
ny biker
01-29-2015, 11:57 AM
Glad it went well! Hopefully you'll have a very quick recovery.
01-29-2015, 02:04 PM
Glad it's over and now on to the recovery.
Sky King
02-18-2015, 05:01 AM
Finally can wear a shoe, still limping but I rode my bike, very, very slowly in an extremely easy gear - only went 2 miles but at least it was something. Have to mount and dismount from the right side as I can't stand on the left foot with weight. Of course our weather has been unbelievably warm and dry and here I sit - Ha
02-18-2015, 08:36 AM
Glad you're doing "well". Take it easy. Not the time to mess up now. :)
02-18-2015, 04:53 PM
Heal up fast, Sky!
02-18-2015, 04:58 PM
Great improvement! Be careful!
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