View Full Version : Is this just DOMS and should I be doing anything about it?
Ok, so I've always had a tendency to get DOMS, at least compared to my dh and friends. I don't know if why, but I suspect I just am stupid enough to go all out on a first workout of some kind because it's such fun to do something new... Anyway, several times a year my family is treated to the sight of me gingerly backing down the stairs and hobbling around like I'm 92.
Now it's caused by running. I've been running twice a week for the last few weeks with no ill effects, with Nike Free shoes that I've run lots with. I hadn't used my VFFs for a while, so the day before yesterday I ran with them instead. Same short semicommute distance, ok, so I did do one sprint up a tiny hill, but still. My calves have felt like solid blocks of wood for two days now...
So is this something I should be avoiding? No sharp or shooting pains anywhere, no excessive swelling, I can cycle fine but I sure am not running anywhere for a while. I love running in the VFFs but it's too much hassle if this is going to happen every time I haven't used them for a while.
08-29-2014, 08:20 AM
I'm no expert on VFF and I stopped running about 30 years ago. So for what its worth here is an interesting link. I had to look up what VFF stands for because I, like my cats, am very curious.
Maybe running in VFF should be reserved for trail running on dirt and grass.
Good news about DOMS is that it said you will be getting stronger!!
Meanwhile sending good vibe for quick healing.
08-29-2014, 08:34 AM
Random thoughts from someone who doesn't fit into VFFs and who couldn't run in them anyway ...
Are you rolling out your calves? With mine, it often takes something narrower than a foam roller or Stick to get deep enough. Golf or lacrosse ball, opposite knee - one of the bumps of a Ma roller is what I'm using most often on my calves these days.
Most of the muscles that move the foot bones are actually in the lower legs, the deepest calf and shin muscles. The biggest difference between truly minimal shoes vs shoes with some cushion is that you'll be using your feet more. The more I strengthen my feet, the less I find that my calves are a box of rocks. But you climb, right? So your feet should be in really good shape?
Another possibility might be that the fit and/or stiffness of the VFFs actually inhibits your foot motion vs the NFs - is that a possibility?
I think some trigger points are pretty common when you do a new activity. I'd roll your calves out before as well as after.
I'm not sure I'd want to run on the road in minimal shoes even if/when my feet are strong and flexible enough for it - but there are people who do. But I think you'd want to ease into it even coming from a zero drop shoe (or short drop? not sure about the NFs).
No, I'm not rolling out, but yeah I should be :-) I usually run half the way to work, and take the metro the rest. I should be doing some recovery stuff once I get to work. I haven't climbed for awhile, but I was expecting my feet to stay strong since I very rarely wear constricting shoes. But I think you're right, the Frees are minimal but the VFFs are a whole nother ballgame. And even a tiny sprint is asking my calves to do things they've never been asked before :-D
Ps. My run is maybe 40% gravel, which is difficult in VFFs, 40% smooth ground, 20% road, which is surprisingly comfortable to run on, since it's smooth and I'm already up on my forefoot.
And thanks for the video, smiling. Cute guy, too ;-) I'm that newbie he's talking about!
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