View Full Version : My body is falling apart! argh!
11-26-2014, 05:00 AM
Do you ever get the feeling that you will never be able to regain what you once had!!!! I do. But I know it will get ok and I'll be back on track. At least to some point.
Just about a year ago I had my right knee swelled so much (I had an ACL surgery about 10 years ago on it) it was like twice it's size (due to cartilage wear and tear and overused the knee). I kept going to work - which was so painfull, do PT like crazy, etc. In December 2013, since I felt better, I had the brilliant idea to register for a 135km ride challenge in June 2014. Approved by my therapist but with a very serious training program. I managed to get back on track and able to get to that event!
Now I am back to square 1 for the past month or so. Right knee started to swell, hurt, etc (MRI, etc were taken last spring and it is the same issue hunting me). So going back into PT, no more running, no more nothing but PT exercises and on crutches for a while. Of course it has improved very much but I still cannot walk a long time but at least I can cycle (on trainer at home - but no heavy pedaling) with no pain whatsoever! But it is light training for the most part. Thinking Saturday night that I was back on track. H**l no!!!!
I got up Sunday morning with cramps in the left knee /leg (the other leg that was ok and never bothering me). But I was still able to do a "small" FTP test at home and send results to my PT/Kine so we can build a program when I got to see her last night. I never imagined it would go from light "bugging me" to swelling and feeling the kneecap "floating" around.
Well that leg got worse by Monday night. My hamstring was so hard and bigger it was like a rock and oh so painful. I could feel a pull in it as well with every step. I could barely walk on that leg but I could do moves like bending and touching my hands on the floor! Go figure!. ARggggg. So happy I had an appointment with her for that night.
She worked on the leg, realigned my pevis/hip area again, told me that some of this is a result of using that leg more (more weight on it) to "protect" my other injured knee. Okkkkkk. So anyway, at some point she did a move and ouch... I felt a twiched in that muscle. Then some relief. ahhhh felt good. BUT she asked me to turn on my back and as I was doing this, that hamstring came back with that ouch pain. She loosened the muscle again and pain was gone.
Then she started to question me as she could not put the trigger on why I got that pain (cramps just as I was moving a bit) so easily when all my "body parts" are fine but had an idea in her mind. She nailed it partially that I do not drink enough, especially for someone as active as me. That type of cramp is caused very often by being dehydrated. My husband keeps telling me that I should drink way more than what I intake! She's asked me what I had for drinks in the past 2 days (when the cramps started) and it totally makes sense. Yesterday was super busy for me at work as I was in a meeting from 8am-1pm. All I took was 1/2 cup of latte coffee, and 1/2 glass of water (a small glass too - so probably drank 4-6 ounces max). Then for lunch just a chicken salad and nothing for drink. I only had another 1/2 cup of water around 3:45pm. Then I went to my PT appointment. I don't think of drinking because I am not thirsty.
She did a taping to help the swelling behind the knee. It will compress the "fluid" and it will help me walk better. Also need to take really warm/to hot bath to help relax that big muscle. And to top it off, for the next few days, I need to rehydrate myself and learn to drink more. So I have to prepare a mix of orange juice, water, salt and drink a few a day, plus regular water and other liquids.
I just hope that drinking more and keep doing the things she is recommending will help me to get back into real fun training instead of just PT. hihi
If I still feel uncomfy Friday, I can go back see her and she'll work on this some more. I get to see her anyway in another week (the Thursday night). Tonight I have a massage scheduled and she told me to tell my massage therapist to work on my lower back and that leg to loosen it up some.
I remember my ex-boss who's into compet sports (his other "job") that after 50 it's all downhill. Boy was he right. hahahaaha For those in your 20s...appreciate it. hihi Because as we get older, I find it harder to push myself and recup time is much longer. hihi I don't care getting old. In fact I prefer being in my 50s now than how I felt in my 20s. But bodywise... I miss that "youth". haha It seems it is one injury after another. All can be treated/healed so far, but to so much effort and $. Luckily I have good work group insurance that covers for all those PT and massage therapies. I'd be in the red I think without it. hahahaah
At least leg feels better this morning. Hamstring is softer but still needs to "de-cramp" some more. I could walk to get to work (bus/walking) without feeling the kneecap giving out. So on the right track. I hope. And drank 2 glasses (still small but better than nothing) of water and a coffee. Going for that orange juice combo soon. :)
I just hope that next Thursday, when I see her, it will be to plan my winter training program. Not just some boring PT. hihi
I feel for you Helene. I'm already past the point of ever being what I once was, but am coping okay with it. But that non-stop pain sure does sap the life out of us, doesn't it?
ny biker
11-26-2014, 10:02 AM
It's not as easy to be active as you get older but I know a bunch of people who are in their 60s and 70s who cycle almost every day, do long rides and are still quite fast. It is possible, but you have take care and address problems when they happen. Sometimes health problems will force changes or slow you down somewhat, but being over 50 does not have to mean that you can't stay active and do the things you enjoy.
I haven't read them, but there are several publications available on about cycling for older people. You might find them interesting.
Re; drinking, I have a water bottle or other drink with me pretty much all the time. I have a water bottle in the cup holder whenever I'm driving anywhere, have a drink (soda, tea, water) at my desk all day at work (getting up to refill/get a new drink is a great excuse to move around so I'm not sitting still for too long), and I always have a glass of water or something on the table next to me when I'm watching TV etc. at home. Having it handy makes it much easier to make sure I'm drinking enough. Lately I've been drinking more tea at work because the flavor is more interesting than plain water, and they have some interesting flavors available in our office kitchen. I just bought some for home, too, including some caffeine-free herbal teas.
Some foods are good sources of water, too, including some types of produce (watermelon, cucumbers) and soups. A piece of fruit might not be the same as drinking a glass of water, but every little bit helps when you're dehydrated.
Good luck with the knee!!
11-26-2014, 11:48 AM
I agree, there are so many fast and strong men in my club who are 60-75, it's scary. Some have had orthopedic issues and come back, a few have had other medical things, and they recover, too. Others look like crap, but they still ride. Some of the women are still doing well, but a lot of them have slowed more than I have. I do need more recovery and everything hurts when I wake up, but more stretching, occasional bouts of PT help. I don't ignore stuff, but sometimes it's hard even for me, who is quite diligent, to do all of the stretching I should be doing. My goal is to keep riding. I am slower, but not really. What I mean is that I have chosen to not go as hard, but I can if I need to. I find I get sick, almost a reaction to the stress I am putting on my body, if I ride too hard, too much. This has something to do with my undiagnosed weird medical issues I've had for years; it's getting a bit worse, but if I take care of myself and get the rest I need, it is not as bad. I usually do one hard ride a week in the peak season, a couple of moderate to hard ones, and a slow one. I am debating about "training"more for next season, but that always seems to bite me in rear.
11-26-2014, 05:23 PM
Oh, Crankin, I feel your pain! I had to give up Tai Chi after arthroscopic knee surgery - I mean, for heaven's sake, who can't do Tai Chi??? Couldn't do it. I'm thankful every day that the left knee allows me to ride - and I don't ride hard or long.
Yes, to some degree we do start falling apart in our 50's and it's difficult - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, to maintain the active lifestyle we need. And yet we need it, on all levels, far more than we did in our 30's. It also becomes so much more important to listen to our bodies and to treat them with gentle love when they need it. I don't know you well and I don't know what else you do for fitness, but was wondering if swimming, yoga, pilates, or even just stretch classes at the gym might prove helpful for you? Some type of gentle movement with the stretching you mentioned? I'm so glad you're drinking more as well - that can make such a difference.
Best wishes with your knee and your riding!
11-28-2014, 02:46 PM
Right now I cannot do much. Ended up with xray and ultrasound doppler yesterday of left leg. Long story short (typing on tablet in bed is no fun) we were all afraid I may have had phlebitis on calf. It was a swollen and oh so painful. But my PT and walk-in doctor I saw did not think so from tests done but cannot see through skin. So within a few hours all was done and I am stuck with a ruptured baker's cyst. The doctor doing the ultrasound showed everything live to me. Liquid from knee went down my leg. To tell you how much it hurts since Monday morning I cannot describe. Nothing much to do for now but the RICE technique. I still had to get to work today, too much to do. You would have cut my leg it would not have hurt as much. Now I am home and resting, leg up.
Anyway, it will get better one of these days. For now knee does not hurt but knee to ankle is double size of other leg. I have to use again crutches. She had fixed my right knee but the left leg compensated so much and this is the result for me. Xray showed nothing I did not know...arthritis/wear of cartilage.
PT told me that in order for fluid to go away, to move that leg as much as possible, gently. I can do mini squats, try riding bike on trainer this weekend, use roller to massage the leg, some aqua therapy. Anything easy to help the leg. Right now I am drained from work day and just want to sleep. When she told me about cycling you should have heard my reply. Lol poor her. I can barely tolerate my own self and you are telling me to get on bike? Hihi
so this weekend is forced relaxing. Leg up, ice, Aleve pills, light moves to get all I can for leg flow circulation and get that nasty extra fluid out of leg. I want my normal leg back. Arggg
My mental must be good. At dinner was talking with hubby how much fun it would be to get fatbikes and cyclo bikes for gravel trails and how we should head to colorado next summer to cycle. Lol if only it was not so full of hills.
ny biker
11-28-2014, 07:11 PM
Well, ouch. I hope the swelling goes down and you're feeling better soon.
11-29-2014, 03:04 AM
Owie! Take care and hope you are feeling better soon!
11-29-2014, 03:32 AM
Rest up, Helene. Think of it as training to be able to do what you want to do in the future.
11-29-2014, 03:40 AM
Ow Helene. Heal fast.
Kinesio tape in a fan pattern is used a lot to help fluid drain. There are videos online to show how to cut and apply it. I honestly haven't read any of the research, and I've only seen it used on swelling from contusions and sprains, not from ruptured cysts, but it's worth a try!
Oh wow, Helene! Never really thought about a Bakers cyst being able to rupture, (as I quickly grab mine and feel the edges) that sounds awful!! Hope you get some relief asap
11-29-2014, 05:13 AM
I hope it heals soon. It is the worst pain I ever felt. Even alc tear reconstruct was nothing compared to this. My doc is back Monday afternoon. You can bet I will give her a call and ask for good pain killers. Bring on the morphine. Hihi Aleve may help but so far does nothing for pain. Slept will leg elevated, if you can say sleep, but the fluid moved from calf to knee and lower thigh. icing is not easy as you have to cover 3/4 of leg and I am not equiped like my PT clinic.
I wish I knew which 2 pills I could combine to numb pain and get synovial liquid to resorb. Will try squats and light bike trainer today. Wonder if you can ice just before and right after exercising.
If PT was working this w/e I could have asked her about making me a taping and talk about compression socks.
11-30-2014, 01:50 PM
Today was just like the rest of previous days. In fact, yesterday was better - no cramps. But this morning I had major cramps in the hamstring and a few times this afternoon. Had to do some grocery shopping so I can have lunches for work. I don't want to end up having to buy breakfast/lunches on crutches in the foodcourt. Too much of a hassle.
But not all is negative. I was able to do 4km on my trainer bike this afternoon. After testing leg and a good warm up, I was able to stay on the small gear (4th) and a cadence around 65-70 with speed to max of 16km/h. Not bad and beside the warm up (first 2-3 minutes) I felt no stretch or pain to the leg. The first turns of the wheels I was not too sure. But did good. I was able to do my squats. 0 pain. But the stretch of the calf (injured leg) is almost a big no no. I can stand 10 seconds max and not even a full stretch. PT told me to target 30 seconds, and if I can't, well just shortened them up and do them progressively. Unbelievable you can cycle...but not walk! Deuh!
Pain can be unbeareable at times. Enough to make you cry. My doctor will be back in the office tomorrow afternoon and she will see the lab report the walk-in clinic received. I will ask her for some pain pills. Aleve just does not cut it for this.
11-30-2014, 02:26 PM
Wow! I had no idea that a Baker's Cyst could do that (the things I will hopefully learn in med school). I have one as well - clean knees other than some patellar-femoral pain - my doc has been completely unconcerned about it. I have been doing hip exercises like crazy to try to keep the knee running well - but it honestly hadn't occurred to me it could rupture. It has been annoying me for almost a year. *sigh*
I hope you get some better answers from your doctor, as well as some relief from the pain!
11-30-2014, 06:23 PM
Wow. When DH had a Baker's cyst several years ago, the doctor made noises like he'd drain it if it didn't resolve reasonably quickly. IIRC it resorbed within a couple of months. Healing thoughts to everyone dealing with these!
12-07-2014, 09:04 AM
Feeling much better today. To say Tuesday I would have sworn that my leg would have exploded from being so hard and swollen. My knee was floating in synovial liquid.
Yesterday was the first day I was able to walk without crutches. I did not go shopping though. hihi I just walked around the house and did my grocery and it was more than enough.
My doctor prescribed 1000mg of Naproxyn (500 twice a day). Since I had a huge bottle of Aleve 220mg, pharmacist said I could keep using those as it was the same. Just a few more pills to make it too 1000mg/day. I also have a pill to take in the morning to avoid stomach ulcers from that many pills.
MY PT did some type of taping behind my lower leg to help the fluid go back to the knee lymph node as it can absorb it quickly into the system. The tape is similar to this one but it is on my lower leg (the pic one is on thigh).
I also wear during the day a pair of compression Firm Support Knee Hi 20mmHg.
All this combo has helped a lot. I think I'm on the right track. Since the xray report said it may show some osteoporosis my doc has given me a reference paper to go pass a bone density test. No one thinks I have bone issues but better know now than too late. My diet was always good on calcium, did a lot of weight-baring activities and I'm not menopaused. But who knows!!! So my test is on Dec. 30. I could have gone before but it is not an emergency and I did not want to miss more work just for this.
Today I was good enough to vaccum and wash my floor, did my dusting. Hubby has been excellent support but there is so much I can ask him for. He drove me to work daily (which meant he had to take some time off his own banks), walked the 3 dogs (one at a time) alone, did chores and grocery by himself. I could not ask for a better partner, in sickness and in health. hihi
Tomorrow I'll try to walk to the bus, 30 minute ride to rest the leg, then walk another 15 minutes to my office. Then I should be able to keep calm for the day and he always picks me up at 4pm to head home.
I'm going back to PT Thursday evening and I'm hopeful she will be able to give me fun things to do. I will try to ride my bike (on trainer) for 10-15 minutes today and see how the leg goes. I think it will be fine. Then ice it, warm bath and it will be quiet evening.
I'm making a xmas log for dessert. hummm miammm
I have some more PT exercises to help the thigh as it loses quickly strength. I have to flex as much as possible my toes towards me to stretch the calf - which will push the liquid back up.
12-07-2014, 03:39 PM
Glad you are doing better, Helene. You have the right attitude.
12-07-2014, 03:59 PM
Take an easy Helene. Great that hubby is doing whatever he can to help you. Getting you to and from work is very helpful, etc.
Glad you're getting better, Helene! Hope to be joining you soon. :D
12-09-2014, 01:16 AM
I just read your entire post and the only thing that registered was " off the crutches" HA! Shows you where my brain is stuck! Oh and that you got to do chores. Great news on the progress.
12-09-2014, 04:21 AM
haha. Too funny.
But I'm far from out of the woods yet. It is hard to walk. So easy to cycle - of course no resistance and no up on the bike trainer! Go figure!
Just walking to the bus is something! Once at work I can limit my steps but if I had a stand-up job or very physically demanding one, I could not do it. :(
It has improved but I'm far from taste of victory. But it is much better than just 7 days ago. If it has not really improved after the holidays, I'm seriously thinking into rethinking about asking for synovisc injections and see if this time it would help. Worked one time, the next not. But that was many many years ago.
Hope you get some quality relief soon, chronic pain just saps the will to do ANYTHING.
12-13-2014, 05:50 AM
I was back to crutches on Thursday. Was doing much better, although swelling is mostly gone in the lower legs, it is pushed to the top by the knee-high compression stockings.
On Wed night I had to walk a lot - in a snowstorm - without crutches as they had a national funeral going on and they decided to close many streets in the heart of Montreal, which meant my husband could not pick me up at work like he usually does. So I had to walk down a hill in the snow. My whole leg was killing me to cry. So next day I had crutches and back on the strong dosage of Aleve. Husband drove me to work also.
PT appointement was Thursday night and she did miracles again. She told me to get back on 1000mg of Aleve for now, keep icing, and warm baths, get some thigh high more than 20mmhg compression stockings. It would help all the synovial liquid to get resorbed faster. She gave me a few more exercises to help everything out. For the next week, no cycling on trainer, no snowshoveling. But I have to use the roller to roll on the back of whole leg, some light squatting (if knee tolerates it since it is swollen), and a few more things to get my legs to be stronger. And to use crutches for longer distances. At home and once at work, I can go without them if I do not have to walk for.
So now I wear all day long (removed nights) the compression stockings, back on Aleve full strength, etc. And so far so good. I don't have a lot of pain and can walk better.
She is off to Hawaii for 2 weeks but if I must see someone before her return, my file is with another PT (the boss of clinic and she used to be my PT at the time). So I'm good. Now we only try to maintain the "shape" I'm in. There is no way like she says that I can push it. I start my Christmas vacation next Friday and she said that once I'm more rested (during my vacation) we'll introduce some cycling and a bit more to my routine to make it more fun. But for now, I listen and only do what she said: rest, elevate, ice, do the excercises given and enjoy the time of not having much to do. hihi
But it is going to be a long wait to return to my previous activities. So better arm myself with patience. Which I have little of to start off with. hihi
12-13-2014, 12:08 PM
Hang in there, and it IS hard when we are so used to being active! Sorry to hear that you had a set-back. Take care!
12-30-2014, 01:13 PM
Well after more than 4 weeks, I am starting to be better. I did some cycling on trainer once last week and again yesterday. It is not much (just over 10km) but it is a start. I also combine this with physiotherapy.
Went today to see her and she is very pleased with the result (she said it shows I do the things she recommended).
My legs are almost back to normal. I have some swelling when I'm done with a big exercice program but she expects it will be like this for a little while. But at least I can do it and my calf is no longer swollen. The knees are sensitive but swelling almost gone. Only one tiny spot that is still recurring when using strength. It will get better.
I still have a lot of stiffness in hips and need to realign my posture. So some exercices to help it.
Going to see her on Jan 13 (2 weeks) to get my new winter program on. Yeah! Slowly will reintroduce me to running/hiking on treadmill and re-setting the bike/muscle program. We won't train as hard as last winter as I was preparing myself to my 135km bike challenge. I'm already "good" at it and know the routine. So it won't be as much training. 3x/week is ok. I have a life beside gym. hihi Last year it was 6 days out of 7. That is too much for the time I have in the evenings. So she will keep it more balanced and if I feel like adding to it, I will be able to.
Tomorrow I have some PT and I can do an hour of light cycling and start adding light speed intervals to get cardio working. Not to add too much resistance yet. Playing it slowly is the way to prevent reinjury so soon.
I also have my bone density test at 10am tomorrow. She's pretty sure I have nothing to worry about. At 52 and always been active with weight baring activity she foresees nothing abnormal. But who knows. The knees are a wreck but that is cartilage. It's just that the radiologist wrote on his report "possible osteoporosis?". So Generalist is not taking chances and sending me for that test.
BUT!!! The good news is that I just registered myself for a 110km max bike ride around Lake Champlain on June 6th. No timer, our own pace. I can do either 60, 50 or a combo with is 110km. I wrote 110 and will see when I get there how I feel. PT was so happy to see I finally got over my "defeat" of the 135km of last summer. I still cry and can't really get over that one where I stopped after 70km because of cold, rain and stong winds (and it was in summer). I could not risk a fall at this point as I was too cold and unused to that kind of weather. But still.... That will be my revenge. hahaha
So I think I'm back but I need to be careful for the next couple of weeks not to overdue it thinking I'm better. Always "train" with your mind on safety and stopping if the leg says it has enough. There will be other days for training. We don't want to get back to square 1.
12-30-2014, 03:40 PM
Sounds like you are doing well, Helene.
Tell me more about the Lake Champlain thing. I love it up there.
12-30-2014, 03:52 PM
...But still.... That will be my revenge. hahaha
So I think I'm back but I need to be careful for the next couple of weeks not to overdue it thinking I'm better. Always "train" with your mind on safety and stopping if the leg says it has enough. There will be other days for training. We don't want to get back to square 1.
First of all, it is great to read that you are feeling better, woohoooo!
Second, what you said in the last three sentences is KEY, and so hard to learn when you've found an activity that you love to do. Keep on doing all the great things you are doing!
12-30-2014, 04:18 PM
Thank you Catrin. Feels good to walk normally and start looking ahead and move instead of just sitting leg up or lying in bed whining. haha
Sounds like you are doing well, Helene.
Tell me more about the Lake Champlain thing. I love it up there.
I don't know much yet about this ride. But it is on the Quebec side. The pamphlet says they are going through St-Georges-de-Clarenceville, Pike-River, St-Armand, (Philipsburg), Henryville, Bedford, Canton de Bedford,Mystic, Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge and St-Ignace. They are not touching the US side for that one.
You can get an idea of the map from this link.
12-31-2014, 03:47 AM
That looks nice. I have to find out when my club's bike rally is; that might be the same day. It wouldn't be good if 2 of the leaders were missing. If it's something we decide to do, I will let you know and ask advice about where to stay.
12-31-2014, 07:36 AM
Glad you're feeling better, Helene. Healing wishes for the New Year!
01-10-2015, 05:31 AM
I finally got my bone density test result.
All is good in general
My spine has just some light facet joint arthritis and alignment is normal.
Lumbar rachis density is normal
My femoral neck (hips) is at -1.5 which is light osteopenia with very light risk of fracture. - so nothing to worry about just yet.
For the whole body xray is it at .7 which is a normal value
So conclusion says very light osteopenia center at the femoral neck. And very weak risk of fracture.
MY PT saw the report and she said it is nothing to worry about. We'll keep exercising and eating as well as we can.
Now, as for my gym this past week, it was totally scrapped. I did nothing intelligent with my body! haha
The return to work after the 2 weeks' was so hard. Getting up at 4:15am is a killer. And it was a deep cold in Montreal (with -38c windchill) nothing is better than a fire place and crash in bed at 8:30pm. Hubby was sick with some hard cold (no flu - just a strong fast arriving - fast gone cold).
Seeing my PT Tuesday night and we'll get the gym plan in order. She said a lot of her patients this week did nothing much with their bodies. hahaha So I felt not so alone in the situation.
Thinking it was better, I wore my heels at work on Monday and Tuesday. I noticed the pain coming back so I had to remove them. Back to flat shoes for some while. It will get better but it is taking so long it is discouraging. Night knee pain and hot flashes is a great combo for little sleep-nights!
PT told me last night to just ride my bike (trainer) this weekend for the fun. No training, no speed, no intervalls. Just spin. She's thinking my body only needs to find some regularity into training and it will start next week with a real program and goals to achieve. Much easier to stay on the right track with a plan.
So more to continue next week.
At least the bones are good. The knees are in much better shape and PT will look into building me a new winter program with a goal of a 110km ride this coming June.
01-10-2015, 07:40 AM
Sounds like things are coming together. At least it's not the middle of the season and you're lying around, recovering! Appreciate the down time and rest as much as you can.
ny biker
01-10-2015, 08:42 AM
I like your PT's advice. And getting back to work is part of the recovery, so you're making good progress. Slow and steady is often the best way.
01-10-2015, 09:09 AM
Sounds like relatively decent news and I agree your PT has a good suggestion, ease back into it.
01-10-2015, 11:13 AM
Sounds good, and it IS very good to have an idea what is going on. Keep on doing good work!
01-10-2015, 01:15 PM
Thank you.
Funny today we went to the bike shop as my husband had issues with his bike chain that kept skipping on/off when he was changing gears. Not good on a $6000 bike he got last Spring. They had changed the gear (or cog - whatever is the name of that thing) just in early November as hubby found it hard with certain gears. He was like stock in-between too easy climb and not able to do it. Anyway, it ended up being that his chain needed to be changed for a new one as the current one has already over 2000km on it. He's training now and he says it is working fine. Happy hubby on bike makes a happy wife. hihi
Back to bike shop...the bike fitter I was talking to while waiting for the bike to be fixed (as he was asking if I do my trainer) told me his ex-girlfriend had a ruptured baker's cyst too. Happened while they were trekking in the winter and they were a day and a half from main road. She was climbing a steep hill when all of a sudden they heard a crack in her knee. Like a tree branch you'd snap in 2. She said she was not feeling any pain. But he decided to come back down instead of moving more up. They set up their tent and during the night, the unberable pain and leg swelling started for her. They had no clue what had happened as she did not have warnings before (just like me!). He had a compass and knew the area so he used the compass taking a shorter route, but harder one due to trail challenges. He carried her on his back as she could not put weight on the leg, all the way down the mountain until they were able to flag for paramedics to help her. He said she mentioned it was the most pain she had to endure in her life. I sooo believe her.
Everyone tells me that when the cyst ruptures, you generally hear a snap and it is loud. I never heard that popping noise. But it could have happened while I was doing something (either on bike or treadmill) and the music being so loud I never heard it. And since you do not feel pain nor hot liquid moving around you don't know. But trust me you do know a few hours/day later when the swelling starts. You cry and panic! hihi
But now it seems I'm back on track and it will take a while to get all my parts working together but we'll get there. hihi And if I see by end of winter that my knees are still troubling me, I will ask my doctor to get some synvisc again. It was over 10 years ago when it was done last. I never really felt the need for that but now it is time I think. That and trying to lose more weight by then. 10 pounds makes a lot of difference when you are having such issues.
I'm so lucky to have such a good PT and the fact she is also a kineologist, and a tri-athlete. She had knee surgery and a foot stress fracture. So she can feel your pain when you are unable to practice sports or activities as much as you'd like. She is also an excellent listener and motivator. It makes a difference between moving on or crying in a ball in your bed. haha
And to say some people find every possible way to avoid working or exercising. And me, I fight my body all the time to get up and go to work, and exercise. haha
Today I just could not find the energy to move. I did all my errands and house cleaning and cooking that was needed. Tomorrow is a day for walking my dogs and get the much needed fresh air now that the cold front is gone and get back on the bike (just a little spin on trainer).
01-15-2015, 04:18 AM
Went to my PT/Kin on Tuesday night. I have her "Go" to start training again. She will build me a gradual one to start smoothly. It's unbelievable how much you lose by just stopping (or really limiting) physical activities. My cardio is the worst. Oh...the muscle aches too. hihi
I will have some gradual bike trainer program, but mostly it will be working on the muscle mass (lower body to regain strength and keep building strong cores) and work on getting my overpronation (feet) to be refocused properly (through hips/knee work out). It is not easy as it changes your walking/standing pattern and your brain has to think all the time. But this will help realign pelvis and knee.
Overall it was a good visit. I still hurt in the knee. She wanted to see how I climb/down stairs as I said I hurt when I go down the stairs. So we practiced this (hip/foot moves) to avoid stress on knee and she saw the swelling start (a small lump on upper outer side of knee). It went away as soon as I was relaxed in the evening.
So not out of the woods, but the program will help me gradually back to sports and hoping for no re-injury. I will still think of those synvisc injection if by end of winter the knees are still bothering me. So much I can do by myself and I'd want to avoid a knee surgery down the road. One was
01-15-2015, 05:29 AM
As long as you're doing foot/hip work ... hope you don't mind my once again HIGHLY recommending this 60 minute routine:
It's a subscription site ($18/month) but you can get a 30 day free trial and do the class as many times as you want until you have it memorized :D and then decide whether you want to cancel or continue. Your PT might want to check it out.
Good luck with the return to action!
01-15-2015, 07:16 AM
Thank you OakLeaf. I will certainly look at that site and will slip a word to my PT as well.
01-15-2015, 05:16 PM
That DOES look interesting, and I also have hip issues. Well, apparently right now if I have a joint my body finds a problem with it :o
01-17-2015, 01:40 PM
My 1st planned session is done. I had some bike (32 minutes - intervals), some treadmill (15 minutes - flat and no running) and my squats.
Very happy that I did not feel any pain and all body parts did not complain. hihi
Tomorrow I have my muscular training and if weather can be nice we are due to take a long walk with the dogs. It is so deep freezing cold lately that they can't even go outside but for a quick pee and even then their paws are up. Tomorrow should be good, and even rain! Go figure. Weather is just so confused. haha
Glad it went well, hope you just keep getting stronger from now on.
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