View Full Version : Physiotherapists are awesome

02-24-2015, 09:53 AM
Before my concussion as a result of another cyclist colliding into me, I never had physiotherapy at all.

Exercises and therapeutic treatments in past wks. have been very helpful for additional recovery. The challenge with recovery from a head injury, is that sometimes I don't know what I can tolerate until I actually do something new (post accident) or stop doing a movement after awhile.

Example: Today for the lst time (7 wks. post-accident), I slowly turned from lying on my stomach at the clinic (after she showed me a simple new exercise), onto lying on my back. I got slightly dizzy and had to rest for 5 min.

I also need to remind myself as doctor said: I'm recovering as a 56 yr. old. I'm not ie. 12 yrs. old. For certain, being healthy and fit prior to the head injury, is helping my recovery.

Unrelated to physio, but still on head injuries: In the past 2 months, in the Canadian national newspaper Globe and Mail there have been over 6 different news articles on deletrious effects of concussions on hockey players (professional, amateur and for children). I can't imagine how on earth some players can play properly after a few concussions or even a major one.

02-26-2015, 09:17 PM
I've been wondering how you're doing. Sounds like you are progressing. Be patient with yourself and treat yourself well.

Keep us informed with healing. I'm sure you're correct about your good help being a major advantage.

Keeping you in my thoughts.

ny biker
02-27-2015, 01:03 PM
I'm glad you're doing better -- I hope you continue to make good progress.

02-27-2015, 03:06 PM
One of the things I discovered that my workplace has no rm. that specifically has a couch to lie down. If I get into a situation where I must lie down for half an hr.
This is a govn't building for 2,000 govn't employees at this location. I guess HR and management think employees will misuse it. However it could be security card keyed ...and for employees designated under short term disability with temporary return to work situations...

What I meant is that to be already fit prior to accident, means a person can more clearly help define pain post-accident and body responses to therapeutic exercise related to accident impact. For instance, after physio session early this wk., I had to walk up 7 flights of steps to condo. The elevator was being fixed that day. I went a bit slower than usual and by the time I got to our suite, I was sweating lightly. Now, I doubt that was because I was unfit to go up the steps. It was more turning around and around 7 times...

Not cycling related-Re hockey and concussions: Here's something about girls http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/the-growing-problem-of-concussion-for-girls-in-hockey/article23169752/

02-27-2015, 09:38 PM
One of the things I discovered that my workplace has no rm. that specifically has a couch to lie down. If I get into a situation where I must lie down for half an hr.
This is a govn't building for 2,000 govn't employees at this location. I guess HR and management think employees will misuse it. However it could be security card keyed ...and for employees designated under short term disability with temporary return to work situations...

What I meant is that to be already fit prior to accident, means a person can more clearly help define pain post-accident and body responses to therapeutic exercise related to accident impact. For instance, after physio session early this wk., I had to walk up 7 flights of steps to condo. The elevator was being fixed that day. I went a bit slower than usual and by the time I got to our suite, I was sweating lightly. Now, I doubt that was because I was unfit to go up the steps. It was more turning around and around 7 times...

Not cycling related-Re hockey and concussions: Here's something about girls http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/the-growing-problem-of-concussion-for-girls-in-hockey/article23169752/

shootingstar, couldn't you request that they provide/create a place to lie down given that you have a medical need, for now, to do so?

02-28-2015, 05:46 PM
Will be asking again, salsabike of another person who knows more our floor configuration and if there's a hidden rm. that provides this. Floor currently has 200+ employees. Won't be pushing too hard since there's option to work from home for few wks. Just a temporary situation for phasing back into work safely.

Physiotherapist said she's had patients where they had no choice but lie on top of a workplace conference rm. table.

02-28-2015, 07:07 PM
In the late 80s when I had severe, chronic muscle pain, I sometimes would lie down on the floor next to our team meeting table and just yak away just as I normally would. People are very good about understanding such stuff. It's good if the floor is at least minimally clean (i.e., not actively repellent). :)

03-01-2015, 01:12 PM
Shootingstar, glad you're starting to feel better and that you can take the time you need. Sounds like you've got a great team behind you.