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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Western Canada-prairies, mountain & ocean

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eden View Post
    If the group would like to pick something from Archie McPhees I'd be honored to go buy it (within reason - keep it to something around $20 or less) and begin the passing around train!

    Thx for this wierd place...looks like a neat-o place to cycle by whenever we puff up and down the hills of Seattle.

    We could always exchange bacon bandages: http://www.mcphee.com/shop/products/Bacon-Bandages.html
    Whatever we get it should be waterproof, very light, compact..
    My Personal blog on cycling & other favourite passions.
    遙知馬力日久見人心 Over a long distance, you learn about the strength of your horse; over a long period of time, you get to know what’s in a person’s heart.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I'd participate *IF* my leg could be during the brief non-cold season here. I'm in Vermont, within reasonable long-ride distance of Canada or New York state.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crazycanuck View Post
    Is my crazycanuck thought too off?
    It's a great idea, since I imagine that you're going into summer and probably have more rides going on at the moment = more opportunities to pass the thing along.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I'm also in Queensland Australia - if we started here in the south & need a way to get across I have a friend visiting Houston early next year??

    ~ It doesn't get any easier you just get faster. ~

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Perth, Western Australia


    Ok, we could start this thingie in Perth then the ACT(where's jaydee& cyclegoddess), over & up to Qld for Pinkbikes n chickpea. I can cycle to Trekhawk's house but not to QLD....

    Hmm...I wonder what cool thing we could start off with...a cycling gnome

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Maxxxie View Post
    I'm in! Brisbane, Australia here!

    Me too!

    Hmm - I'm going to Japan in February. Anybody there? Oh - and DH will be heading back to Austin, Texas later next year if that is of any use. I might even go with him this time...
    Last edited by pinkbikes; 10-28-2009 at 01:04 AM.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Oslo, Norway
    Aye! If someone were to mail me "the thing" I could take it for a ride around Oslo, photograph it somewhere scenic, and ship it on to the next one.

    I love all this talk about "the thing", it makes it sound all mysterious and corny at the same time
    Winter riding is much less about badassery and much more about bundle-uppery. - malkin

    1995 Kona Cinder Cone commuterFrankenbike/Selle Italia SLR Lady Gel Flow
    2008 white Nakamura Summit Custom mtb/Terry Falcon X
    2000 Schwinn Fastback Comp road bike/Specialized Jett

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    California's Central Valley
    Quote Originally Posted by lph View Post
    Aye! If someone were to mail me "the thing" I could take it for a ride around Oslo, photograph it somewhere scenic, and ship it on to the next one.

    I love all this talk about "the thing", it makes it sound all mysterious and corny at the same time
    Thats a fantastic idea! Not just passing *it* on...but showing it a good time too!
    I like the idea of a cycling gnome-lol and it could travel with guestbook or journal of sorts where each could sign and write about the adventures of the *thing*!
    You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
    - Eleanor Roosevelt

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Great idea! Add me in from central Maryland (easy to volunteer, knowing there are several of us in the area, making for shorter rides to the next person!).

    In the geocaching/Flat Stanley mode, the "thing" could be something each person adds to without adding much actual weight - a notebook for a short ride report, a cheap backpack to slap a patch on, a frame pump to add a sticker to, etc.


  10. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Atlanta, GA
    Aye! Count me in too! I'm here in Atlanta, along with several others. I'd have to wait for spring or later, tho as I'm recovering from an injury.

    This sounds so cool!

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Rhode Island
    Maybe we can ask Susan or another TE person if we could have blogspace, or at least sanction a specific thread, just for this project?

    The blog could have a map, gps locator (where participants can upload coordinates? Using a google app, perhaps?) ability to load photos, and area for participants to blog in.

    I think some of these trips should be concurrent. That way, all four (or five, or eight) can be tracked at once, and people can "hop on" or off depending on whether an "it" is coming through their area.

    How about "it" be a buff, or a big white bandana that people can sign?
    I can do five more miles.

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MillieNZ View Post
    I'm in Auckland new zealand now, but moving to hawaii about February next year............ so if the Southern Hemisphere girls started it I could techincally take 'it' from NZ to Hawaii across the ditch ?!?!?!

    Maybe when each new TE get 'it' they post a piccie of themselves & 'it'
    I'll be on Maui in early March, and could transport 'the thing' to Seattle. We plan to ride while on Maui, so I could show it a fun time.

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I'll volunteer too for later when the warmer weather hits here again. Perhaps a link up with the New Englanders can be arranged. Being in Niagara County New York I could get it over the border to Canada, or bring it over to the US side. Could take some pics with the Falls as a backdrop!

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet
    Quote Originally Posted by indigoiis View Post
    Maybe we can ask Susan or another TE person if we could have blogspace, or at least sanction a specific thread, just for this project?

    The blog could have a map, gps locator (where participants can upload coordinates? Using a google app, perhaps?) ability to load photos, and area for participants to blog in.

    I think some of these trips should be concurrent. That way, all four (or five, or eight) can be tracked at once, and people can "hop on" or off depending on whether an "it" is coming through their area.

    How about "it" be a buff, or a big white bandana that people can sign?
    That's easy. Someone pick "a thing", start a thread

    A link to this thread on the OP would be nice. Take a ride with IT. Offer to meet or send IT to another TE'er.

    I think a buff or bandana is a wonderful idea
    Fancy Schmancy Custom Road bike ~ Mondonico Futura Legero
    Found on side of the road bike ~ Motobecane Mixte
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    Favorite bike ~ Soma Buena Vista mixte
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  15. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    I'm currently working on making a "flat stanley" for my little family charity cycling team. I could make a few TE ones at the same time. Waiting on some supplies so may take a couple weeks. But I'd be happy to do that and send a few around to start on their journeys.

    I'll post a pic of my family one when it is done and you can see what you all think.

    Very cute idea. I'd definitely join in and could help out here in MD where I may not be needed, or in Pittsburgh where my family lives.
    You too can help me fight cancer, and get a lovely cookbook for your very own! My team's cookbook is for sale Click here to order. Proceeds go to our team's fundraising for the Philly Livestrong Challenge!



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