I have been riding for years, but this is my first year racing. With the huge increase in training hours on the bike since the winter, I have had a HUGE problem with ingrown hairs/cysts in the saddle area. I'm not a new rider...I understand proper saddle and bike fit......I have great bibs....I use a chamois cream..etc, etc. My problem.....(and I'm going to be blunt, ladies)....is that I am just so damn hairy down there. The hair continues on the sides where my inner thighs begin. My teammates advice is to just keep the area shaved and use lots of lubricant before rides. I do use lubricant/cream EVERY time I ride, but shaving that area on a regular basis makes the issue even worse. Currently I have 3 large deep cysts, and it will probably take a couple of weeks for them to go away. After they go away, I'll probably ride for a couple of weeks before developing a few more cysts in different spots. I've spoken with my doctor about this (who races as well, so he knows), and my cysts are never bad enought to require antibiotics, but since he is not a women he cannot offer anymore suggestions. Does anyone else suffer from this issue??? All of my teammates do not, so I'm really fishing for help. By the way...this is not your run of the mill ingrown shaving bump that everyone gets....I'm talking hard big DEEP cysts.