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Thread: Race License

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Race License

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    I'm psyched I just got my first race license. Now I can work on racing and at Some point be able to upgrad. I dream of one day being able to be a Cat 1. Maybe a little old to ever be pro, but you never know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    North Central Florida


    What does that mean? What do you have to do to get it? Does everyone have to have one? What Cat are you now? How do you know when it's time to change Cats? (I'm curious about racing- not that I could ever do it, but love to hear details of what I don't know about!)

    "...I'm like the cycling version of the guy in Flowers for Algernon." Mike Magnuson

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Nanci
    What does that mean? What do you have to do to get it? Does everyone have to have one? What Cat are you now? How do you know when it's time to change Cats? (I'm curious about racing- not that I could ever do it, but love to hear details of what I don't know about!)

    Check out USA Cycling Federation for info on licenses.

    Anyone who wishes to race needs a license. I think they have day licenses if you wanted to give a race a go.

    CATS go from 5 (being beginner) to 1 (pros). You change CATS by upgrading through points (ie how well you do in your races).

    You sound interested, why NOT give it a go?

    Don't ask why a Canadian girl knows this stuff, I'm just envious we don't have more races here!
    All limits are self imposed - Icarus

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CR400
    Maybe a little old to ever be pro, but you never know.
    Never! Good luck on your races and keep us posted!
    All limits are self imposed - Icarus

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    WA State
    Quote Originally Posted by bluerider
    Check out USA Cycling Federation for info on licenses.

    Anyone who wishes to race needs a license. I think they have day licenses if you wanted to give a race a go.

    CATS go from 5 (being beginner) to 1 (pros). You change CATS by upgrading through points (ie how well you do in your races).

    You sound interested, why NOT give it a go?

    Don't ask why a Canadian girl knows this stuff, I'm just envious we don't have more races here!
    Us girls get to start as 4's since there are not enough of us to go around to justify a 5 field, but with the upswing in interest around these parts they are considering a women's cat 5 for next year. 5 is the easiest to upgrade from - all you need is experience.
    Here's information from the www.usacycling.org web site

    USCF Road Upgrades
    Guidelines and Notes by Category:
    5-4: Experience in 10 mass start races that meet the criteria in the table below (qualifying races).
    Local Associations may also establish policies where upgrade credit is given for taking a sanctioned rider education clinic.
    4-3: 20 points in any 12-month period; or experience in 25 qualifying races with a minimum of 10 top ten finishes, or 20 pack finishes with fields over 50. 30 points in 12 months is an automatic upgrade
    3-2: 25 points in any 12-month period
    60 points in 12 months is an automatic upgrade
    2-1: 30 points in any 12-month period
    60 points in 12 months is an automatic upgrade

    They've started enforcing a rule that only cat 5 men and cat 4 women can buy a single day license this year.

    Some states also have what they call "citizen's races". I don't know if they are uscf sanctioned or not, but they are geared towards beginners.

    BTW - I was one of those people who used to say that I would never be able to race, I'm not fast enough, not strong enough, etc., etc. and I've been doing very well - 11th place in my last (3rd) race. So it goes to show you never know until you try.
    "Sharing the road means getting along, not getting ahead" - 1994 Washington State Driver's Guide

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