Quote Originally Posted by sarahspins View Post
By DIY measurements I was able to figure that my sit bones were about 165mm - then a few years ago I happened to get a pelvic x-ray and I got a printed copy of it and I was able to actually measure my sit bones on the x-ray... I am 168mm.

I have to date, found exactly two saddles that have worked for me. The now discontinued brooks B68 (I own 3), and the Selle SMP TRK - I really like the design of that saddle a lot (the cut-out is awesome), but it's too padded and I don't like the plastic covering (it's slippery when sweaty), however all of the lesser padded leather-covered SMP saddles are too narrow. I have tried a few other saddles that were okay on my sit bones, but the overall shape of the saddle caused other problems - typically they were too pear shaped for me. The "T" shape of the brooks works very well for me.
I know this is an old thread, but I'm gonna ask anyway - have you since found anything else that works? I think we must be sit-bone-twins, I'm the same measurement and the Selle SMP TRK is the only saddle I've found that works for me. I always want to keep trying though, in case perfection is still out there.