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Thread: snowboarding

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    San Jose, CA


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    Blarg. Any of you ever conflicted between going biking or going snowboarding? I keep feeling I should hit the snow while there's still enough of it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Off eating cake.
    Nah, not really. Unless I haven't got any money, the snow tends to win. Not that I'm faced with such an unfortunate dilema in London...
    Drink coffee and do stupid things faster with more energy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    West Milwaukee
    I have my bike up on the trainer (collecting dust) so the decision isn't too tough for me. I use the excuse that I don't want to get road salt on my bike.
    I've been a skier for years but I had my first snowboard outing last week. I can almost sit down normally . I went out and got a pair of the padded board shorts for my next try at it on Tues.
    My daughter got a new board setup a few seasons ago and I kept her old one and finally got around to trying it out. I think I'm really going to learn to enjoy the sport.
    I took a lesson and I was not as bad as my daughter was expecting. She didn't even bother to hang around long to watch me as it wasn't as entertaining as she was hoping for.
    Last edited by SJCzar; 02-04-2006 at 07:00 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I'd definately take snowboarding over riding! Could be because we havent' seen much snow lately, but I feel so much more freedom and joy on the board than on the bike!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Twin Cities, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by snowtulip
    I'd definately take snowboarding over riding! Could be because we havent' seen much snow lately, but I feel so much more freedom and joy on the board than on the bike!
    Me too, in Dec. thru March in Minnesota, anyway! I'm a lifer at DH skiing, but picked up snowboarding at the end of last winter. Our hills aren't large here, but they are good training grounds for a new snowboarder. It's SO MUCH FUN!

    Tomorrow (next winter?), THE WEST!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Denver, CO
    'sigh' snowboarding. here in the northeast the season is just so darn short. It is still august and i am already counting the days to the season. on a good note though, come november, i will be a colorado resident. WOO HOO!!!! hello season pass to the big mts!!!
    Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
    John Lennon, "Beautiful Boy"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by cherinyc
    'sigh' snowboarding. here in the northeast the season is just so darn short. It is still august and i am already counting the days to the season. on a good note though, come november, i will be a colorado resident. WOO HOO!!!! hello season pass to the big mts!!!
    Good timing for a move, I'd say!

    I have heard that the trails "out west" are one degree higher than "back east" but have not experienced this for myself, having only been on the snow in the west. Your perspective will prove to be interesting

    We are counting down the days here, too. Just this morning, I eyed the equipment sleeping in the basement, yearning to come out and play! They are getting jealous of the bike.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Denver, CO
    I got a new Salomon Radiant Snowboard for my birthday.... I love my boyfriend - he really knows the way to my heart. A new snowboard and a pair of diamond earings. What more could a girl ask for?
    Now all I need are some bindings and I'll be ready to go. I am looking for a pair that has the toe cover. Any opinions on these?
    Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
    John Lennon, "Beautiful Boy"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Lakewood, Co
    I don't know anything about snowboard bindings but A-Basin and Loveland Ski areas opened this past weekend. Copper Mtn. plans to open Nov. 3.

    Nice long season here in Colorado!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Denver, CO
    I know - I can't believe Denver has gotten 4.4 inches of snow already. Crazy!!! I can't wait to get there.
    Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
    John Lennon, "Beautiful Boy"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Lakewood, Co
    I can't believe it either!

    Today, we were scheduled to lead a 54 mi ride for our bike club. Club policy cancelled, too cold this morning.

    High of day below 40! Normal high for the day is 65.
    Last edited by Kathi; 10-18-2006 at 12:05 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathi View Post
    I don't know anything about snowboard bindings but A-Basin and Loveland Ski areas opened this past weekend. Copper Mtn. plans to open Nov. 3.
    <-- Jealous!! We just have snow on the peaks.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    From The Boy's window this morning in Colorado Springs.

    I'm so jealous.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    West Milwaukee
    Stop it right now!!!! I'm so jealous. We're getting colder all the time around here, but the chance of any measureable snow is pretty slim before late November. If I were younger, and had no family responsibilities, I'd be living out west for sure.

    We're planning a trip to Utah this Jan., so I'm hoping to get a bunch of days in around here before that.

    I'm going to start my new gear shopping soon. I'll finally have a board of my own instead of my daughter's hand-me-down. Yippeee..



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