You might try experimenting with your walking-around shoes first, as I did. When you're running, the forces just make the chance of injury that much greater if things aren't right, plus you don't really want to stop and make adjustments on your shoes in the middle of a run.

Also, the difference in your ability to balance shows up a lot more in your ADLs than it does when you're moving straight ahead on pavement.

I've found that I want at least some padding under my big toes, in addition to under the joint. Otherwise, it's just too long of a reach for my toe to reach the ground.

I'm definitely giving my body some time for the muscles to re-train themselves, too. I'm not running nearly as short as they tell you to when you're adapting to barefooting, but I haven't done a long run in the pads yet, and unfortunately I think I'm going to have to run next week's half-marathon in my old orthotics.

What have you been using up til now? OTC arch supports, custom ones, or nothing?