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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    My first group ride!

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    It was a short (four miles or so) ride designed for beginners, but I'd never done a group ride and I really enjoyed it.

    The weather was hot and humid, I'm 57 years old and I only bought my bike twelve days ago, so I was pleased that I could keep up and feel reasonably competent. We rode mainly on bike paths that I know well from Xootring, but we did go across Manhattan on a regular street.

    I am really looking forward to more group rides. Especially in the city, it seems safer than solo biking. I doubt I'll get fit fast enough to do long, hilly rides this fall, but spring should be fun.

    I'm not the most social person, but biking with others appeals to me for some reason. Maybe because you don't have to keep up a conversation the whole time?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Nor Cal
    That is so awesome! I just got my bike um...5 days ago, and I am so excited to go on my first group ride but I'm really nervous too. Sounds like you had a blast!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I think I have seen you today!!! Were you by any chance around west 130-125th heading towards greenway bike path, riding in the bike lane south? It is near Dinosaur BBQ. I was going north and was passed by this group of bikers beginners...

    Great that you are enjoying cycling. Once you get more comfortable you will realize that riding in Manhattan is much faster and safer when done alone.

    Czech Chicks Rule !

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Seminole, FL


    Awesome! Glad that you enjoyed your first group ride! I have not ridden with a group yet, but we have some rides coming up that should give us some experience riding with large groups. We are usually dodging the kids and seniors on the park trail near our house and skaters and racers on the other trails. But DH and I are usually riding alone. With every ride I gain confidence and get to know my bike better. It is so much fun! Stay safe out there and enjoy!
    “No Bird Soars Too High If He Soars With His Own Wings” ~ William Blake

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Martinkap, no, that wasn't us. We were downtown (started at Battery Park). I'm glad to hear there were beginner groups at both ends of Manhattan. My cycling in Manhattan is a work in progress. We'll see where it goes.

    Wildhawk, I am quickly learning about dodging people on the bike path. And trying to maintain a cheerful attitude about it. I think pedestrians need brake lights.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    New York City

    Congratulations on completing your first group ride! Cycling with others can be a lot of fun.

    Since you are a fellow New Yorker I thought you might be interested in the cycling program that the New York Cycle Club offers every Spring.

    It changed my life! I got over my fears of cycling on the streets of NYC (and beyond) by doing the C SIG, then went on to the B SIG (faster, further, more challenging, pacelining) to perfect my skills. I am currently one of the group leaders of the C SIG. Besides learning how to be a confident rider, you'll get a chance to meet lots of other great cyclists and future riding companions.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Austin, TX
    Congratulations, Pam - that's awesome. I'm impressed with your courage!

    I've thought about doing a group ride because I'd love to meet other women beginners, but all the postings I see around Austin are for riders with more skill than me.

    Many cyclists have said that riding with a group would be a great great way for me to gain skill, but I'm still too nervous for that. I ride with DH now, who rides at 15 MPH (I average ~11) and many days it's hard to shake off the "I'm so darn slow" feeling afterwards. He's as patient as can be, but I'm a "non-athlete" to the core, and this whole arena is so new for me. My confidence is still shaky.

    I know there are "no drop" rides here, but I've been waiting until I can get to an average speed of at least 12 MPH before I try. That could take another season or two.

    Tell me, how did you find your beginner group?
    Cure cancer. Ride a bike.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Seminole, FL


    PamNY: Pedestrians definately need something! - we use “on your left” and they will still step right in front of us. We have tried audibles, bells, everything. Now I just give an audible and swing around them. The smaller kids I slow way down and tell them which side to go on. They usually freeze up when they see us coming up. Most of the time their parents will steer them to the proper side of the trail. It is all skill training - so just be alert and ready for anything. You have an awesome opportunity to gain some great maneuvering skills riding in NY and with your group.

    DebTX: Speed will come with time and strength. I started keeping a cycling diary two months ago. The first ride I could barely keep up with DH and thought I was doing great at 8 mph. I now routinely ride at 12 - 13.5 mph and do sprints at 19 mph. And I am 52 and still about 60 lbs. overweight and my bike is a hybrid with full panniers. So don’t you worry - you will be flying along in no time! My DH now complains that I make him work to keep up with me! I think it is important to get to know your bike and its handling well before trying to go too fast. Our local bike clubs all have rides that match your ability/level. The main thing is - you are riding!! Enjoy!!
    “No Bird Soars Too High If He Soars With His Own Wings” ~ William Blake

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Ccnyc: Thanks for the link -- it sounds like an interesting group, and a great chance to learn and ride.

    DebTX: My beginner ride was sponsored by a small environmental action group that is also doing the bike repair class I'm taking. I hope you can find something similar. Even a short ride was very educational.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Great stuff! You're so lucky to find a beginner group ride. Take advantage of it!
    Trying to be the person my dogs think I am.



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