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Thread: Diablo Weather

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Diablo Weather

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    Oh, Miss Kim, our official mountain watcher? You out there? What does Diablo look like? Bubba and I are thinking about playing hooky tomorrow afternoon and riding up. You think the winds will be too severe?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    Let me know if you want some company.

    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I was thinking about you. Aren't you on break from the kiddies?

    Here's the thing. I have a dr's appt for a funky wrist (mtb fall last July, believe it or not!) at 10:15 am. An X-ray was taken last August but I don't know if they're going to want another X-ray or an MRI or what. It's obviously not an emergency so I'm going to do whatever it takes to get the heck out of there and head for Diablo. It's too sunny to waste the day sitting in waiting rooms. If you don't mind a little suspense on the timing, company is always welcome.

    I'm not sure we'll be able to be on-line between the appt and getting on the road, can you PM/email me a phone number?

    By the way, what does the weather look like your way? Beautiful puffy clouds here. Sometimes window offices don't help one's concentration level.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    It's sunny here. We spent the morning grouting the bathroom. It looks great, but I'll be glad when this project is done. Thom's new piano is being delivered sometime between 4 and 7, that's mostly why he stayed home today.

    I'm flexible on the time.

    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Concord, CA USA
    I'm playing hooky tomorrow morning for a Diablo ride. At this time the weather report is: sunshine one moment, clouds the next, about 60 degrees and breezy. I don't see any severe weather warnings in the weather report, so winds on Diablo should be bearable tomorrow.

    I hope to see you guys up there. We're starting in WC around 10:30, so should be climbing sometime after 11.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Ooooh! All these great minds!

    The plan is to meet at Arbolado at 1 pm because of my dr's appt. We may be able to make it earlier but since V may ride from her house it will be hard to juggle the schedule. V, if you want to go earlier and ditch us I'll understand. Please leave cookies at the summit .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    Well I wasn't planning on bringing any - mostly because I only have 3 left. And Thom gets those in his lunch tomorrow. Maybe I'll bake in the morning... I need the miles so I'll be riding from here - Deer Valley to Marsh Creek to Pine Hollow to Ygnacio. It's about 30 miles, if the wind is not too bad (they're forecasting 10 - 20) it should take about 2 - 2.5 hours. Thom is going to pick me up on his way home from his lesson. Of course I'd have a tail wind on the way home...

    Maybe I'll wake up feeling all energetic and ride over Morgan Territory and the South side of Diablo instead.

    Morgan Territory
    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Concord, CA USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    Maybe I'll wake up feeling all energetic and ride over Morgan Territory and the South side of Diablo instead.
    Oh, so if you feel energetic you'll do MT, but if you just feel so-so you'll ride 30 miles out to Diablo, then ride to the summit? And you're doing a double Diablo on Saturday too? You'll be ready for the full DMD by next month!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    I was then going to ride up the North side with Sarah and Bill. I figure that will give me a real indication of how far I can get on DMD. I'd like to make it to the top of Hamilton this year. But I really need to work on lower back. It's what quits every time. Time to start doing ab work I guess.

    It's about 50 miles from my house to the Junction and almost 5,000 feet of climb. Maybe I'll meet Sarah and Bill there.

    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    IIt's about 50 miles from my house to the Junction and almost 5,000 feet of climb. Maybe I'll meet Sarah and Bill there.
    Meet us where? The junction?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Concord, CA USA
    LOL. This is getting amusing.

    OT, Sarah, I really like your new avatar. Will you and Petunia be getting temp tattoos with this design?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    The Ranger Station where the north and south gate roads come together is where I was thinking I'll meet you Sarah.

    And what's so funny Kim? No more cookies for you.

    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Kim, I think we should just put an avalanche locator beacon on her. Thanks about the logo. Petunia hasn't even seen it unless she's been on the forum lately.

    V, doesn't Ranger Station = Junction? Your route sounded like it was going to take you all over the south bay. BTW, if Thom doesn't want to pick you up, we can deliver you home. We'll have the bike bus.

    Heading for home and a day of fun! Yeah!!!!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    Thanks for the offer of a ride. I told Thom and he said, "Why wouldn't I want to pick you up?" I love that man.

    So, let's talk weekend plans. He still needs to do Diablo twice. We're thinking mountain bike on Saturday and road ride on Sunday.

    Is Mount Tam a go for the weekend? Or you going to reschedule?

    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    Thanks for the offer of a ride. I told Thom and he said, "Why wouldn't I want to pick you up?" I love that man.
    Well, if he is unable to pick you up offer still stands.

    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    So, let's talk weekend plans. He still needs to do Diablo twice. We're thinking mountain bike on Saturday and road ride on Sunday.
    Is Mount Tam a go for the weekend? Or you going to reschedule?
    Weather looks good until Monday so Tam is a go. Bubba's Bday was Tuesday and he's been looking forward to this for a long time. He wants to go even though our group keeps shrinking. One couple just called because his father went into the hospital for emergency surgery; Robb is sick and the list goes on. We still have a few people who are committed so we feel we need to go. We invited our friend, Chris, on this ride and it turns out that he is leading a FATRAC (the Sac mtb club) ride there on the same day, so he doesn't have a choice.



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