Real name: Carolyn

Where do you live? Swansea, MA

Explanation of your handle: I joined just about the time I bought my Trek.

Explanation of your avatar: Until now, I never considered developing one, but now have some ideas...

Age (general or specific): 49.99...(I'll be 50 on Feb. 15).

Occupation: Real Estate Services

Favorite bike: ?? My new 2005 Trek 1500 WSD

What's in your stable? 2001 Schwinn Sierra GS (Hybrid) and my Trek (Road bike)

Fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? In September in Miles Standish State Park going down a hill...27.5 mph...I didn't know I had done it until I checked the computer when I got home. The speed limit is 25 mph...glad the cop cruising the park didn't catch me!

Another picture of yourself or your ride? There are no pictures of me in bike clothes...I've got pictures of me in a wet suit. That's humiliating enough!

What is the biggest lie you've ever told: No, I don't mind if you take my picture while I'm wearing my wetsuit...

Most memorable moment on my bike: I haven't been riding long, so they have all been memorable!

Most fun ever had on a bike? Every ride has been fun so far!