Wow, women on bikes. This past week 2 of us took off from Lake Placid, NY with our final destination being So. Glens Falls, a 90 mile journey.

Along the way we knew a bridge was out and there was a detour to another river crossing, the only thing was we didn't have a clue as to how far the detour was. One of our driving friends had said it wasn't too far. You know how that goes--10 miles in a car, 6 minutes--right!

We knew another route but it was over Landon Hill, a route we didn't want to take at mile 60 and luckily didn't have to. As we pedaled into Schroon Lake we chanced upon another cyclist taking a layer off on the side of the road. Oh I forgot to mention that when I left my house in Lake Placid that morning to meet my riding friend it was 30 degrees. This was my first venture into cold weather riding. It was great. Anyway back to our encounter along the road. It was Chris, a wonderful women from Wisconsin visiting her daughter in Schroon Lake.

Chris not only took us to to detour but changed her route and stayed with us until we arrived in Warrensburg. She had a cup of coffee with us and some junk food and we forgot about our granola in our seat bags.

We learned a lot about Chris, her kids, her career and time flew. A strong women and a women we decided we wanted to continue to strive to be like. Chris, if you're out there...Thanks

I would encourage everyone to say hello to another rider and join up.