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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    grizzly peak cyclists

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    hihi, is anyone here in the sanfransisco bay area and a member of grizzly peak cyclists? i am thinking about joining but i have never ridden with a bike club and i can be really shy about meeting new people and stuff, would be cool to hear from members

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet
    lots of t.e.'ers from CA! Grizzly Peak cyclists are a good club, they have a novice riders series twice a year to introduce new riders to group riding skills. I highly recommend it, check their website.

    There are many other bike clubs in the Bay Area as well, including ...drum roll....Velogirls, a womens club.

    Try different groups, different rides, you'll get a sense of which you like. Don't be nervous, cyclists are a friendly bunch as a general rule ;-)
    Fancy Schmancy Custom Road bike ~ Mondonico Futura Legero
    Found on side of the road bike ~ Motobecane Mixte
    Gravel bike ~ Salsa Vaya
    Favorite bike ~ Soma Buena Vista mixte
    Folder ~ Brompton
    N+1 ~ My seat on the Rover recumbent tandem

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    There are many other bike clubs in the Bay Area as well, including ...drum roll....Velogirls, a womens club.

    the velogirls ride at times that don't work for me, but i have checked out there web page and they seem really cool, like i said i am shy i think i will try out the grizly peak cyclists soon though, i recently removed my back tire and inner tube then put it all back cuz i feel like i at least need to know how to fix a flat and stuff, and tomorrow or very soon i will get some real bike shorts, i feel sorta funny going for a ride without proper bike clothes, i am very shy and self conscious.
    thanks for the reply, i feel less afraid now

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Mrs. KnottedYet
    good for you, i'm still shaky on fixing flats!

    and about "proper' bike clothes, sure it's more comfortable with 'em but I've seen some terrific riders who bike in anything and...i would not want to be a part of any club that was snobbish about clothes/gear so you should feel welcomed. just get out there and ride.
    Fancy Schmancy Custom Road bike ~ Mondonico Futura Legero
    Found on side of the road bike ~ Motobecane Mixte
    Gravel bike ~ Salsa Vaya
    Favorite bike ~ Soma Buena Vista mixte
    Folder ~ Brompton
    N+1 ~ My seat on the Rover recumbent tandem



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