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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Smile Another "clipless" wannabe

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    My first time out on my clipless pedals, I found a nice, low-traffic business park near my club. Did 10 miles, no problem. Managed to clip out well in advance of stopping and did not fall.

    My second time out, only 30 minutes ago, I decided to be brave and venture out onto a semi-main road near my home. Doing great, until I hit that first stop sign. I clipped my left shoe out, but unfortunately my bike tipped to the right and down I went. Luckily, there was grass to the right. Two nice young men were kind enough to make sure I was ok.

    I have Time pedals and have found it easier to clip inward. A cyclist friend told me to be careful of hitting my chain, or spokes. Should I stop this "bad" habit of unclipping inward now, or is it ok? Should I unclip both shoes until I master the balencing act or just continue with one shoe?

    Or should I go back to my nice mountain bike with basket cages...heehee?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    boston area

    Re: Another "clipless" wannabe

    Originally posted by Tri'ing Hard
    Doing great, until I hit that first stop sign. I clipped my left shoe out, but unfortunately my bike tipped to the right and down I went. Luckily, there was grass to the right.
    Ah yes - this sounds all too familiar - and i keep falling on the same spot on my right knee to make matters worse.... ; )

    are you getting off your seat when you stop?? this was my biggest problem....make sure when you stop that you slide off your seat - then you will be more balanced - i kept falling right after unclipping left when i stopped but didn't hop off the seat - this is not alot of balance while on tiptoes...

    sliding off the seat has helped ALOT!!! don't fall when stopping now! (hope i haven't just jinxed myself) BUT.....i do occassionally still fall while starting if i'm on a group ride and there are lots of people around and i can't get a good start 'cause people in front of me that i think are moving...don't actually move - then you get on seat to realize you can't move and i never think fast enough to jump off the seat....and then i teeter over to the right and crash....my poor knee.... ; )

    keep working at it - it's worth it!!!!

    : )

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    east coast usa
    I found a big part of my balance depends on where my clipped foot is. If I have my clipped foot at the top of the rotation, I tend to fall that way. If I have my clipped foot at the bottom of rotation, my balance is more even so I can lean to the unclipped side.



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