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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area

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    In theory I should be going to the pool a couple of times a week before work, so that's why I shave so often. I just haven't been motivated to go.


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    dallas, tx

    that shaving thang

    I shave (um, no waxing!!) and usually do the days I'm not riding which helps with irritation. I read somewhere & have used myself successfully, to blot hydrogen peroxide over shaved area and let dry. Especially good when shaving legs & going outside immediately in heat. But do in tub before getting out so's to not have little 'spots' of white areas on throw rugs, carpet, etc.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Boise, ID
    Sorry if I am totally missing something but are you guys shaving for riding? I did see Veronica shaves for swimming......just wondering?

    I'm still have saddle issues so I'm willing to try anything (almost ). Kelly

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I shave 3-5 x's week depending on bathing suit season, and never have had any issues. Some bumps once in a while if blade is getting dull, but for the most part, nothing major.

    Now, the brazilian thing.......what happens when it starts to grow back and itches "down under"! That would make for an interesting ride!

    Never tried the wax thing, cause don't want to wait for hairs to grow out to do the waxin!
    The only limits that you have in life are the ones you impose on yourself. ~author unknown~

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Marina Del Rey

    Shaving for riding

    I shave everyday. But when it comes to riding I am having a horrible time with ingrown hairs and irritation. I was wondering if waxing was a better way to go to prevent irritation. The one time I tried waxing I took a ride and the next day and had a bad reaction. So I was just looking for some imput from other riders that might be having a similar problem.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Eugene, OR

    maybe not shaving?

    Has anyone considered not shaving the bikini area? I have the same problem, and to my (*very* understanding) husband's chagrin, I've decided to not shave for awhile as an experiment. If anyone has trouble obtaining 'permission', they can try what I did....
    I asked him if I could just not shave, like he doesn't... he complained a little, so I, for fun, shaved HIM. after grumbling, scratching and whining, he said he *totally* understood, and was willing to see how my experiament went. =)

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Longmont, CO
    Permission? Hah!

    Yup, I've tried not shaving -- haven't shaved, plucked, or waxed a thing on my body since I was about 14.

    It's amazing how much free time I have ...

    Seriously, permission? I hope that's a joke. It's your body, not his. It's not like you force him to shave his back! ... um, you don't do that, right?

  8. #23
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Eugene, OR
    Yeah, I kid... though there was this one time... he's 19 and of the geneology so he has very sparse (just starting) chest and back hair.... he'd been growing it out for a couple months, so proud of about 8 inch long black hairs on front and back, so in the shower I shaved them off. It was then that we decided to play at asking permission before shaving each other... he even asks now if it's 'okay' to trim his goatee. =) it's all in fun, don't worry. =)

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Columbia, SC
    I shave my underarms, legs and bikini area every time I shower. I get out of the shower and apply Cortaid to the bikini area I've shaved. It completely eliminated any bikini rash problems.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    North Vancouver, British Columbia
    Originally posted by Biking Kitsune
    8 inch long black hairs on front and back,
    8 inch long hairs !!
    What- is he a gorilla???
    Somebody call the zoo!!!

    just kidding- I just couldn't resist - I know you meant the quantity of 8 hairs that are about an inch long...

    : p
    Whe you come to the end of all you know-
    and you are about to step off into the darkness
    faith is knowing one of two things will happen-
    there will be something solid to stand on-
    or you will be taught to fly...

  11. #26
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Eugene, OR

    Talking LOL


  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Shaving vs. waxing

    I've shaved...and i've waxed. And i've let it go "natural." (In other words...not done either.) The no shave-no wax is the most comfortable for biking, but it's not realistic for bikini season. So I usually wax during biking season. It lasts the longest, and i usually have to wax every two weeks. As for a Brazilian style wax, i lived in Brazil for three years. What it usu refers to is the removal of everything (front, back, and underneath), except for a little strip of fur in the front. Unless you wear a thong in public, I don't see a Brazilian wax as a necessity. And unless you have been waxed by an expert and know what to do, i recommend going to a professional. The danger is applying too much wax to the area your trying to de-fuzz, and taking off too much hair at one time. It's a killer when that happens. An application of Neosporin cream works well afterward to control red bumps, and i also recommend a lotion with a hydroxy acid in it to help slough off skin in between waxings. It will help diminish "in-growns" when your fur starts to grow in again. The positive side of waxing over a long period of time...your hair diminishes in both courseness and quantity.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Brighton, England
    I've tried trimming and shaving but currently find 'natual' is the most comfortable for cyling.

    The full head of hair makes things nice and cushioned when riding, but I guess not so good for the bikini season.

    Luckily little shorts seem to be all the rage on the beach here this summer so I can just let everything do it's own thang for a while...

  14. #29
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Seattle, WA
    This is too funny! I highly recommend getting a good Vagina man to do the deed and shave off those unwanted hairs. Then listen to the Vagina women and get some after-market soothers. A trimmed ch-ch-ch-chia is better than an overgrown bush!

    I hope your laughing. I am.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    the dry side
    good Vagina man
    heh, do you mean hetero or WHAT? ROFLOL!!! As compared to a BAD vagina man? lol. I haven't a clue what you are talking about but it's funny as hell... And
    vagina women
    Isn't that all of us??

    good grief, I am SO ignorant....


    EDIT: d'oh, I got it at 3 am this morning, ...as in "leg man"..
    I am so slow sometimes!!!

    Last edited by Irulan; 06-16-2004 at 05:56 AM.
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