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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Central Connecticut

    I'm a full member of the club!

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    First fall-over with the clipless pedals. Because I am a stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid woman! Ever since I went clipless 2 months ago, I have made it a habit to unclip the left foot, always, always, always!! I thought repetition would be the best way to avoid the fall. Well, I approached an intersection tonight, unclipped the right because the curb was so high that I thought I'd balance on the curb. Guess what? My weigh must have still shifted left even though I unclipped right, and over I went. BAM!! To you new clipless users out there, I must tell you it's just like all my friends have been telling me -- it's not that bad when you fall over. It's not nearly as bad as falling when your bike is moving.

    Anyway, I feel like this makes me a REAL road rider! I have arrived!
    "You don't really ever have to fall. But kissing the ground is good because you learn you're not going to die if it happens."

    -- Jacquie "Alice B. Toeclips" Phelan, former U.S. national champion cyclist

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Minneapolis, MN


    You know, I keep thinking that one of these days I have to get bigger and learn to unclip the other foot first, but everytime I'm going to do it, I chicken out. I figure it's handy for me to always unclip the right because that's where the curbs are.

    I'm curious, though. How many on here are right unclippers and how many are left? I don't want to hear about any of you ambidextrous unclippers because it will just make me feel bad that I can't do it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'm the only one allowed to whine
    I always unclip the right. I'm left-handed, and the left stays on the bike to control the bike.

    I never use curbs to hold myself up. Heck, I can't even walk and chew gum at the same time, so don't look at me to manage to stop and put my foot on a curb!
    "If Americans want to live the American Dream, they should go to Denmark." - Richard Wilkinson

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quint! I am so proud of you! Now that you have the fall finally behind you, there shall be no more! (Let me know if saying it actually works).

    And FWIW, when I do ride clipless (which hasn't been lately because they give new meaning to the word "gravity" for me) I unclip the left side first always - and I am right handed.
    Last edited by CyclChyk; 10-13-2006 at 05:01 PM.
    Bianchiste TE Girls

    flectere si nequeo superos, Achaeronta movebo

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    The Netherlands
    Because of all the posts about the pedals I started to look consiously how I do it. I mean, I drive clipless for over 15 years now (yep since the very beginning that they created those things, I felt being clipped the old way was far more scarier), so I tend to forget how I use them.

    I almost allways unclip the left foot, very rarely the right. When I hit a crossing with traffic lights I allways look for something to lean against so I do not have to unclip. Here in holland we got the special poles near the traffic light specially made for bikers to signal to the traffic control system that a biker is requested passage and they are at exactly the right hight to lean against.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Central Connecticut
    WOW! I had no idea Holland had special poles for bikes, and they allow you to request permission to proceed? Talk about a pro-biking community. And here I was last night wishing the town would sweep the trash out of the breakdown lane so I could ride without gettng hurt!
    "You don't really ever have to fall. But kissing the ground is good because you learn you're not going to die if it happens."

    -- Jacquie "Alice B. Toeclips" Phelan, former U.S. national champion cyclist

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I unclip right because my right foot is a little smarter than my left. I also prefer the feeling of leaning AWAY from traffic. I did my first clipless fall in the parking lot of the Velodrome as all the Sunday rides were organizing. I had practiced in the cemetary next door so only the dead would laugh. But no, the gods scheduled my fall in front of as many riders as possible. The gods think they are funny.

    Just make sure you "tuck" when you go down. I got hurt because my knee stuck herself out to help.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    The Netherlands
    Yes, with the pole you can request passing. If you look good at the picture you will also see the markings of a pressure loop below the bike. This loops also detects that a bike is standing in front of the traffic light. The orange part of the road is the 'bicycle lane' indicator, so a special lane exclusive for cyclists. Holland is very pro-biking, it almost has to be, there are so many cyclists here. It is for most people the most used means of transport in the towns and almost all children learn to ride a bike from about the age of 4.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Florida panhandle
    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa View Post
    The orange part of the road is the 'bicycle lane' indicator, so a special lane exclusive for cyclists. Holland is very pro-biking, it almost has to be, there are so many cyclists here.
    Almost makes me want to move! You're so fortunate to live where cycling is so respected, Mimosa!

    By the way, I still ride with old-fashioned toeclips--yes, I know, I know, I've gotta enter the 21st century one of these days. But I just want to add that I've always disengaged my right foot when I stop--not sure why, it just seemed natural to me, from the time I started using clips.
    Bad JuJu: Team TE Bianchista
    "The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress." -Roth
    Read my blog: Works in Progress

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I unclip left.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The middle of North America
    Congrats Quint41

    especially for not getting injured - I think there is a lot of truth to the fact that most falls occur going less than 5 mph and are more "tip overs"

    I am a left out first person because I am left foot dominant

    to check to see which foot is dominant stand w/ feet together w/ your back to someone and have them come up and give you a solid 2 hand push in the center of your back. Which ever foot comes out first to catch yourself is your dominant foot (believe it or not this comes from some legitimate brain research)

    It's about the journey and being in the moment, not about the destination

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Olney, MD
    I always unclip left first: I always mount and unmount the bike from the left, so the left foot is always the last to leave the ground and the first back down, so I always unclip left first.
    I'd rather be swimming...biking...running...and eating cheesecake...

    2008 Cervelo P2C Tri bike
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Hunt Valley, MD
    Funny! See, the "clipless topple" really isn't so bad!

    I almost always unclip left, because I am right-side-dominant. So the right foot remains clipped in, with the pedal up, so that when the light changes, I can just stand up onto the right foot and push down with some power, which gets me rolling as quickly as possible.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Congratulations on getting your fall over with..

    I cannot recall who asked, but for the record, I unclip left.

    “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
    -Mahatma Gandhi

    "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Portland , OR


    Im still in toe clips ,but always stop with my right foot, I leave my left foot tight in the strap. I will go clipless when I get my road bike in March. Ill probably unclip the same foot. Im right handed.



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