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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Sluggish Recoveries?

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    I need help ~ please please please!

    I can get out & quickly get up to ~18mph, and minus a head wind can maintain that pretty well. Until a stiff breeze or an incline comes along. Not even a 'rolling hill' - we're talking a little tiny 200 yard slope. Once I hit that, my quads feel like lead, my speed drops 4-5mph, and I can't recover. I've tried pushing harder to get thru, I've tried focusing on 'full circle' pedaling, speeding up my tempo (having to drop gears to do this)... but unless I come to a complete stop I simply drag on for a quarter to half mile struggling to get back up to speed. It's starting to hurt - my legs and my pride.

    To substitute wild theory for excuses, I want to say it's because nearly every ride this year has focused on climbing. I'm much better, and have attacked bigger & longer hills than ever before ~ I can sit back & spin my way up... but unless that hill is followed by an immediate downhill, it takes a very long time to recover.

    Any suggestions on changing this pattern?
    I've already got "just ride more" on the list, courtesy DH.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Flagstaff AZ

    Red face Riding Hills

    There is a lot of training information out there about how to get faster riding hills. I usually tell people at first just ride more hills, but it sounds like you have done that and that you have made some headway in your hillclimbing. Don't ever denigrate that increases in your abilities. Just because you are not as fast as others does not mean that you have not improved! Celebrate those milestones and then try for more.

    What most of us will do on hills is climb at a speed that we can sustain to the top. That may be slower for a long hill and faster for a short hill. Try some specific hill intervals to try to get faster overall on hill climbing. Find a hill that takes 8-10 minutes to get to the top. If that is too long to sustain at first, try 5 minutes. If you can't find a hill that long, just go up a hill for five minutes/8/10 minutes and then turn around and go back to the bottom. Go as hard as you can without blowing up. If you can't go any farther and get real slow, stop turn around and try again. Make sure that you are totally recovered at the bottom of the hill. If you have to stop or ride easy on teh flat at the bottom do so until your breathing and heartrate are under control again. Go hard again. Try 2 intervals the first week, twice a week. Try 3 intervals the second week, twice a week. Try 4 intervals the third week, twice a week. Take a break the fourth week. The next month do 3 intervals the 1st week, x2; 4 the second week, 4 the third week and take a break. After two months of this, see if you aren't faster overall on the hills.

    Remember - you will be faster - maybe not as fast as you want but patience, speed comes with dedication, training and time! But always remember don't get discouraged - YOU ARE GETTING BETTER!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I think I need to clarify ~ it's not Hills that are troublesome - I'm happy as can be to make it up a long climb & then take a little to recover.

    It's the small little inclines in the road... a false flat, or a tiny rise that wouldn't even cause a blip on an elevation map that's sucking the energy from my legs. If I had to estimate - let's say 100-200 yards with a total incline of 20 feet. Tiny, tiny, tiny, but I just can't recover speed there. Waa

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Md suburbs of Wash. DC
    Quote Originally Posted by Nokomis
    Once I hit that, my quads feel like lead...
    This may or may not have anything to do with it, but you don't mention what your pedal setup is. If you're not clipped/caged/or somehow 'attached' to your pedal, then your quads are possibly having to work too hard. Since I switched from loose toe cages to PowerGrips, I've been amazed at how much more my hamstrings and glutes work in difficult pedaling situations and I haven't felt any soreness in my quads since. If you've already got clipless pedals, though, I'm not sure what to suggest.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Using Look pedals ~ and at times focusing on doing the majority of the work on the pull, rather than the push.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    North Central Florida
    Does this happen only on longer rides, or everything? Are you getting enough calories during the ride??

    (I have a different problem- I run out of breath _way_ before my quads get tired.)

    "...I'm like the cycling version of the guy in Flowers for Algernon." Mike Magnuson

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Flagstaff AZ

    Little Blips and wind riding

    The information that I gave to you about intervals on hills - not only make you a better hill climber but also make you recover easier. (not hurt so much after a hard effort). Hard efforts may be caused by Little Blips in the road, or wind riding or the like. If you want to be able to do that easier and to recover faster and better, use interval training! Which is just don't go out and ride the same speed every ride for the same ride that you do every day!

    Here's my tips: Go to that place on the ride that causes you trouble. As you are riding to that spot, let your body recover, i.e. get your heartrate down and your breathing easy (go slow!), then when you get to that point that causes you trouble, go as hard as you can go for as long as you can without blowing up. When you feel like you are going to blow, turn around, recover again and try again. Don't do it every day, maybe twice a week at first; try a ramp up like I described on the hillclimb tips, i.e. 2 times the first time, 3 the next, etc.

    Remember this, that as you get better, your perceived effort may not feel any better, BUT you should be going faster. What happens is that the faster that we can do a hard effort doesn't make if feel any easier, it just makes you faster doing it! Hope that helps. What many people do when they ride is just ride and that is a good thing! Healthy as heck; but if you want to be faster and improve, you have to make it hard sometimes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Tustin, CA
    If you have been watching the Tour you know there are specialist for hills, flats (sprints), time trials etc. Hill training makes you stronger on hills but not faster on flats and vice-versa.

    If I understand your question its when you attack a small hill you run out of stream and have trouble recovering. At 18 mph your speed is pretty high and I can imagine it's hard to maintain going up the hill, how ever small. In addition, I'm assuming you are pushing a really tall gear (you didn't say but I asssume you don't switch gears until it becomes hard or you tire.. need to do it before you it gets to hard and you are already fatigued).

    Try this, on the flat as you apprach your small hill, down shift once and then once again as you attack the hill. If you are spinning too much then click up once. It may also help to get out of the saddle to finish the attack. Sit back down once the hill becomes easy or is conquered.

    I suggest you ride with a heart rate monitor. If at the time you are attacking the hill you hit your threshold, then you are pushing way too hard and am going totally anaerobic which means your recovery is going to be harder. You should not go any higher than 75 - 80 of threshold. And even that is for short periods of time - ie short, quick bursts.

    Hope this makes sense.
    Last edited by bcipam; 07-11-2006 at 11:44 AM.
    BCIpam - Nature Girl

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Nanci
    Does this happen only on longer rides, or everything? Are you getting enough calories during the ride??
    Happens on every ride. I believe I'm getting enough calories ~ especially since I'll hit this at the begining of a ride as well.

    Try this, on the flat as you apprach your small hill, down shift once and then once again as you attack the hill. If you are spinning too much then click up once. It may also help to get out of the saddle to finish the attack. Sit back down once the hill becomes easy or is conquered.
    That's exactly what I was doing this past ride. I was working on high cadence in flats, shifting down to compensate for the extra work of these little blips, but couldn't maintain rpm or recover speed after the exertion. I even found myself going to my granny gears to try to help w/ spinning fast even if I wasn't moving fast - but it's as if my legs are under water and simply can't maintain the quick movement.

    I'll have to get a heart rate monitor. I guess one of the frustrations is the pain / exhaustion is so isolated - I don't feel that my cardio or aerobic system is being over taxed in these stretches, it's that the legs don't want to move.

    Thanks everyone for your help! I do appreciate all the feedback & will continue working on it & applying your suggestions!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Tustin, CA
    Sounds like maybe your reps are too high - you are just spinning your little legs out of fuel. If you don't have one - get a computer with a cadence monitor. Try and stay around 80 - 90 - if you find yourself often going over 100, you will use up your fuel too quickly abnd tire out your legs. The key to hills whether or are attacking them or gliding up them is maintaining a comfortable steady cadence. If you find yourself spinning too fast in order to approach a hill, your technique if off. Stay at 80 and adjust your gearing to compensate the load.
    BCIpam - Nature Girl

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Flagstaff AZ


    Expensive Cadence Meters, aside, new pedals aside; (not that you bike fit might be off or whatever since I don't know you and have never seen you ride); You need to train your weakness!

    we all have them. whether its hills, small blips. a heart rate monitor might help you understand what your body is doing. But from what I am hearing, if you are coming into the blip at 18 mph and you are running out of steam at the top or before the top and then have to slow way down to recover, you are going over your lactate threshhold and you are having to reduce your workload to recover. So, even if you think you are not working that hard, it really sounds like you are pushing your limits coming into the blip and pushing past that threshold while on the blip causing you to blow!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Tustin, CA
    which is why in inexpensive heart rate montior would be helpful. You can get a Polar for $25. Well worth the investment.
    BCIpam - Nature Girl

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    On my bike


    Quote Originally Posted by bcipam
    which is why in inexpensive heart rate montior would be helpful. You can get a Polar for $25. Well worth the investment.
    Ditto on the HRM - although I've never had good luck with Polar.

    Are you overtrained? It sounds like you've been hitting it hard all season. When was your last week off?

    When I'm overtrained, my recovery is the pits and difficult cycling really suffers. I take a week of easy cycling/more days off.
    To train a dog, you must be more interesting than dirt.

    Trek Project One
    Trek FX 7.4 Hybrid

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Portland, OR
    Don't forget to get your iron checked, too. Heavy exercise (especially endurance, but even just lots of shorter hard rides) can deplete iron stores. Even if you don't have full-blown anemia, just a subclinical "low iron" condition, you may still experience performance degradation, fatigue, inability to deliver enough oxygen to your muscles feeling out of breath, etc.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2006
    south west of Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Nokomis
    focusing on doing the majority of the work on the pull, rather than the push.

    Dont' know if this is relevant, but I came across this article just recently, by this respected Australian sports physio/cyclist. Summing up it suggests that trying to pull up on the pedals may reduce efficiency. This article really makes sense, and I'm now trying to be much more aware of my pedal technique.



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