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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Chatham, Ontario

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    Thanks, Liz.

    I will research, and will be equipped with proper info, before I see any "professional"

    That last sentance is what really spurred me on!

    BTW, New Orleans was our very favorite vacation - ever! The people were awesome!

    Have a great day!


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    North Carolina


    Missliz, just wanted to say thank you for the informaiton and advice. And yes, the pain has gone away now... and I've stopped working with the personal trainer....I just hurt all the time and couldn't ride when I was working with him. I'm back to yoga and pillates now and I feel much much better! Plus I can ride (or could if school wasn't kicking my rump!!!)

    Trixie, good luck with your pain - the ony advice I can give is don't trust any doctor that seems to be treating your symptoms and not the cause of the problem. Way too many Ortho's prescribe the standard pain pill/anti inflammatory and leave it at that....things dont' imflame on their own (usually) fix the root of the problem...like Missliz is saying. It may be more involved and it may take longer but you'll be much happier you did - and your overall body will work like the pulled together machine it should be! Good luck - I have also spent a lot of my life in pain (crushed L4 and L5 in my lower back when I was 15) I've learned a lot about the medical world - the hard way!! Don't stop until you find the doctor that will really listen and knows their stuff!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    New Orleans/ South Louisiana
    That is so true about the right docter. I'm glad you feel better Grasshopper. I have the same pain today! I asked at the gym about that exercise- I can'y do it, but it looks so cool. They said it's good for lower abs, but tricky, and so maybe you were tired.
    Well maybe I just wanted to talk to the hot buff trainer making this poor woman do these. Good enough reason?

    Trixee, I had a pt assessment on my shoulder today, asked my therapist what the deal was- she said that all the stuff she does is called The McKenzie Method, she did a lot of continuing education courses and is certified in it, so she's up on these ideas. Now you know what questions to ask. Find a McKenzie certified PT, right? She also said that piriformous syndrome shows up with SI joint trouble a lot, so I guess it is a valid thing- I just wish I'd been checked for SI when I had the other.
    I was also informed that I sleep in the "roadkill" position, as it's called by the McKenzie people- You don't want to fall of the table laughing at PT and get hurt worse! She had to grab me and shove me back on the table, but apparently that's a symptom, sleeping weird. I'm roadkill- hope that's not a bad omen.

    So good luck, Trixee. Hope you get all straight and painless.

    Last edited by missliz; 09-12-2003 at 01:49 PM.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Chatham, Ontario


    Sorry about that - hit the wrong button!!

    Ok, what is the roadkill position??

    Sorry to hear that your shoulder is bugging you!


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    New Orleans/ South Louisiana
    I sleep on my stomach with my left knee tucked up under my armpit, or the whole leg stretched out like a Rockette high kick; like roadkill! I still have to just howl about that, but that began about 15 years ago, when my back started bothering me. I was still competing in a couple things and taking the regular biff.
    Anyway, it's the only way to get comfortable but it torques on the SI joints. Ever hear of sleeping with a pillow between the legs for back pain? Helps, but drives me crazy. Finally started sleeping as roadkill (that is just such a bad cyclist joke! ) with the pillow under the Rockette leg, and it releives the strain on the pelvis by rotating it up a bit.
    Except the dog always wants to steal that pillow in the night now, and she's very crafty...


    So Trixee, are you gonna do that last duathalon? I hope you intend to totally smoke every one off the course if you do... If you're gonna play in pain go out in style, at least.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Chatham, Ontario


    I wimped out - I did the relay event. I brought my dad along, and he did the running and I did the bike. Gotta tell you though, I have never seen such hills in all my life! We did ok, placed first in our division!

    Now, to make that Dr's appt. Celebrex ain't cutting the pain no more.

    Thank again for all the help. Have a great week,




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