You know it is spring when all the bikes come out to contend with the cars that have forgotten over the winter how to share the road with bikes...

This morning's commute was highlighted by one guy who pulled out in front of me and crawled along in the bike lane looking for a place to park while I clipped and unclipped and clipped and unclipped behind him and said some not so ladylike things. This was followed by the car who decided that he needed the extra space of the bike lane for his right hand turn just as I was right hand turning (in the bike lane) beside him...yikes! Then a gentleman parked his van in the bike lane and we finished with another car parked in the bike lane and, as I went to go around it, a second car decided to veer into me narrowly missing squishing me against the parked car to swing around a left hand turner.

The good news is I made it in alive. The bad news is my commuter rage completely offset all the relaxing and calming effects riding my bike usually has on me... How long before the cars remember how to share the road? I may have to invest in one of those padded sumo wrestler suits until then.
