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Thread: July rides

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
    ‘The negative feelings we all have can be addictive…just as the positive…it’s up to
    us to decide which ones we want to choose and feed”… Pema Chodron

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Traveling Nomad
    nwg, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Enjoy! I hope your maiden voyage goes smoothly. Very happy for you!

    Thanks for the clarification on the trails you were talking about, Crankin. We only occasionally ride those kind of trails; they are mostly for hiking, and yes, walking dogs, in my mind. As you know, we mostly ride "official", marked trails, rails-to-trails, city-maintained trails, national forest trails, and the like. Not many loose dogs on those, thankfully. Behind our 11-acre property in NC we used to own, there was an established hiking trail that had been there for many years, unmarked and across the back of many privately owned properties but known by all who lived in this wooded area. We used to walk our dogs there -- but on leash. We did occasionally run into other folks with their dogs off-leash on it, and one of our neighbors' dogs ran into our yard from it and attacked our first Boston Terrier, who defended our property. Needless to say, our vet bills were paid, and that only happened once -- we made sure of it!

    2011 Jamis Dakar XC "Toto" - Selle Italia Ldy Gel Flow
    2007 Trek Pilot 5.0 WSD "Gloria" - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow
    2004 Bike Friday Petite Pocket Crusoe - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    Congrats NWG!!!
    Wow, that is a story, Emily. I know some think I am a dog hater, but it's actually the owners I dislike! I don't have a dog because I don't want the responsibility, maybe because I take that seriously. We had a cat for 14 years and I knew that was my limit.
    So, good thing I looked at the AMC bike committee calendar last night. There is no Friday ride today. The agreement I have with Jack is that if I show up, I get leader credit for sweeping. That's fine, because I didn't realize it's going to be 90 and humid. I am getting ready to go out now, probably on the shady streets, and then back on the bike trail as far as I can get.
    2015 Trek Silque SSL
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    2011 Guru Praemio
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Concord, MA
    Emily, I give you lots of credit for riding in Florida in the summer!
    DH is working from home and then meeting someone for lunch, so I waited an hour and rode with him. So, it had to be a short ride, and once we got out, we made it even shorter. It's 85 and a dew point of 70, not sure of the actual humidity, but I was so sweaty from a 12 mile ride, I had to lie down on the floor when I got home, and let the AC cool me. This is a ride I usually do before work, a good mixture of flats and rollers, with one or two decent hills. It was my fastest average ever, on this route, which didn't help!
    Glad I went, because this is the kind of day I might stay inside. Actually going over to the office, to see 2 clients after lunch and later out with friends for tapas. We head out to Amherst later tomorrow. The ride on Sunday is over 2,000 ft of climbing. It will be hot, but not humid, which I can manage much better. Looking forward to riding in a new place.
    2015 Trek Silque SSL
    Specialized Oura

    2011 Guru Praemio
    Specialized Oura
    2017 Specialized Ariel Sport

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    north woods of Wisconsin
    Yeah, I'm baaaccckk.

    First ride in six weeks, this morning, and wanted it to be with my hubby. I wanted it to be a together kind of ride. For a bike, I decided on my new Pugsley, since it was a bike that we bought, brand new, but it didn't come home till the day after my accident. In other words, six weeks of looking at a new bike without riding it, not even once. That's pure torture for someone like me.

    The Pugsley did exactly what I expected it to do. The new, re-designed Pugs has a longer wheelbase for even better stability, so I expected it to be a steady, predictable ride and it was. Fast, uh no, but about as safe a ride as I could pick for a first ride after my accident. DH and I managed only 5 miles of laps around the neighborhood, but then I did another three full laps on my trails for another 2 plus miles of trail work, making double extra sure to play it safe on the trails. My fears about trail riding didn't completely evaporate - I still balked, here and there, and walked some tough spots - but nice to know I can ride the trails without freaking out. Of the two types of riding, I felt much better about the road riding, though.

    Whew! Overall, I was pleased. I was in better shape than I thought I was, but nowhere near where I was before the accident. I've got some catching up to do, but almost cried for joy for being able to ride, again.

    Wasn't really planning on making it a double ride day, but this afternoon, I looked at the Gunnar single speed and just couldn't help myself. Hubby and I did another couple of laps for another 5 miles on the neighborhood roads. Honestly, riding the Gunnar was EASIER than climbing hills with the Pugsley. Honestly, the Gunnar rolls so easy that I think a tailwind could push me without any pedaling on my part. Looks like my single speed addiction continues, despite my accident. Again, I have a ways to go to get back in shape, but the fact that I could ride the Gunnar, again, after a six week layoff was like the icing on a very sweet cake of day riding. I am one very, very happy girl.
    Last edited by north woods gal; 07-27-2018 at 01:13 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Traveling Nomad
    nwg, that is great! I can't believe you rode trails on your first ride out after your accident, but at least you showed yourself you can do it, so you won't be too scared to try. Back on the horse! Very happy for you!

    Crankin, our dewpoint here has been running around 74-77, so I understand completely what you felt after your short ride. Multiply that by three, and you can see one of the reasons we decided to cut back to only three times a week. For me, it's a 35-ish mile ride, and 40 for DH, who doesn't mind the heat nearly as much as I do. Within the first 30 minutes, I am drenched, and that continues on. At the speed I ride, and with my two stops, it's about a three-hour effort. However (and it's a big however!), we do have a super nice pool to cool off in here in the RV park afterwards. Because of all the afternoon rainstorms here during rainy season, today the pool was actually chilly when we got in! I never expected it to be anything but bathwater this time of year. It was bathwater about a month ago, but since the near-daily rains began, it has been perfect. Really helps revive us after the incredibly muggy rides we do.

    Enjoy your riding in Amherst. I can't even imagine how lovely a low-humidity ride would feel right now!

    2011 Jamis Dakar XC "Toto" - Selle Italia Ldy Gel Flow
    2007 Trek Pilot 5.0 WSD "Gloria" - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow
    2004 Bike Friday Petite Pocket Crusoe - Selle Italia Diva Gel Flow

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    Thanks, Emily. The ride is in what are called "The Hill towns," so that may give an idea of the terrain.
    I remember that bathwater thing well. After 23 yers in FL and AZ, I cannot go in a pool or the ocean/pond without the water being at least 75 degrees. Preferably 80. That means I almost never go in any water!
    NWG, that is great. I also cannot believe you went into the woods. Although, I understand why you went. It's called desensitization. But, I hope you stay on the road...
    2015 Trek Silque SSL
    Specialized Oura

    2011 Guru Praemio
    Specialized Oura
    2017 Specialized Ariel Sport



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