So, a quick forum search shows that I've been using the Bontrager Affinity RXL saddle for about five years now, maybe more. After a while these saddles develop a permanent indentation on either side, probably where two separate pieces of foam padding meet or something like that. Anyway I had one for a couple of years, it wore out so I replaced it, and now the second one has worn out.

In general it's been a good saddle for me but is not perfect. I would prefer less padding in the nose and also have a bit of a chafing problem on the right side. But with the right shorts I've been able to do long rides with it without too much discomfort. This is what it looks like:

Now that I am looking at getting a new saddle, it appears that Trek is phasing out the Affinity in favor or the Ajna and Yatra saddles:

When I was at the LBS yesterday they had the Ajna in stock, and I spoke to the manager about it. But then I went home and looked online, and decided the Yatra is more likely to work for me. From what I can tell from the online photo (which of course is at an angle that makes it hard to see the shape ), the Yatra is more t-shaped. The Ajna is definitely more pear-shaped. And supposedly the Ajna is more for an aggressive riding posture, whereas the Yatra is for a more upright road-bike posture. I found this article, which is a bit old but still helpful:

So, I asked the LBS manager to order a Yatra for me, in the same width as the old Affinity. And since there are still some Affinity saddles available, he ordered one of them, too. We will try the Yatra on the bike in the shop, and if it seems okay I will do a few a test rides. If it's not okay I will get another Affinity.

I'm hoping the Yatra does work and that the deeper divot will alleviate the "too much padding in the nose" problem.

One concern is that I preferred the Affinity RXL -- most expensive version with carbon rails -- because it was the firmest version of Affinity available. The Yatra does not have a comparable version. For their old saddles, RXL was the "race" version with the least padding, RL was the mid-range and R was the least expensive version with the softest padding. For the new ones they are going with Pro, Elite and Comp instead of RXL, RL and R. The Yatra only comes in Comp and Elite, whereas the Ajna comes in a Pro version.

So we shall see how it all works out. With all the changes in design and naming conventions, Trek still offers a 30-day guarantee on the Bontrager saddles (as well as all their other clothing and gear). I just hope we have good enough weather to get in some decent test rides.