This story was only potentially embarassing, but I could have gotten in big trouble with my parents as I was only 16 at the time (in 1972). I planned a weekend bike tour-camping trip with 2 friends, a guy and a girl. Not sure how I got away with this except that my parents were out of town and my grandmother let me go. Anyway, the 3 of us were meeting at a street corner at 6 am. I showed up, and the guy showed up, but we waited and waited for the girl. All the while I'm sitting there thinking "How am I going to explain to my parents that I went on a weekend bike tour with a guy?" The guy and I had no interest in each other, just lots of interest in biking. But my parents might not have seen it that way. Luckily the girl finally showed up 45 minutes late and I was spared the embarassing parental explanation. But I think my grandmother got in trouble for letting me go. I was such a wayward teen with a bike, always off riding.