because at some point and another I have expressed a wish to someday be able to ride in low humidity for more than the occasional one day at a time, for Christmas last year the Sag guy gave me a one week tour/ride with Woman Tours in Moab Utah. When she heard about it, my sister asked if she could join in. So here I am on my way to Utah. Spent 9 hours yesterday driving through Texas from Houston to Lubbock- thank goodness for books on tape because I can only take so many "my dog done died and my car broke down and my woman's left" cowboy country western songs before I start to go mad. Unfortunately for the most part this plus gospel and rap are about the only things on the air waves outside the larger cities like Austin, Temple etc. Can't fault the niceness of the locals, just don't like their music. So 9 hours of pretty much straight roman road through various degrees of vegetation from almost lush to hundred mile plains of dry scrubby cotton, ready to be harvested, and wind farms, relieved my an interesting book, an hour of trying to find my way to any motel and or dinner in Lubbock and I am ready to head on up to Albuquerque to pick up my sister and progress on to Moab. The ride starts on the 11, I will try to post some reports and pictures but in the meantime, as you can tell from my babbling, I am pretty excited as is Ms. Red the bike.