I wonder if you have a similar lower back shape to mine - quite strongly concave - and not much flexibility? I'm thinking this might be the reason I'm having so much trouble with a similar area of sensitivity... I can't flex my pelvis forward enough to get my sit bones to engage with the saddle - and all that nice padding in my shorts is in the wrong place for me! The nearest thing I've found to a comfortable saddle is the ISM Adamo Typhoon - keeping pressure away from most sensitive front parts and offering a bit of padded support to the tender area where my bones are bearing my weight. The two 'prongs' that make up the nose of the saddle are a bit wide and can rub against larger inner thighs (like mine!) but these can be pulled together a bit with a cable-tie tightened round the rails at the front... I have to slide the saddle right forward (beyond the measured scale) on the seat post in order to reach the handlebars comfortably but because I'm of medium weight this doesn't compromise the structures. For my situation I doubt a minimally-padded saddle could ever work because there's so little natural padding between the contact bones and the saddle, and that area of all the shorts I've tried is hardly padded either! I've tried loads of saddles and have a drawer full of different padded shorts... Still on the hunt for the ideal, if such a thing is ever possible!! Good luck with your issue and maybe some other contributions will give us both some ideas!