It's April 1st and snowing. Not a lot of snow, but, it's been coming down for about 24 hours, with about 2-3 inches of wet snow, as it's above freezing now. Today we went to the Stow Town Forest and hiked up and down and up and down 2 loops of the hill, plus a lttle more, for a grand total of 2.3 miles. It took 55 minutes and was tough going, hiking in the wet snow, which felt like glue. No need for the microspikes and definitely not snow shoes, either. We ascended up the steeper side of Gardiner Hill, went down another side and then back up a different trail and back down the same way as the first descent. When we were almost back to the car, we saw a couple x country skiing; I cannot imagine skiing in the crap I was in today. Plus, post holes and dirt spots.
It was great to get outside, though and glad I did this, instead of tabata class.