I had a gum graft (subepithelial connective tissue graft) done 2 weeks ago. I have a back tooth with some gum recession that is holding up one end of a bridge. I've had the bridge for 20 years and it has been fine. I've had slight sensativity of the exposed tooth on that recessed area and wanted to fix it before I lost the tooth - and the bridge.

The work was done by a periodontist that was recommended by my dentist. I opted to have the donor tissue (Alloderm?) instead of my own tissue from the roof of my mouth. He also did the tooth (bicuspid) that was next to it at the same time. I only had novacaine and it took an hour or so. It went ok. I only had mild pain afterwards, no bleeding. Some parts of the graft area turned white, as I was told they would.

For the first full week it was stable. I haven't been eating or brushing on that side and I've been rinsing with salt water and periodex solution. At day 10 (a Sunday) I had some increased swelling of the site (a few mm). I called the office the next day to ask if it was normal and I was told that it was. This subsided after a few days.

I'm now at day 15 and some of the white patches are sloughing off, leaving ragged tissue underneath. A couple of stitches have come loose. It does not seem to be healing as cleanly as some info I find online describes. I still have slight discomfort but it does not seem to be infected. My whole mouth is a bit irritated from the periodex and salt baths.

I have my follow up appt at day 20 here. I'm a bit concerned that it seems to be healing slowly. Other people's experiences I read describe them healing more quickly and cleanly. But my research also pointed out 4-8 weeks for full healing. Trying to be patient here.

Has anyone else had a gum graft done?