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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    the dry side

    I've been riding have you??

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    C'mon gals, truth now, anyone been out? Here's a ride report from yesterday

    Thursday is always ride day.
    So pleasant down by the river. It's early not too hot. Bike feels different, I've had a creeping seat post problem, finally got the seat back up for a good extension, much better. The last few rides I have felt like crap due to horrible allergies and not a lot of sleep, today I feel good! Kathleen is the one who's out of it withthe pine pollen.

    We take the usual loop, tracing much of the 24 hour course. It doesn't look too beat up. The Saigon area is starting to get overgrown, a narrow track with weeds and grassed getting to be 4 ft high. No big deal except for the nettles and poison ivy.

    mmm... fun, I took the hubby's advice to power through the baby heads and now I"m getting good at moving through/over them, as compared to picking my way through in a granny gear. Lots of power today, ,this is the best I've felt in about 4-5 ride. Powered ver the log pile, and amazingly enough never hit the granny gear going up half mile hill. (high five) That really brought to mind how your energy level can vary so much due to different

    the Devil's drop wasn't too trashed from the race but I didn't run it clean today. Oh well, a two footed dab is better than a wipeout any day,

    Silly move of the day was on a little move on a small section of tiny babyheads and there was this tree.....no no, just a little one, about 2" I put my hand out to steady myself, and my glove snagged and over I went. D'oh!! 12 miles in an hour and half, for those of you that care.

    On the way home, stopped at lbs to get a new helmet for the whiny kid, he really did need a new one. Also, I"m getting a new chain put on the Svelte Hawaiin. Nothing like hearing the lbs guy mutter "sweet ride" under his breath as he wheels it away.

    2015 Liv Intrigue 2
    Pro Mongoose Titanium Singlespeed
    2012 Trek Madone 4.6 Compact SRAM

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    I've ridden 5 out of the last six days.

    Sunday rode the tandem with the local club. Nice ride - nice group of people. Ended up at a local bagel shop after.

    Tuesday went out on my own. Ran into one of the guys from Sunday. He said he was impressed with how well we climbed on the tandem. That made me feel good. Tandems climb like pigs generally.

    Wednesday was another tandem day. 95 degrees out. It''s a good thing we can generate a decent wind to keep us cool.

    Thursday went up a local climb with AKA Kim. Great ride. Not too much traffic, bike or car. This is a pretty well shaded route so even though it was hot, it was pretty pleasant. Set a new record on Fluffy. 39+ miles per hour going down a big hill, that was without pedaling. Drafted Kim for a good while on the way back. I guess next week it's my turn to pull.

    This morning was another tandem ride. Met up with a couple of guys at 5:30 this morning. We met them through the local club's bulletin board. It was actually kind of cool outside this AM. Kept my jacket on the whole time. They ride MWF mornings so I'm going to try to join them either with the tandem or solo until I go back to work.

    All told about 115 miles this week. That will be it though because we're volunteering at the San Francisco Maritime Park both days this weekend.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    South of Seattle.

    Thumbs up May - Busy ride month!

    Hubby and I did the TOSRV-WEST ride on Saturday and Sunday, May 17 and 18 in Montana. Joe calls it the "Great Montana Postal Ride" because it met the old post office credo "neither rain, hail, sleet, snow, or gloom of night shall keep us from our course" or something like that. Well we didn't have the gloom of night, but the clouds were dark enough to make the early afternoon look like late evening. We did unfortunately have snow, ice pellets, rain, snow pellets, and plenty of wind to make the ride a little more interesting (temps running between 28 deg and about 45 degrees). For those of you not familiar with the TOSRV (Tour of Swan River Valley) ride, it's a two day road ride from Missoula, Montana to Big Fork, Montana and back, which allows for two different starting points and two different ending locations that allow you to ride between 105 and 126 miles each day. Hubby and I put in 210 miles on Saturday and Sunday - qualifying us for a double century! The ride goes through some of the prettiest scenery in western Montana and provides a real great opportunity to test your winter training program out. Although the weather was a bit brisk. Joe and I had the best time of our lives. It was challenge, we met great people, the support was top notch, the food mmmmmmmm delicious. We thought we would need a week off from biking to recoup but by the following Saturday we did a 15 mile mountain bike ride with 12 of our friends and you know what?! It was a blast! One of the things about road riding is that it helps to build up your endurance. My mountain biking endurance and climbing have been phenominal since I started road riding. Now with the weather (finally) getting nice here in the Tacoma/Sumner/Enumclaw area Joe and I have been riding every night after work. From once a week on the weekends this past winter to almost every night this past week. Monday and Wednesday we rode our mountain bikes, Tuesday and Thursday evenings we did 35-40 mile road rides. This weekend biking! Tomorrow, Saturday, we are mountain biking with a few friends. Sunday we are doing the Peninsula Metric Century. You wanted the truth ..... here it is! LOL
    I'm ready for summer 2003!

    ..... I am in a mountain bike race this June in Leavenworth and I am doing the Courage Classic in August!

    Ok ..... someone else's turn!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    My partner and I have been on holiday for the last week and rather than go away for the week we decided to spend every day on our bikes on local trails. It's only just gotten consistently sunny here and it was murder sitting at work every day thinking "this is fantastic weather for being on my bike", so we took a week to do just that. Rather than ride all day every day we did about 12 miles of riding a day, a mix of easy singletrack, very technical singletrack, baby downhills and fire roads. It was a brilliant way to spend a holiday and I'm more chilled out than I have been in months, although the thought of going back to work on Monday isn't a great one!
    Look where you want to go...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    portland oregon
    well, my experiences are not as epic as the fabulous ones listed here, but on my regular sunday morning rides, there is this field of blooming lupine, acres and acres of it. purple and beautiful. every time i ride by, it is as if someone sprayed the air with perfume. it's intense. it gives a nice balance to the decaying dead animal about a mile up the road.

    will be riding at Hagg Lake on sunday. i am a little nervous though, lots of hills, but a gorgeous ride. i found out that a female cyclist got hit by a car up there on wednesday. i got a little sick to my stomach when i heard this, but decided i am going to go anyway. i am traditionally a scaredey cat, but i am really learning how to fight my fears and take some risks. i am learning if there is no risk, there is no reward.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    the dry side
    I alwasy look at nature out on trail.Some of my friends think I am nuts... Hey look, a geranium!!

    2015 Liv Intrigue 2
    Pro Mongoose Titanium Singlespeed
    2012 Trek Madone 4.6 Compact SRAM

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I'm at the end of my riding season. This past Monday, our ride ended by 8:30 a.m...it was already 90 something. We now have to plan weekend rides north (about 90 miles or so into pine top country). Was going to ride after a client this morning but, it was too hot by 9, so I went to spin...the sun comes up around 5 and it doesn't set until after 8; evening rides would last until midnight!

    Boo....I'll have to live vicariously through you all.

    All the grass, wild flowers and cool weather sound wonderful from where I sit.

    Have fun!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ottawa, ON
    spent yesterday at the opening of some DH trails in our area. Tons of fun, very muddy, very tricky, but very fun. Loved the feel of my bike, enjoyed the lifts to the top (I hate to climb) and was able to take in some of the scenery as well. It's nice to look out over the rivers and forests and lakes in the area, not something that I see everyday while in the city or riding XC.
    But, there was a downside to the day, when I crashed and did a number on my knee. I went to the clinic to day, and it's sprained, so it needs to heal up before I get back in the saddle....although if I put my clipless back on, I could atleast peddle with 1 foot!!
    Keep posting your rides ladies....I'll need something other than the Tylonel 3's to get me through the healing process!!!
    that's why I ride...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    portland oregon
    i know about crashing. i did on mother's day. take care of yourself.

    i went up to the lake today. i decided i would go around the lake twice. 20 miles, which is further than i have ever gone. it is very pristine, gorgeous views, and clean air. saw only a few velo hotties. a little early i guess.

    i am so amazed how the air can smell so clean, and then when you come around a bend, it smells so sweet with all the wildflowers blooming. and how the wind feels on the downhill when you have just busted butt to get up the hill. gravy!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    East Coast, Canada

    RE: gapgoil

    Wishing you a speedy recovery...... perhaps it'll rain and the sun will come out when your helped .....

    here's to wishful thinking

    life - death..... no...... birth - death, life has no opposite !

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    the dry side
    lots and lots of ice. and then more ice. And don't forget you can buy tylenol with coeding over thr counter up there!!

    2015 Liv Intrigue 2
    Pro Mongoose Titanium Singlespeed
    2012 Trek Madone 4.6 Compact SRAM

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Brighton, England

    I'm back

    Hello - I'm finally back! The site seemed to be down for ages, then I've been away, so I'm pleased it's back and running. In the mean time I've been out riding my bike....

    On Saturday I went for a ride with my brother and boyfriend up to a place called Kington, near where my parents live which apparently has the highest gold course in Europe. We climbed for a while but when we turned to come back it was fantastic - we just freewheeled for about 5 miles, with amazing views of the countryside whizzing by.

    Then on Thurdsay I went out by myself for about 43 miles ( longest solo ride I've done) and had such a good time.

    I rode up to a town on the borders of Wales, which is very sleepy and rural, and from the looks of suprise and interest I got, I gave the good people of Hay quite a turn, rolling up on my road bike all lycra'd up, with my blue lensed shades and my figure hugging jersey. Had a great cup of coffee and a slice of date and walnut cake though.

    The last 8 miles up to Hay were tough- lots of short sharp hills, but the view of the rolling Welsh hill sides were fantastic.

    Do you ever go out on a training ride only for it to change half way through? I decided the difference between a bike ride and a training ride is when you have to stop and admire the view. All thoughts of 'training' went out of my head and I figured there's plenty of time for the head-down, hard ride stuff on less interesting roads.

    I came back along the main road which was more or less flat and with a tail wind was merrily going along at 18mph, following the route of the River Wye and admiring the water meadows, the flowers and the bend in the river. Ahhh... so tranquil.

    Sadly today I'm back at work..... Roll on the weekend!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    Good to see you back! That solo ride sounded like a lot of fun.

    My personal theory is that biking is supposed to be fun. Sometimes that means a meandering pace to enjoy what's around me. Sometimes that means hammering. Mostly it's somewhere in between.

    I've had a dreadful cold all weekend. Volunteered at the Maritime Park on Saturday and was miserable. Sent hubby by himself on Sunday while I spent the day snoozing. But I seem to be on the mend.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Brighton, England
    Sorry to hear about your cold - sounds rotten.

    I agree, cycling is first and foremost meant to be fun. Some days I'll go out planning to do a hard ride and not really look around me, but I love the countryside and being away from the town, so I have to be strict and make sure I work hard some times. Otherwise, there's nothing better than just taking it fairly easy and smelling the flowers....

    Hope the cold clears up soon so you can smell the flowers again too.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    portland oregon
    welcome back mighty mitre!!! i was hoping you would come back around.



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