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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Adrenal fatigue, thyroid, food allergies and riding

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    hello ladies,
    i have done a search but wanted to start a different thread in hopes everyone would see it that could possibly weigh in.

    in June of 2010 my mom was diagnosed with cancer and it devestated our family. the only thing that made me feel ok and not sad was to ride my bike. i had no appetite and was either biking or hanging with my mom. it was actually the first time in my life that i wasn't concerned with/focusing on my weight.

    after losing my grandma in july 2010, my mom on my bday in oct 2010, her mother two days later and my mother in law in nov 2011, i was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. i had no idea this existed and i wish i would have because i may have done things differently.

    here i am two years later and i have probably gained 25 lbs, i'm starting to get my energy back but i'm wondering if i will EVER see any weight loss again.

    my first love is cycling but i have drastically reduced my saddle time this summer. it seemed the more i rode, the more tired i became. my legs felt like lead and it was like i hadn't been on my bike for years during each ride.

    while in canada i had a meridian stress test done which confirmed the adrenal fatigue was still there and that i had a wheat allergy. i have totally changed my diet over the past month but have seen nothing as far as my clothing fitting differently.

    i am rambling - sorry - but trying to condense my thoughts into one area is hard. i am doing yoga when i'm not cycling, and am cycling no more than two to three times per week. i'm listening to my body and if i'm tired, i no longer push myself.

    here's what i'm wondering:
    1) will i ever lose weight or is this permanent?
    2) if i recover from the adrenal fatigue am i more prone to have it again?
    3) how long does it take to fully recover from this? everyone is different - i get that, but i am looking for similar experiences, stories, ect.

    oh and i'm taking ortho adapt vegan for adrenals, multi b5, magnesium and digestive enzymes as discussed with a naturopathic doc.

    again, i apologize for the rambling rant but would love any input!

    ps Jiffer i'm checking out your blog shortly
    Gary Fisher is the other man in my life!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    Have you done a challenge diet? I'd be surprised if wheat is the only food you're allergic to. The propensity to allergies is part of our biochemical and genetic makeup, but specific allergies develop in response to exposure.

    And have you been tested for inhalant allergies? It's possible you could have the fatigue and edema without a whole lot of upper respiratory symptoms.

    I don't have any experience with the rest of it, but plenty of experience with allergies of various kinds.
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Hi Oakleaf, last year i did a cleanse diet and i have had food allergy blood tests. Wheat, pine nuts, cream cheese were the only things that came up. I am doing another cleanse with my yoga studio starting next week and hope to glean more info then.
    Gary Fisher is the other man in my life!



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