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Thread: Occular Migrane

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Occular Migrane

    I woke this morning feeling a bit off. I found it hard to wake up like roused from a deep sleep. I'm normally very much a morning person and light sleeper. I was getting ready for work and shook my head (like one trying to clear cobwebs from the head, not a violent shake) from side-to-side, which triggered a sudden numbness / weakness of the right hand and left foot, followed by an aura a few minutes later, partially obscuring my vision in my right eye... Like looking thru a prism of shine light.

    It felt like your hand falling asleep or going numb from lack of blod flow. I couldn't comb my hair with the right arm as it just wouldn't be cooperative. The sudden onset of this is what scared me. My mom has a history of migraines and I've experienced the aura before, which was once of accompanied by a speech issue where I found it difficult to form words. Once I saw the aura I was pretty certain what it was.

    Strange to have a migrane and no splitting headache. It lasted less then 30 minutes, tho I've been tired today with a low-grade headache, but feeling better which has me less stressed about the whole thing. Has anyone here extreienced similar things??


    Last edited by Roadtrip; 07-23-2012 at 03:27 PM.
    Starbucks.. did someone say Starbucks?!?!



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