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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area

    Pull Up/Push Up Madness

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    Sometimes Shawna, my trainer, is So evil.

    Today's first set - do 1 pull up, 5 push ups, 2 pull ups, 10 push ups... repeat this pattern until 10 pull ups, 50 push ups.

    I did one and two pull ups on my own, the rest Shawna assisted. Every pull up I do on my own makes me want to giggle gleefully. The push ups were fine until I got to thirty - and the last few of the thirty my muscles were burning. I got through 35 push ups - barely. But I had to break 40 and 45 into two pieces. And sadly 50 was broken into three.

    That's 55 pull ups and 275 push ups!

    I wonder how sore I'll be tomorrow.

    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  2. #2
    Jolt is offline Dodging the potholes...
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Southern Maine
    That is impressive! Do you have any good suggestions for building upper body strength, with no or minimal equipment? I can do about 7 push-ups at a time right now...ugh. Starting to work on it but could use some suggestion for building balanced upper-body strength since I am pretty pathetic in that department. I wish the Y here had a rock climbing gym like my old one did--that was a fun way to build functional strength (I find lifting weights less than exciting...would much rather run, hike etc. which is how I've gotten into the situation I am in now!).
    2011 Surly LHT
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Francisco Bay Area
    Push ups are good. You can do them in various ways - feet on something, hands on a bench, hands really close, or far apart. All those work you in different ways.

    I also like tricep dips. We did a bunch of those today too.

    Oh and I would never do any of this if I hadn't started with Shawna. Having someone who pushes me really helps. Maybe something like a boot camp class would help.

    Discipline is remembering what you want.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Denver, CO
    +1 on boot camp. We have one thru my work on Monday nights at a gym around the corner from our office. I LOVE it! We've done 9 weeks now I think and I can tell my wimpy upper body is getting stronger. Last night the push ups were easier. I've been doing them on my knees (the girlie kind) but I might have to give the real deal a shot soon!

    I'm impressed with 50 pull ups!! I have to use the "rubber band" helper on the pull up bar at boot camp....the rubber strap that helps hoist you up. Oh well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    You can do eccentric pull-ups - that's how most things I've looked at recommend building. Boost or climb to the pull-up position, then let your feet hang and lower yourself as slowly as you can until your elbows are nearly straight - then repeat.

    You can also do pull-ups in a semi-supine position to a low bar, sort of TRX-style. It won't work the exact same muscles as doing them vertically, but it will help build.

    I need to do some... V, you are awesome as always!
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    We do so many reps in my strength and core class, it's nauseating. Really, some of it is the time, 5:30 AM, with no cardio warm up. The gym opens at 5:30, the class starts, boom. I have no problem doing cardio at this time of the day, but I am so weak in my upper body, this stuff is doubly hard. Lifting the smallest weighed bar is painful, not like I can't do the reps, but more like it I feel like my my neck is going to implode from just balancing the bar behind me. I have started using teeny weights (3 lbs and 5 lbs) for most of the stuff. I can do about 5 regular push ups, and a lot of the ones on my knees. It's doing them after I've done 5,000 reps of other stuff that sucks. Tricep dips on the step with 2 blocks, I can do. Sit ups, I'm fine with those, in many variations. I can really see how bad my balance is. Even the overweight, out of shape people can do those things and I am putting my foot down or shaking. It's amazing I can ride!
    Hey, I am still going, but it seems like my body just hurts all of the time since I started. I will not go to the boot camp class until my foot heals, but I fear that would cripple me!
    Not seeing any changes in my body, but it's only been about 4-5 weeks. Generally, when I have done personal training I've seen changes almost right away. I am not sure I want to spend the $; I don't love my new gym. The classes are fine, but the people are not friendly at all.
    No wonder I prefer to just do cardio .
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