I am curious if anyone suffers from ADHD here on TE? Based on problems I have been experiencing over the last several years I think I have ADHD. Two of my cousins were diagnosed with it and apparently it is 75% genetic. Just to give a little background, I have been talking to my school counselor about some issues I'm having regarding inability to concentrate, sleep, plan ahead, prioritize and stay focused on one thing at a time. After these conversations I am beginning to realize these problems have been present since I was in grade school. As an adult I have compensated in various ways, i.e. long distance cycling, ahem. Since my time has been greatly reduced for things like cycling I am finding my concentration has suffered dramatically. I know that the treatment for ADHD is stimulant therapy. In the past I have used Mini Thins to stay awake on long drives etc. The odd thing was they made me extremely focused and I was very calm after taking them. Most people take Mini Thins to be "juiced up" if you know what I mean. After some research about how stimulants affect the brains of people with ADHD, it sounds as though I was treating it unknowingly with the Mini Thins. I noticed a huge improvement. I have read in many cases of ADHD that patients are typically very dependent on coffee and since they don't react the same, it actually helps to calm them down. This describes me to a 'T'. I can drink coffee and it will help me sleep at night. To be honest my concentration has been absolutely awful this semester, no change in study habits seems to help either. Like I said I have been talking to my school counselor and she has recommended I seek an evaluation for ADHD. I am planning to find a doctor next week after the holiday is over. Its strange because I sit here thinking that if this has been going on for as long as I suspect, how extremely hard I have been pushing myself over the last 8 years. I have had bouts of depression over the years and now I must wonder if that too was induced by ADHD? I know many people are misdiagnosed with this disorder but after reading about the symptoms, history and genetics of this disorder I think there is a very high probability I have been struggling with this for years! I feel kinda hopeful that I will be diagnosed with it so I can have some relief! That may sound crazy but I can't describe the mental anguish I have been through over the last 2 years especially.

I would love to hear from anyone with any insight into this disorder. I will share what I find out as I learn more.