Two friends and I did the 100 mile and were amazed at the unsafe riding behavior. Many double paceline of "better than the rest of us" riders that didn't give a damm about road saftey. More than once we were pass by said pacelines calling car back to the rest of us, while they continued to ride in the middle of the lane. Our calls of car back were a waste of breath. Riders would continue to ride wherever they were and watch the car drive around them. Some I think, just didn't have a clue.

Many times the cars were forced into the oncoming traffic lane to pass. What really surprised me was police and sag vehicles that ignored this behavior and waited to pass around these rolling blockades like everyone else. Some of the riders definitely deserved a ticket!

The ride itself was once again wonderful. Great reststops, good route, well marked and perfect weather. It's just to bad some riders think they're above the rules.