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    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    The end of my career (Iron Girl race report)

    The Columbia Iron Girl was this morning. I had already decided that this would be my last triathlon, largely because I hatehatehate training for the swim so much. I don't actually mind doing the swim on race day, but I resent every single second I spend in the pool training. I might see if I can talk one of my sisters into doing the swim for me as a relay team next year, though.

    Backstory (since it plays into the race): The last two weeks leading up to this race were a couple of the worst of my life, and I briefly considered just not doing the race. Three weeks ago we were on vacation and I lost a bit of training time because of that (went out for a few runs, but that was it). I returned home with the kids and DH stayed behind to camp for another couple of days, so I lost two more days of training since I didn't have him to take over watching the kids while I went out. Then he called on the day he was supposed to return home: the car was having problems and he couldn't make it home. One more day lost. He got home, but had to return a couple of days later to pick up the car. So a total of four days of training NOT done two weeks before the race.

    That was not a big deal; I could make it up or just put up with less than optimal training. But worse was my son--he's nine years old and autistic and recently has just stopped sleeping normally at all. He'll go to bed, wake up three or four hours later, stay up until 6 a.m., then sleep again for another four hours. It's driving us nuts. With DH there we take turns so we each get at least six hours of sleep, but without DH I was only averaging 3 hours a night. Then on Friday of that week I took my son to his annual appointment with his immunologist (he also has a primary immune system disorder; this kid really hit the medical jackpot!). I listed his problems for the year, which include intense itchiness for no apparent reason, enlarged lymph nodes since last May that the pediatrician is keeping an eye on but isn't worried about, and the not sleeping thing. The doctor said "you need to get him to an oncologist, like, yesterday." So last week we were at a pediatric oncologist where they took a lot of blood, did a chest x-ray, and scheduled a CT scan and biopsy (CT scan tomorrow; don't know on the biopsy yet). The range of what this COULD be starts with toxoplasmosis and HIV and goes up to lymphoma. But we aren't kidding ourselves--the blood work results are back and it's not toxoplasmosis or HIV or histoplasmosis or those would have shown up.

    So this has been a bit distracting, and my heart and mind weren't in the race at all--I've been too worried about what's going on with my son to think about much else. I can't seem to concentrate on anything for more that three minutes, and the last few workouts I've had have been just awful--slow and uncoordinated and looking like I've never even tried these activities before in my life.

    But I decided to do the race anyway and just not worry about how I did in it.

    We had unexpected rain this morning, which threw a lot of us for a loop. The rain had been predicted for this afternoon, so people were changing the lenses on their glasses and trying to figure out how to keep stuff dry in transition. I figured I'd be so wet after the swim that it wasn't worth bothering over! And I actually like cycling in the rain, as long as it's not cold. Running in the rain makes me nervous--I'm far more likely to wipe out while running than while cycling.

    The swim was o.k. I seeded myself in the middle of my wave since that's pretty much where I finished last year, but being in with the biggest scrum was irritating. I couldn't break away from them and swim more than a few strokes before running into someone. This went on the whole distance. Just before the first turn someone whacking into me caught my timing chip and pulled it most of the way off, so I had to hang onto it while swimming over to a kayak to hold on while I reattached it. I wished I had started off to the side like I did last year--much more clear swimming, even if you cover slightly more distance in the process.

    TI went like clockwork. I don't yet have my times (oh, and I forgot to hit "go" on my watch when the race started!) but it felt faster than last year.

    The bike was just fun. I love this route. People complain about the hills, but this is my home territory and it just feels familiar to me. I held back on the downhills a bit since it was pretty slippery out, and I had ditched my glasses (not literally, although some people did--I saw at least four pairs on them on the road) so occasionally the rain blinded me a bit. But overall it was just fun and I wished it was longer.

    T2 - uneventful. A bit slow taking off wet gloves and putting on wet socks and shoes, but overall fine.

    And then the run. I started out feeling fine and after about 100 feet realized I just had no more energy. I couldn't pull from any reserves and couldn't muscle through it. It was awful. I'd try to run but never found a comfortable pace and ended up walking long portions of the run. I have no idea what went wrong, other than just not caring anymore and being tired to start. I had eaten well, and I've done the bike/run section of this race at least a dozen times and am usually fine on all but the top bits of the worst hills, but I didn't manage to run ANY of the hills today. I just wanted it to be over. I was so irritated by this--the run was the one thing I really trained for this year, and I've managed to cut my average pace by a full minute per mile (although after the bike it's more like just 30 seconds faster per mile). But I didn't have it in me today.

    When I got to the finish my sisters and daughter were there to welcome me, which was nice. But we took off quickly since the rain was starting up once again (it was starting and stopping all morning). I since heard that if I had stuck around I would have gotten one of the random prizes, but being home and showered and fed is better IMO! Unless it was a really cool prize. Don't know about that.

    And that was it. No more triathlons for me. I'm going to focus my energies next year on doing a century ride instead. I'm burning my bathing suit and throwing out my goggles. If I never see another lap lane again it'll be too soon!

    Unless, of course, someone wants to do the swim for me.

    ETA results: I ended up about two minutes behind last year's time. My swim was (grrrr) about 15 seconds slower at 28:45, T1 only about 25 seconds faster, the bike was nearly exactly the same as last year (five seconds faster - 1:10:16), T2 about 30 seconds slower, and the run about a minute and a half slower (35:50 - I was expecting a greater discrepancy there). The funny thing is my placement--I finished 886 overall. I should have gone just slightly slower--my bib number was 887 and I like nice coincidences like that (last year my bib number was 998, so next time around I expect to be 776). Age group placement was 169 (6 places below last year).

    Last edited by sfa; 08-22-2010 at 12:50 PM.



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