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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Sometimes, I really hate cars

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    I've had a few frustrating mornings lately. With the days getting shorter, I'm pushing my departure time later, and therefore sharing the road with more morning commuters.

    I ride from my house to farm country. For the first 5 miles, I'm on suburban roads... narrow, pothole-laden.... the traffic is a mix of hurried commuters and big farm trucks.

    Late last week it was honk-at-me week, apparently. I try to tune out honkers, but sometimes they scare the crap out of me if I am lost in thought. People honk at me all.the.time. I have no idea why. I don't do anything that any other riders do, and my dh says he never gets honked at.

    This morning I was approaching a 4-way stop, where I would turn left. I looked behind me, saw a car quite a ways back, signaled, and moved left when the stop sign was about 30 yds up, approaching the stop sign riding just about on the yellow line so I could turn easily. The jerk behind me actually passed me on the left. So we're approaching the stop sign and he's on the wrong side of the road causing all kinds of problems for oncoming traffic. I had to stop for him so he could get back on the right side at the stop sign. What an IDIOT. Couldn't wait 2 seconds to get to the stop sign behind me. I was so mad.

    My other problem is cars who absolutely must pass me at all costs. They put their own lives at risk to shave 20 seconds off their commute. This morning I saw such a near-miss head-on collision that I actually braced myself for their impact. Guy passed me on a blind corner; happens all the time.

    Sorry for the novel. It's been a rough couple of days!
    ~ working mom to 3 little girls ~

    Roadie... 2010 54cm Trek Madone 4.5, Bontrager inForm

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Central Indiana
    I swear, there must be something in the water in Indiana, Trista. My DH and I had one of those days on Saturday on a ride out of Columbus. People just seemed incredibly impatient and many of the cars passed us on blind hills and curves, at their own risk more than mine. I've ridden a far amount in other states--primarily Kentucky and Tennessee--where I encounter so little of that. I just don't get it.
    Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Continue to learn. Appreciate your friends. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

    --Mary Anne Radmacher

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Newport, RI
    It's like that here, too. I've had the exact same thing where I was turning left, signaled and a truck still passed me on the left. Another time, similar situation, but the car that that was so intent on passing me, didn't notice there were oncoming cars. He barely got back in behind me, but he could have killed us all. Then, he had the nerve to yell at me that I was in the middle of the road. Jerk. At least I don't get honked at very often, but I do empathize. The few times it happened, it totally ruined my ride.
    '02 Eddy Merckx Fuga, Selle An Atomica
    '85 Eddy Merckx Professional, Selle An Atomica

    '10 Soma Double Cross DC, Selle An Atomica

    Slacker on wheels.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    West MI
    Yep...almost 2 weeks ago I was approaching a stop sign and took the lane, as I was preparing to turn left. The a-hole truck behind me ultimately was turning right, but tried to pass me on the left, first (I shot him the mom-look-of-reproach and he backed-off). And he wasn't able to go when we got to the stop, anyhow, since there was a car coming from the left, without a stop.
    run/bike log

    '11 Cannondale SuperSix 4 Rival
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Same thing here too. Last Thursday, on our commute home, DH and I got verbally harrassed by some crazy chick with an infant in the back seat. We really thought it was going to escalate to physical, and DH called the State Police as soon as it was safe....

    I hope that she got a visit from a trooper

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Katy, Texas
    welcome to almost every one of my rides here in the outer burbs of Houston. In my case it's almost always either a suburban mom on the cell phone or the dude in the white F 150 pick em up with the jacked up wheels.

    Just try to be safe- I spend a lot of time muttering imprecations and calling people a hholes. I also have a whole selection of made up songs about A holes. I also mutter blow it up your A at those who honk at me.

    I have learned to not let it rattle me or influence my enjoyment of my ride but it takes energy and patience.

    hang in there and believe deeply in Karma.
    Katy, Texas
    Trek Madone 6.5- "Red"
    Trek Pilot 5.2- " Bebe"

    "easily outrun by a chihuahua."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I'm so glad to hear there are other a-holes on the road and they aren't all following me around, lol. It helps to commiserate. And I love Marni's attitude.

    And yes, the cell phone, ugh.... I have found that the most dangerous places for me on my bike are where subdivisions exit to a main road. Those have to be the most-run stop signs, and that's where people approach the main road while texting, checking email, gabbing on the phone, putting on lipstick....
    ~ working mom to 3 little girls ~

    Roadie... 2010 54cm Trek Madone 4.5, Bontrager inForm

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    It's not the cars. Cars all by themselves just sit in one place and rust - which is fine by me.

    To be precise, what we are complaining about is the loose nut behind the wheel in said cars.

    Drivers - - - Grrr.
    Give big space to the festive dog that make sport in the roadway. Avoid entanglement with your wheel spoke.
    (Sign in Japan)

    1978 Raleigh Gran Prix
    2003 EZ Sport AX



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