
"pre-breakfast" (oh-dark-30 before a breakfast meeting) - 2 slices light whole wheat toast with homemade apple butter
breakfast - steel cut oats with 1/2 banana and 1 T brown sugar
snack - yogurt, coffee with chocolate soy milk
lunch - Flatout light Italian wrap with 3 oz turkey, lettuce, mushrooms
snack - grapefruit
dinner (as soon as I get home from work will be...)- 4 oz fish simmered with tomatoes, mushrooms & onions. Wild rice. Steamed broccoli & cauliflower. Big green salad with homemade balsamic vinaigrette. Depending upon my mood, I may skip the rice in favor of red wine. I only have 6.5 WW points left to spend on dinner, so I can't have both.