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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Corvallis, OR (aka"Bike Central")

    Unhappy Oh so lonely here in Corvallis!!!

    Hey girls! =)

    Do any of you out there live in Corvallis, OR.? I lost my riding buddy for the summer as she's up in Alaska building trials....and I'm stuck here with no one to ride with. Are there any of you that maybe live somewhat close to Corvallis that would want to ride with me? I hate going alone all the time as 1.) it's not that safe, and 2.) it's really boring.

    I road ride and mountain bike and will try anything as I'm really not that picky; just depends on how I'm feelin and what I'm in the mood for at the time! *ha ha* I'm always up for the challenge! I'm not real sure on how fast I ride as I don't have a computer, but my guess is that I'm about at 15 to 18 mph on avarage (some days maybe faster). Really wish I had a computer........~grumble grumble~...

    So if any of you out there are interested or live close to Corvallis, let me know because I'm really bored here! And I could use more girlfriends; mostly outside the world of the internet! *lol* ^^

    Hugs and kisses to all!

    Riding a bike takes an amount of certain skill....but riding a bike and not falling off takes true talent.

    ~chick on a bike

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    I'm in Corvallis, you're not alone! Unfortunately, I'm a newbie and probably not, make that, definitely not, in good enough shape to ride with anyone. I'm still trying to work on going 3x/week for 30-45 minutes, and someday hope to be able to get up West Hills Rd with my old 12 speed.

    We moved here last December. Which bike store do you recommend?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Corvallis, OR (aka"Bike Central")
    Well it's nice to hear that there's one person out there that's close.......~big grins~

    Even if you'd like to go with someone just for company, I'd would be more than happy to put up with you being outta shape.

    The best place to go here in Corvallis for all your cycling needs is Corvallis Cyclery!! Those guys are awesome!!! The other stores suck, but Corvallis Cyclery is the best!

    Okay now I'm having a moment.....I forget; where's west hills road??? I should know this as I've lived in Corvallis all my life...is that out near the Fair grounds??? ~scratches head trying to remember~ I'm out just passed the Lewisburg store outside of city limits, so I have hills around where I am. And access to McDonnald Forest. ^^ It's nice really....

    Riding a bike takes an amount of certain skill....but riding a bike and not falling off takes true talent.

    ~chick on a bike

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Hey Chick, good answer about Corvallis Cyclery...they should have my new hybrid put together any day now. I found them to be very good technicians, but the sales help was a little lacking. On the other hand, the people at bike n hike were *really* nice, but couldn't get my FD adjusted. *sigh*.

    Yeah, West Hills is near the Fair Grounds, a little further south, but before you reach Philomath Blvd. It's nice b/c I have great access to the multi-use path until I feel more confident on the road. Although here with all the bike lanes and people so used to seeing cyclists, I don't worry too much about the drivers, it's more likely that I'll do something stupid!

    Did you know that ORC at OSU is offering a bike maintenance and repair course next week? I'm signed up, and I hope they don't cancel - I was the only one when I called, and they have a minimum of 3. I don't know if you'd be interested...but thought I'd pass that along.

    Do you go on any of the cycling club rides? They're all too long for me still, but it might be good for you.

    It's funny, last night when I was riding, another woman riding by herself passed me going the other way on the Midge Cramer bike path. I wondered if it was possibly you!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Corvallis, OR (aka"Bike Central")
    Yes, Corvallis is Bike Central and if you can't deal with cyclists then don't move here!!! LOL!!!!!! It is nice though that the cars here will actually look out for us and those that don't, well.........they can just go jump off a cliff somewhere..*lol* ^^

    I did not know that OSU was having any kind of class like that next week.....Unfortunately, even if I'd want to go I don't really have a really good way of getting there. Yeah I could ride my bike but with my health being the way it is right now, that far would kill me I think. And there's no money for gas either as no one in my house hold has a job; can't find or get one. But that class does sound bennificial! ^^

    And no I'm not a part of any club rides as I needed to have a road bike before I could really tackle riding with larger groups....a mountain bike wouldn't cut it; I'd get left in the dust. But now that I have a road bike I could probably do club rides.

    Nope, it wasn't me you saw. ~mischievous grin~ I don't ride into town that far because of my mountain bike, it's too much of a pain....I ride out indipendance hwy and or out on hwy 20 into town then back home along 99W. So I'm no where's near you...

    And I stick out like a sore thum anyway....you really can't miss me as I'm like the only "serious" black female cyclist on the road.....all the others don't have the clothes and are just doing it for leisure. ^^ My bike is black with a little bit of red, and my outfit is simple; black cannari shorts and sky blue cannari sleevless jersey.....Sometimes I just wear my shorts and pink sports bra.....and when it's really hot out, I just go in my lime green bikini! *lol* Cars really pay attention to me then and give me nice births. *giggles* Hmm, wonder why???

    Riding a bike takes an amount of certain skill....but riding a bike and not falling off takes true talent.

    ~chick on a bike

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Well I know you're supposed to wear bright colors for safety...but a lime green bikini I would not have thought of. Of course, you'd never catch me in a bikini, but that's a whole 'nuther story!

    Congrats on the getting the road bike, you'll have a blast! I'm sure they'll repeat the class at OSU either during the year or next summer, maybe by then you'll be able to take it. It sure is inconvenient when life interferes with cycling

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I am a firefighter that lives near Albany, so the times I can meet up and ride are varied but flexible. Please drop me a line if you are interested in riding with me and another lady who works at a gym in Albany.
    Stay safe!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Corvallis, OR (aka"Bike Central")
    Hi Bug! ^^

    So, how far do you ride and what type of riding do you do??? And how fast do you go?? I don't know how fast I move on my mtn bike but I seem to move pretty well (and that's on the road; my road bike isn't ready to ride yet ), I'm usually down in the hardest gear-half the time looking for more resistance....and it's a 21 speed if that helps to give you a better idea. * he he* And what about this other lady that you mentioned......

    Riding a bike takes an amount of certain skill....but riding a bike and not falling off takes true talent.

    ~chick on a bike

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hey, I'm in Corvy too! I just got done with working summer camp so I have a wide variety of amusing songs to sing while riding...erm on second thought, I'd probably get hit in the head with a brick for doing that...

    I stick to roads on my bicycle (always happy to hike off the roads, but I have not the bike nor the balance for mnt biking)

    I've thought about riding with the local bike club, but fear I'm just not fast enough, anyone familiar with them here? As for local bike shops, I think they all suck...then again absolutely none of them are very useful to tourers. (Cyclery is the only place in town that even carries front racks *but* they tried selling me three different racks that didn't fit my perfectly standard Fuji Touring and I landed up finding my rack at a garage sale instead). One of the shops in town even tried to convince me that a carbon fibre fork would be great for heavily-loaded touring......

    I mostly cruise around town and go for rides that everyone I know thinks are insanely long, but experienced cyclists would find laughable lol. I usually ride about 10-15 mph depending on whether I'm riding alone or struggling to keep up with my boyfriend.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Corvallis, OR (aka"Bike Central")
    So.......roughingit......~evil grin~

    Where about's in Corvallis are you??? ~big evil grin~

    I don't know how fast I go and I don't know how much fun I'll be to ride with as right now I have a mtn bike for the road (my "new" roadie isn't quite finished yet as my bf still has some stuff to do on it), but I can still hold my own on the road.

    How far do you ride when you go??? i usually go about 13 to 14 miles (although for the past week and a half I haven't been riding due to sudden health problems and diet change ~just found out I'm gluton intolerant and have celaic desease-kinda the same~ so my energy level has been iffy. I could probably do just fine for keeping up at 10-15 mph at this point! *lol* My luck with health lately has totaly sucked!

    But anyway, enough about me, what about you???? Oh and I doin't think you'd get hit upside the head or hit with a brick for singing! ~winks~ *lol*

    Riding a bike takes an amount of certain skill....but riding a bike and not falling off takes true talent.

    ~chick on a bike

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Hmmmm....well yesturday I rode about 20 miles with at least 50 pounds of stuff during the heat of the day, but that was an extrodinary circumstance (coming home from camp for the final time with all my stuff). I'm normally much more prudent so a nice ten or fifteen mile ride sounds quite nice about now. Tis much too hot to be inside this week, at least on bikes we can pretend there is a breeze.

    I just got this bike in the beginning of summer, but due to the lack of paved surfaces to ride on around camp, I haven't gotten much practice shifting so it's not highly likely that I would zoom off on you. My last bike was a hybrid, so I haven't gotten the hang of shifting down yet. (I tried to attack Wren Hill in my middle chainring )

    Right now I am crashing up in the Winco area, but I'm actively looking for a place to live. I have an interview tomorrow with some gals that live near campus. If that falls through, then I'll be checking out the cheapy places on Circle. No point in paying rent while I was in camp. I'm surprised at the number of vacancies open though, so it looks like it shouldn't be too hard.

    I'm totally up for a ride later in the week. I'll probably be heading for Salem this weekend to get my brakehoods adjusted somewhere where I can reach them properly, so I'm sticking to the flats or at least places where the big hills don't have stoplights at the bottom of them.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hi Lonely chick!
    Sorry for the delay ... work has been kicking my tooshie for the past few days. I ride anywhere from 23 - 200 miles. Shorter rides I average 18 -21, depending on those darn Willamette Valley winds! BUT THAT DOES NOT MATTER!!! Riding is meant to be fun and good company is hard to find. I would be honored to come over and ride around with you and will patiently wait until you have your bike up and rolling. My friend is the same pace.
    Stay safe!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Corvallis, OR (aka"Bike Central")
    Quote Originally Posted by Bug
    Hi Lonely chick!
    Sorry for the delay ... work has been kicking my tooshie for the past few days. I ride anywhere from 23 - 200 miles. Shorter rides I average 18 -21, depending on those darn Willamette Valley winds! BUT THAT DOES NOT MATTER!!! Riding is meant to be fun and good company is hard to find. I would be honored to come over and ride around with you and will patiently wait until you have your bike up and rolling. My friend is the same pace.
    Stay safe!

    Hey Bug!! ^^

    Sorry I've been delaying you with a response! My head has not been together for the past week it seems; just can't get my butt in gear, or do much with e-mail it seems. So, I'm writing now and that's what matters. ^^ *giggles*

    Well if you'd like to ride with me at some point, I'd love it! ^^ I don't have a whole huge abundance of friends or for that matter, many that even ride bikes, so hooking up with a riding buddy is always welcome. Here's my e-mail address too if you'd like it. tgqroyal_enchantress@yahoo.com

    For the past week and now on into this week (due to complications of the bf's car being in the shop) I've been up here in Hillsburo and haven't been home to Corvallis yet. But this week I'm planning on going back (have to as I need more meds; I'm running out! ); either Tuesday or Friday.... The weekend will probably be already spoken for is my guess...but next week, I'll probably be open to maybe do some riding...given I can get in some practice time on my ornery road bike. *giggles* I keep you posted as to what I'm doing on my end.

    Riding a bike takes an amount of certain skill....but riding a bike and not falling off takes true talent.

    ~chick on a bike



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