So, I was riding the C&O the other day between Point of Rocks and Brunswick. For the past several years, there's been restoration work going on at the Catoctin Aqueduct, with signs about their need for donations to complete the work. For the first time, I noticed that they've got an "Adopt a Stone" program going on.

Stone adoptions begin at $125. Would anyone be interested in going in on this with me? The C&O is such an awesome place to ride (as certain TE ladies besides me know ) and the restoration of the Monocacy Aqueduct turned out so well, it'd be terrific to see another section restored as well. If a few of us chipped in together it'd be fairly cheap. Anyone else wanna see this iron monstrosity replaced by an open stone bridge supported by elegant arches?

And, of course, I have to add the obligatory bike shot