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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Vancouver, BC

    Good Translink (Vancouver transit) supervisors

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    I am somewhat pleased to report this. The event was terrible but the outcome (so far) is reassuring (in a way).

    Just before moving four months ago I was on an evening ride, but it was far from dark. Still, I had a few blinkies on, and reasonably reflective clothing on. To make a long story - that happened in only seconds - short, I was going downhill at about 50 kph (in a 50 kph zone) when I was honked at and immediately after passed on the RIGHT by a bend bus that forced me into the incoming traffic lane. I almost fell under the rear wheels of the bus as I tried to get back into the right lane, realizing just in time that the bus was a DOUBLE. Thankfully there were no incoming cars and I survived to tell the tale.

    This is on a stretch of road where there are actual bicycles painted on the pavement indicating that cyclists have to take the lane on the downhill. I was following the "instructions" very carefully. The bus driver didn't think that was the right thing to do...

    I was really shaken but so MAD. I kept repeating out loud the plate number of the bus (in French!), and sent myself a text message with the main incident details immediately after. I chose not to confront the bus driver although I easily could have boarded the bus at the next stop. I cycled home and typed a detailed report. I had wanted to go directly to the police but I had no time to spend at that, with the move and everything.

    I only sent that report two weeks ago, after talking to a girl I know who works for the transit company. She gave me the contact info for that bus line's supervisor. I sent him my report and waited.

    He actually responded pretty quickly, telling me that another guy who's the immediate boss of the driver would get back to me. The "other guy" called me yesterday. He was very nice, very diplomatic, and thanked me for my detailed report, which would assist him in his "conversation" with the driver. He actually apologized on the behalf of the transit company, and noted that he thought the incident was very serious. And he thanked me again.

    It felt good to know that this kind of complaint does make its way through sometimes, and that someone cares. I feel that the man I spoke to is a fairly smart guy and that he might find a way to "sensitize" the driver to the rules of the road without making the driver more of a cyclist-hater.

    I have ridden a lot along buses in Vancouver and this was the only major incident I've ever had. They are quite good in general. Perhaps it doesn't hurt that the people above care, too.

    Anyway, I just wanted to share this, and encourage you all to speak up when needed. (And to practice memorizing license plate numbers.)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Looking at all the love there that's sleeping
    Glad to hear that they responded well....as they should.
    I was at a meeting yesterday with the chief engineer for a major construction project in our downtown area (they are re-designing the bus/Metro/transportation terminal). He recounted a tale in which he was walking - appropriately - across a crosswalk and was nearly run down by a city bus (busses are notorious for agressive behavior in this one area - totally understandable, given what they are expected to accomplish there, but at the same time.....). The guy quickly whipped out his BlackBerry and fired off an email to the bus company, giving the time and bus number in the incident. He also was happy with the rapid response from the company. They take these kind of incidents very seriously.
    So, yeah +1 on speaking up.
    2007 Seven ID8 - Bontrager InForm
    2003 Klein Palomino - Terry Firefly (?)
    2010 Seven Cafe Racer - Bontrager InForm
    2008 Cervelo P2C - Adamo Prologue Saddle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Western Canada-prairies, mountain & ocean
    Glad that you survived to tell the story, Grog.

    Creepy, bus driver passed you on your right..
    Translink does have a full time manager who works exclusively on cycling matters. It's Gavin Davidson. Yes we know him...
    he's right here on the front cover (photo with his kid daugher sticking out her tongue).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    behind the white pine tree
    Glad to hear you lived to tell the tale.
    I had a similar incident with a Translink driver (on the North Shore), did what you did (repeated the bus number over and over in my head) and sent an email to the company.

    I heard back from the supervisor within a couple of days who apologized, said he would speak to the driver etc.

    I've been a year-round bike commuter in Vancouver for 2 years and have had only one bad experience with a bus. (wish i could say the same for other vehicles)

    The outcome / customer service experience left me feeling optimistic and hopeful about speaking up.



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