Okay, I am going to try to ask my question without sounding too stupid. I currently have the stock set up on my Cannondale, 30/39/50 with 12-25 rear. I read about some of you running mountain or touring set ups on your bikes. I really like climbing rides but I am not strong and they often suck the life out of me after only a few miles. I do not anticipate ever having enough hours in the day to train to get better, so I need to make life a *little* easier.

What is needed to make an easier set up for the steep hill country? Do I have to change everything (shifters, deraileur, cassette) or can I just change the cassette? Also will I be giving up the ability to go fast on the descents, I already run out of gears?

And just in case I didn't get the information right, this is my bike: