
I do the steam thing, minus the eucalyptus, I'll try that next time. I'm sure there will be a "next time".

The garlic thing I intuited cause I crave Chinese Hot and Sour Chicken Soup. I'll try the head of...oops clove of garlic thing.

I read somewhere that if the cold is in your head it's ok to ride if otherwhise capable. If it's neck down it's time to sit and watch TDF re-runs and drink tea and chicken soup.

I feel much better now, so all those with this creeping krud it does get better. I went to the dojo yesterday and did an hour and a half class, trained hard, the Saturday class is not hard physicly but I pushed myself. After class Brett, one of the senior black belts wanted to work on some stuff so I stayed another half hour. I was tired afterward but the good type o' tired, glad to be on the way back.