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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Central Texas

    Uneven hips/new leg length discrepency

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    I noticed about a month ago when I was on my bike that the seat felt too low - I hadn't changed it since the fitting so I thought it was a little weird. Well, I started to play with the seat height and was raising it up, when after a few small raises I noticed that my right leg was almost completely extended at the downstroke, where I still needed to increase the height for my left leg. Well, I lowered the seat back to where it was at originally and continued to ride. I have also noticed this at other times, on the spin bike and when I'm on my horse - with all of these the right leg is further extended (ie shorter) than the left. I have never had this problem before; it is definatley new.

    It does not hurt or seem to affect my riding or running, that I can tell. I started working on stretching my hips out and noticed that I have slightly decreased range of motion in my right hip (this is relative - as the guy I get a massage from says, it is immediately obvious that I am a dancer as my hips go in ways they really aren't meant to go and I have more flexibility than most. He also noticed the stiffness in my right hip). After stretching it, I have a weird feeling in the groin aspect on the right side, almost like it feels a little weak - doesn't hurt, and goes away within 12 - 24 hours.

    Does anybody, esp the PTs here, have any ideas on what could be causing this or how to correct it before it becomes a problem. I'm open to all ideas!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Shelbyville, KY
    I have had this problem as well and sought the help of a chiropractor. They were able to get my hips/legs back in proper alignment.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I would go see an orthopedic doc. I thinking they would do a leg length series xray, standing barefoot. It will show if your legs are actually different lengths or if your pelvis is tilted to one side as a result of a spine or muscular issue. If it is a spine problem, they will probably do a scoliosis series to measure and track your entire spine and all of its angles. Then you go from there. A chiro is a good option and I've used them myself, but without having xrays to determine what is truly causing this, you could really get hurt. You seem to have had a major shift somewhere and that should never be taken lightly. Good luck.
    Oh, that's gonna bruise...
    Only the suppressed word is dangerous. ~Ludwig Börne

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Columbia River Gorge
    I would agree with what everyone has said so far.

    It sounds like a problem with balance in your pelvis. A manual theapy trained PT or a chiro could help. There are lots of great exercises you could do. I'll try to post more when I have time tomorrow.
    Living life like there's no tomorrow.


    2007 Look Dura Ace
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Eastern Indiana
    Quote Originally Posted by Xrayted View Post
    I would go see an orthopedic doc. I thinking they would do a leg length series xray, standing barefoot. It will show if your legs are actually different lengths or if your pelvis is tilted to one side as a result of a spine or muscular issue. If it is a spine problem, they will probably do a scoliosis series to measure and track your entire spine and all of its angles. Then you go from there. A chiro is a good option and I've used them myself, but without having xrays to determine what is truly causing this, you could really get hurt. You seem to have had a major shift somewhere and that should never be taken lightly. Good luck.
    +1 perfect.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Concord, MA
    I have the same thing on my left side. It's from untreated scoliosis (wasn't discovered until I was 16 and fully grown). It never bothered me until I started cycling. I have a shim under the cleat in my left shoe, which helps some of the difference. And yes, I have a lot of groin issues, which my PT has shown me lots of stretches for.
    It's very annoying, but the stretching does help.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Between the Blue Ridge and the Chesapeake Bay
    One of my legs is longer than the other, and I have had hip problems. A chiropractor really helped me out, and suggested pilates to stretch and strengthen my core (to better hold my spine and hips). Both have helped tremendously.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Btchance, I wonder if you've ever had a previous hip or groin injury? I had a really bad groin pull about 5 years ago. My biomechanics never seemed right after that (probably didn't help that i never saw a doc). I'm pretty sure that it healed badly. What you describe about decreased range of motion and general tightness on that side on that side of you hip is the same for me. I never really thought about leg length discrepancy at that time.

    I started getting into running over the last year, but have had IT band issues, likely due to my messed up biomechanics. Long story short: I started stretching more about a month ago and managed to re-injure my old adductor injury (simply by over stretching) . It's finally better, but it definitely seems like my injured leg is shorter now, or more likely my pelvis is tilted so it seems like it. I don't really have any advice for you, but I sympathize.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Central Texas
    Thanks for everything girls. I will try to get my butt to the sports med doc here in the next couple of weeks to get it checked out. Weird thing was, when I biked this weekend it did not feel as off as it had, but still a bit. We'll see.



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