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Thread: Dear So and So

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Bayside, New York
    Dear Rollerblader-girl who wears Victoria's Secret "I love Pink" sweat suit, next time you go rollerblading in the park please lower the volume on your Ipod. You see that this park has a lot of people on their bikes, runners, walkers, kids. Why listen to music so loud that you can't hear when someone passing you yells out "On your left"?? So what do you decide to do? - swing right in front of me and then when I hit your rollerblades with my front wheel you don't even realize what happen. Maybe if you could hear someone behind you then you would not ride in zig zags and actually maintain your line? Maybe not...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Orlando, FL
    Dear collegiate faculty and staff (particularly faculty),
    I know you signed up for a certain # of meals and that they expired on May 1 but do NOT get pissed with me b/c you decided not to read the contract! Yes you lost money or meals when the expiration date occured, but do not blame me for it, especially when you signed months in advance, giving you plenty of time to eat said # of meals. You are supposed to have a degree in higher education, I would expect you to be able to read, especially read before you sign a contract. But, maybe I'm asking for too much. Just get off of mine and my coworkers backs b/c you were too lazy to read 2 simple paragraphs.

  3. #3
    Kitsune06 Guest
    Dear Missymaya:
    Mah spoon is too big!

    Dear L
    You've been incredibly cool and supportive the past seven months. You told me this morning that God never closes a door without opening a window. You told me earlier that everything in the universe happens for a reason. Someone told me last night, that had I not gotten this job with you, I never would have, through the twisting path of circumstance, met her. There are people I love whom I would have never known, people who were hurtful whom I would have never been able to leave. You've been a guide, an inspiration and a mentor. I wish I knew how you manage such an overwhelmingly positive outlook despite setbacks and stress. Everyone has a gift, and I think those- your incredible humanity and kindness- are yours. Thank you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Seattle, WA
    Dear person in my pole dancing class,

    There are times it takes nerve to take this class. I realize you are much younger and apparently run marathons in record time (according to you), easily do things requiring arm/ab strength, and don't appear to have time constraints put upon you by working. There are times I struggle because I am the oldest one in class, am definitely the least flexible, and am working to getting back into the shape I was in before moving to Washington.

    Imagine my surprise when I saw your Seven bike as I was going into class yesterday. I didn't know you cycled! I asked you questions about components (you didn't know what you had), gear sizes (ditto on not knowing) and you were able to deflect all by announcing that the bike was built for YOU!!! I asked you about hill climbing which has been my nemesis this year as I am getting into shape and I noticed you had a double with a fairly small cassette in the back. You said you had no problems at all with hills and the bike flies up them.

    All of that is ok until you said loudly, with other people around and in a patronizing tone, "it's ok, you will climb hills better as you start to lose weight".

    I don't know if you realize it but I'm pretty much the same size I was when I was working out a lot. I also don't know if you realize that I probably have a longer riding history than you do. And maybe you don't realize that I know I need to get back into shape which is why I'm riding 100+ miles a week, and have also started running, and am doing things like taking pole dancing class.

    It was all I could do to stay in class. In a group where you are a bit vulnerable due to the nature of the class, I think your comment was unwarranted and uncalled for.

    Oh and fellow classmate? Not that I'm spiteful but when I tearfully told DH what had happened, I gave him a brief description of you. He remembered seeing you from the one time he dropped me off at class two months ago. He said at the time that you looked like a high maintenance b&*^% and that is why he remembered seeing you. It doesn't make it all better but it goes to show that there are people who see you for what you are.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    MD suburb of Washington, DC
    Dear TE ladies:

    Thank you for being so civilized. There's a new "Dear So and So" thread over at Bikeforums.net, and it quickly degenerated into sophomoric sex-related posts. I'm so glad that we're not like that.


  6. #6
    Kitsune06 Guest
    Dear Bikeforums Dear So and So thread:
    Finally! A place where I could let my inner 13 year old out to play!
    ...and yet...
    the realization that I should have to go somewhere special to be a crass dork feels too similar to kindly getting up and leaving the room to pass gas.

    *sigh* Again I am encouraged by my inner adult to confine my inner 13 year old to her room until she can play nice with others.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Orlando, FL
    Dear Kitsuneo6:
    ~ I'm a banana

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    pacific NW
    Dear kind ladies near the end of the line at the post office,
    thank you for defending me when the harpie behind me accused me of cutting in line when I returned to the counter (as I had been told to do) with my customs slip. I hadn't cut in line and her five minute harrangue about how, "if we were in Mexico, you'd be shot!" was really quite upsetting. Being heckled by others in line saying, "I've got the gun! I've got my knife, etc..." was also very upsetting. But then, I'm such a delicate flower ... Thanks for shutting them all up with your cheery, "have a nice day! " as I slunk away in shame, even though I hadn't done anything wrong.



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